from . import nodes import gtk class PuzzlePalette(gtk.VBox): """PuzzlePalette has buttons for adding nodes to function tree.""" def __init__(self, app, display): """Create a palette of nodes to use in making funtions. Parameters ========== :display: PuzzleDisplay that contains the function tree. """ gtk.VBox.__init__(self, spacing=8) = app self._display = display # make buttons for operators isfirstcategory = True for title, category in nodes.CATEGORIES: # create label for title titlelabel = gtk.Label("%s" % title) titlelabel.set_use_markup(True) self.pack_start(titlelabel) # add nodes to category palette for node in category: nodebox = gtk.HBox() # create button with node image # (also, create a vbox, so its not stretched out) imagevbox = gtk.VBox() nodeimage = gtk.Image() nodeimage.set_from_pixbuf(node.background) nodebutton = gtk.Button() nodebutton.add(nodeimage) imagevbox.pack_start(nodebutton, expand=False, fill=False) nodebox.pack_start(imagevbox, expand=False) # add labels for title and description descrbox = gtk.VBox() # title (align left) nodetitlelabel = gtk.Label(node.title) nodetitlelabel.set_alignment(0.02, 0.0) descrbox.pack_start(nodetitlelabel, padding=1) # (optional) parameters for node parameterfetchers = [] totalparameters = len(node.parameters) if totalparameters != 0: paramtable = gtk.Table(totalparameters, 2) descrbox.pack_start(paramtable) for row, paramvalue in enumerate(node.parameters): paramtitle, paramclass, paramvalue = paramvalue # parameter title label paramlabel = gtk.Label(paramtitle) paramtable.attach(paramlabel, 0, 1, row, row + 1) # parameter input paraminput = paramclass() paramtable.attach(paraminput, 1, 2, row, row + 1) # add method to get parameter to parameterfetchers parameterfetchers.append((paramvalue, paraminput)) # description (align mostly left) descrlabel = gtk.Label(node.description) descrlabel.set_line_wrap(True) descrlabel.set_alignment(0.1, 0.0) descrbox.pack_start(descrlabel) nodebox.pack_start(descrbox) # connect click event to add node nodebutton.connect("clicked", self.on_add_event, node, *parameterfetchers) self.pack_start(nodebox, padding=1) def addnode(self, node): """Adds node to display.""" def action(): # add node and hide palette if no more nodes can be added self._display.addnode(node) if self._display.nextnode is None: self.hide() def inverse(): self._display.undo() self.show_all(), inverse) # actually add the node action() def on_add_event(self, widget, nodeclass, *args): """Adds node of type nodeclass to display.""" self.addnode(nodeclass(*[v(p) for v, p in args]))