#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2005-2009 Zuza Software Foundation # # This file is part of the Translate Toolkit. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . """Module for handling XLIFF files for translation. The official recommendation is to use the extention .xlf for XLIFF files. """ from lxml import etree from translate.misc.multistring import multistring from translate.misc.xml_helpers import * from translate.storage import base, lisa from translate.storage.lisa import getXMLspace from translate.storage.placeables.lisa import xml_to_strelem, strelem_to_xml # TODO: handle translation types class xliffunit(lisa.LISAunit): """A single term in the xliff file.""" rootNode = "trans-unit" languageNode = "source" textNode = "" namespace = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1' _default_xml_space = "default" #TODO: id and all the trans-unit level stuff def __init__(self, source, empty=False, **kwargs): """Override the constructor to set xml:space="preserve".""" if empty: return super(xliffunit, self).__init__(source, empty, **kwargs) lisa.setXMLspace(self.xmlelement, "preserve") def createlanguageNode(self, lang, text, purpose): """Returns an xml Element setup with given parameters.""" #TODO: for now we do source, but we have to test if it is target, perhaps # with parameter. Alternatively, we can use lang, if supplied, since an xliff #file has to conform to the bilingual nature promised by the header. assert purpose langset = etree.Element(self.namespaced(purpose)) #TODO: check language # lisa.setXMLlang(langset, lang) # self.createPHnodes(langset, text) langset.text = text return langset def getlanguageNodes(self): """We override this to get source and target nodes.""" source = None target = None nodes = [] try: source = self.xmlelement.iterchildren(self.namespaced(self.languageNode)).next() target = self.xmlelement.iterchildren(self.namespaced('target')).next() nodes = [source, target] except StopIteration: if source is not None: nodes.append(source) if not target is None: nodes.append(target) return nodes def set_rich_source(self, value, sourcelang='en'): sourcelanguageNode = self.get_source_dom() if sourcelanguageNode is None: sourcelanguageNode = self.createlanguageNode(sourcelang, u'', "source") self.set_source_dom(sourcelanguageNode) # Clear sourcelanguageNode first for i in range(len(sourcelanguageNode)): del sourcelanguageNode[0] sourcelanguageNode.text = None strelem_to_xml(sourcelanguageNode, value[0]) def get_rich_source(self): #rsrc = xml_to_strelem(self.source_dom) #logging.debug('rich source: %s' % (repr(rsrc))) #from dubulib.debug.misc import print_stack_funcs #print_stack_funcs() return [xml_to_strelem(self.source_dom, getXMLspace(self.xmlelement, self._default_xml_space))] rich_source = property(get_rich_source, set_rich_source) def set_rich_target(self, value, lang='xx', append=False): if value is None: self.set_target_dom(self.createlanguageNode(lang, u'', "target")) return languageNode = self.get_target_dom() if languageNode is None: languageNode = self.createlanguageNode(lang, u'', "target") self.set_target_dom(languageNode, append) # Clear languageNode first for i in range(len(languageNode)): del languageNode[0] languageNode.text = None strelem_to_xml(languageNode, value[0]) def get_rich_target(self, lang=None): """retrieves the "target" text (second entry), or the entry in the specified language, if it exists""" return [xml_to_strelem(self.get_target_dom(lang), getXMLspace(self.xmlelement, self._default_xml_space))] rich_target = property(get_rich_target, set_rich_target) def addalttrans(self, txt, origin=None, lang=None, sourcetxt=None, matchquality=None): """Adds an alt-trans tag and alt-trans components to the unit. @type txt: String @param txt: Alternative translation of the source text. """ #TODO: support adding a source tag ad match quality attribute. At # the source tag is needed to inject fuzzy matches from a TM. if isinstance(txt, str): txt = txt.decode("utf-8") alttrans = etree.SubElement(self.xmlelement, self.namespaced("alt-trans")) lisa.setXMLspace(alttrans, "preserve") if sourcetxt: if isinstance(sourcetxt, str): sourcetxt = sourcetxt.decode("utf-8") altsource = etree.SubElement(alttrans, self.namespaced("source")) altsource.text = sourcetxt alttarget = etree.SubElement(alttrans, self.namespaced("target")) alttarget.text = txt if matchquality: alttrans.set("match-quality", matchquality) if origin: alttrans.set("origin", origin) if lang: lisa.setXMLlang(alttrans, lang) def getalttrans(self, origin=None): """Returns for the given origin as a list of units. No origin means all alternatives.""" translist = [] for node in self.xmlelement.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("alt-trans")): if self.correctorigin(node, origin): # We build some mini units that keep the xmlelement. This # makes it easier to delete it if it is passed back to us. newunit = base.TranslationUnit(self.source) # the source tag is optional sourcenode = node.