#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################################# #EzMeNu - A simple module to quickly make menus with PyGame # ############################################################# #Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License # #Created by PyMike # #Some edits by Justin Lewis # #Some edits by Kevin Hockey # ############################################################# import pygame from fortuneengine.DrawableFontObject import DrawableFontObject class EzMenu(): def __init__(self, options, scene): """Initialise the EzMenu! options should be a sequence of lists in the format of [option_name, option_function]""" self.scene = scene self.options = options self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.hx = 0 self.hy = 0 self.centerx = 0 self.centery = 0 self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) self.option = 0 self.width = 1 self.color = [0, 0, 0] self.hcolor = [255, 0, 0] self.height = len(self.options)*self.font.get_height() self.font.set_italic( True ) self.help_text