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("source")) try: newunit.source = lisa.getText(sourcenode.next(), getXMLspace(node, self._default_xml_space)) except StopIteration: pass # must have one or more targets targetnode = node.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("target")) newunit.target = lisa.getText(targetnode.next(), getXMLspace(node, self._default_xml_space)) #TODO: support multiple targets better #TODO: support notes in alt-trans newunit.xmlelement = node translist.append(newunit) return translist def delalttrans(self, alternative): """Removes the supplied alternative from the list of alt-trans tags""" self.xmlelement.remove(alternative.xmlelement) def addnote(self, text, origin=None): """Add a note specifically in a "note" tag""" if isinstance(text, str): text = text.decode("utf-8") note = etree.SubElement(self.xmlelement, self.namespaced("note")) note.text = text.strip() if origin: note.set("from", origin) def getnotelist(self, origin=None): """Private method that returns the text from notes matching 'origin' or all notes.""" notenodes = self.xmlelement.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("note")) # TODO: consider using xpath to construct initial_list directly # or to simply get the correct text from the outset (just remember to # check for duplication. initial_list = [lisa.getText(note, getXMLspace(self.xmlelement, self._default_xml_space)) for note in notenodes if self.correctorigin(note, origin)] # Remove duplicate entries from list: dictset = {} notelist = [dictset.setdefault(note, note) for note in initial_list if note not in dictset] return notelist def getnotes(self, origin=None): return '\n'.join(self.getnotelist(origin=origin)) def removenotes(self, origin="translator"): """Remove all the translator notes.""" notes = self.xmlelement.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("note")) for note in notes: if self.correctorigin(note, origin=origin): self.xmlelement.remove(note) def adderror(self, errorname, errortext): """Adds an error message to this unit.""" #TODO: consider factoring out: some duplication between XLIFF and TMX text = errorname + ': ' + errortext self.addnote(text, origin="pofilter") def geterrors(self): """Get all error messages.""" #TODO: consider factoring out: some duplication between XLIFF and TMX notelist = self.getnotelist(origin="pofilter") errordict = {} for note in notelist: errorname, errortext = note.split(': ') errordict[errorname] = errortext return errordict def isapproved(self): """States whether this unit is approved.""" return self.xmlelement.get("approved") == "yes" def markapproved(self, value=True): """Mark this unit as approved.""" if value: self.xmlelement.set("approved", "yes") elif self.isapproved(): self.xmlelement.set("approved", "no") def isreview(self): """States whether this unit needs to be reviewed""" targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) return not targetnode is None and \ "needs-review" in targetnode.get("state", "") def markreviewneeded(self, needsreview=True, explanation=None): """Marks the unit to indicate whether it needs review. Adds an optional explanation as a note.""" targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) if not targetnode is None: if needsreview: targetnode.set("state", "needs-review-translation") if explanation: self.addnote(explanation, origin="translator") else: del targetnode.attrib["state"] def isfuzzy(self): # targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) # return not targetnode is None and \ # (targetnode.get("state-qualifier") == "fuzzy-match" or \ # targetnode.get("state") == "needs-review-translation") return not self.isapproved() def markfuzzy(self, value=True): if value: self.markapproved(False) else: self.markapproved(True) targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) if not targetnode is None: if value: targetnode.set("state", "needs-review-translation") else: for attribute in ["state", "state-qualifier"]: if attribute in targetnode.attrib: del targetnode.attrib[attribute] def settarget(self, text, lang='xx', append=False): """Sets the target string to the given value.""" super(xliffunit, self).settarget(text, lang, append) if text: self.marktranslated() # This code is commented while this will almost always return false. # This way pocount, etc. works well. # def istranslated(self): # targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) # return not targetnode is None and \ # (targetnode.get("state") == "translated") def istranslatable(self): value = self.xmlelement.get("translate") if value and value.lower() == 'no': return False return True def marktranslated(self): targetnode = self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1) if targetnode is None: return if self.isfuzzy() and "state-qualifier" in targetnode.attrib: #TODO: consider del targetnode.attrib["state-qualifier"] targetnode.set("state", "translated") def setid(self, id): self.xmlelement.set("id", id) def getid(self): return self.xmlelement.get("id") or "" def addlocation(self, location): self.setid(location) def getlocations(self): return [self.getid()] def createcontextgroup(self, name, contexts=None, purpose=None): """Add the context group to the trans-unit with contexts a list with (type, text) tuples describing each context.""" assert contexts group = etree.Element(self.namespaced("context-group")) # context-group tags must appear at the start within # tags. Otherwise it must be appended to the end of a group # of tags. if self.xmlelement.tag == self.namespaced("group"): self.xmlelement.insert(0, group) else: self.xmlelement.append(group) group.set("name", name) if purpose: group.set("purpose", purpose) for type, text in contexts: if isinstance(text, str): text = text.decode("utf-8") context = etree.SubElement(group, self.namespaced("context")) context.text = text context.set("context-type", type) def getcontextgroups(self, name): """Returns the contexts in the context groups with the specified name""" groups = [] grouptags = self.xmlelement.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("context-group")) #TODO: conbine name in query for group in grouptags: if group.get("name") == name: contexts = group.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("context")) pairs = [] for context in contexts: pairs.append((context.get("context-type"), lisa.getText(context, getXMLspace(self.xmlelement, self._default_xml_space)))) groups.append(pairs) #not extend return groups def getrestype(self): """returns the restype attribute in the trans-unit tag""" return self.xmlelement.get("restype") def merge(self, otherunit, overwrite=False, comments=True, authoritative=False): #TODO: consider other attributes like "approved" super(xliffunit, self).merge(otherunit, overwrite, comments) if self.target: self.marktranslated() if otherunit.isfuzzy(): self.markfuzzy() elif otherunit.source == self.source: self.markfuzzy(False) if comments: self.addnote(otherunit.getnotes()) def correctorigin(self, node, origin): """Check against node tag's origin (e.g note or alt-trans)""" if origin == None: return True elif origin in node.get("from", ""): return True elif origin in node.get("origin", ""): return True else: return False def multistring_to_rich(self, mstr): """Override L{TranslationUnit.multistring_to_rich} which is used by the C{rich_source} and C{rich_target} properties.""" strings = mstr if isinstance(mstr, multistring): strings = mstr.strings elif isinstance(mstr, basestring): strings = [mstr] return [xml_to_strelem(s) for s in strings] multistring_to_rich = classmethod(multistring_to_rich) def rich_to_multistring(self, elem_list): """Override L{TranslationUnit.rich_to_multistring} which is used by the C{rich_source} and C{rich_target} properties.""" return multistring([unicode(elem) for elem in elem_list]) rich_to_multistring = classmethod(rich_to_multistring) class xlifffile(lisa.LISAfile): """Class representing a XLIFF file store.""" UnitClass = xliffunit Name = _("XLIFF Translation File") Mimetypes = ["application/x-xliff", "application/x-xliff+xml"] Extensions = ["xlf", "xliff"] rootNode = "xliff" bodyNode = "body" XMLskeleton = ''' ''' namespace = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1' suggestions_in_format = True """xliff units have alttrans tags which can be used to store suggestions""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._filename = None lisa.LISAfile.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._messagenum = 0 def initbody(self): self.namespace = self.document.getroot().nsmap.get(None, None) if self._filename: self.body = self.getcontextnode(self._filename) else: self.body = self.document.getroot() filenode = self.document.getroot().iterchildren(self.namespaced('file')).next() sourcelanguage = filenode.get('source-language') if sourcelanguage: self.setsourcelanguage(sourcelanguage) targetlanguage = filenode.get('target-language') if targetlanguage: self.settargetlanguage(targetlanguage) def addheader(self): """Initialise the file header.""" filenode = self.document.getroot().iterchildren(self.namespaced("file")).next() filenode.set("source-language", self.sourcelanguage) if self.targetlanguage: filenode.set("target-language", self.targetlanguage) def createfilenode(self, filename, sourcelanguage=None, targetlanguage=None, datatype='plaintext'): """creates a filenode with the given filename. All parameters are needed for XLIFF compliance.""" self.removedefaultfile() if sourcelanguage is None: sourcelanguage = self.sourcelanguage if targetlanguage is None: targetlanguage = self.targetlanguage filenode = etree.Element(self.namespaced("file")) filenode.set("original", filename) filenode.set("source-language", sourcelanguage) if targetlanguage: filenode.set("target-language", targetlanguage) filenode.set("datatype", datatype) bodyNode = etree.SubElement(filenode, self.namespaced(self.bodyNode)) return filenode def getfilename(self, filenode): """returns the name of the given file""" return filenode.get("original") def setfilename(self, filenode, filename): """set the name of the given file""" return filenode.set("original", filename) def getfilenames(self): """returns all filenames in this XLIFF file""" filenodes = self.document.getroot().iterchildren(self.namespaced("file")) filenames = [self.getfilename(filenode) for filenode in filenodes] filenames = filter(None, filenames) if len(filenames) == 1 and filenames[0] == '': filenames = [] return filenames def getfilenode(self, filename): """finds the filenode with the given name""" filenodes = self.document.getroot().iterchildren(self.namespaced("file")) for filenode in filenodes: if self.getfilename(filenode) == filename: return filenode return None def getdatatype(self, filename=None): """Returns the datatype of the stored file. If no filename is given, the datatype of the first file is given.""" if filename: node = self.getfilenode(filename) if not node is None: return node.get("datatype") else: filenames = self.getfilenames() if len(filenames) > 0 and filenames[0] != "NoName": return self.getdatatype(filenames[0]) return "" def getdate(self, filename=None): """Returns the date attribute for the file. If no filename is given, the date of the first file is given. If the date attribute is not specified, None is returned.""" if filename: node = self.getfilenode(filename) if not node is None: return node.get("date") else: filenames = self.getfilenames() if len(filenames) > 0 and filenames[0] != "NoName": return self.getdate(filenames[0]) return None def removedefaultfile(self): """We want to remove the default file-tag as soon as possible if we know if still present and empty.""" filenodes = list(self.document.getroot().iterchildren(self.namespaced("file"))) if len(filenodes) > 1: for filenode in filenodes: if filenode.get("original") == "NoName" and \ not list(filenode.iterdescendants(self.namespaced(self.UnitClass.rootNode))): self.document.getroot().remove(filenode) break def getheadernode(self, filenode, createifmissing=False): """finds the header node for the given filenode""" # TODO: Deprecated? headernode = filenode.iterchildren(self.namespaced("header")) try: return headernode.next() except StopIteration: pass if not createifmissing: return None headernode = etree.SubElement(filenode, self.namespaced("header")) return headernode def getbodynode(self, filenode, createifmissing=False): """finds the body node for the given filenode""" bodynode = filenode.iterchildren(self.namespaced("body")) try: return bodynode.next() except StopIteration: pass if not createifmissing: return None bodynode = etree.SubElement(filenode, self.namespaced("body")) return bodynode def addsourceunit(self, source, filename="NoName", createifmissing=False): """adds the given trans-unit to the last used body node if the filename has changed it uses the slow method instead (will create the nodes required if asked). Returns success""" if self._filename != filename: if not self.switchfile(filename, createifmissing): return None unit = super(xlifffile, self).addsourceunit(source) self._messagenum += 1 unit.setid("%d" % self._messagenum) return unit def switchfile(self, filename, createifmissing=False): """adds the given trans-unit (will create the nodes required if asked). Returns success""" self._filename = filename filenode = self.getfilenode(filename) if filenode is None: if not createifmissing: return False filenode = self.createfilenode(filename) self.document.getroot().append(filenode) self.body = self.getbodynode(filenode, createifmissing=createifmissing) if self.body is None: return False self._messagenum = len(list(self.body.iterdescendants(self.namespaced("trans-unit")))) #TODO: was 0 based before - consider # messagenum = len(self.units) #TODO: we want to number them consecutively inside a body/file tag #instead of globally in the whole XLIFF file, but using len(self.units) #will be much faster return True def creategroup(self, filename="NoName", createifmissing=False, restype=None): """adds a group tag into the specified file""" if self._filename != filename: if not self.switchfile(filename, createifmissing): return None group = etree.SubElement(self.body, self.namespaced("group")) if restype: group.set("restype", restype) return group def __str__(self): self.removedefaultfile() return super(xlifffile, self).__str__() def parsestring(cls, storestring): """Parses the string to return the correct file object""" xliff = super(xlifffile, cls).parsestring(storestring) if xliff.units: header = xliff.units[0] if ("gettext-domain-header" in (header.getrestype() or "") \ or xliff.getdatatype() == "po") \ and cls.__name__.lower() != "poxlifffile": import poxliff xliff = poxliff.PoXliffFile.parsestring(storestring) return xliff parsestring = classmethod(parsestring)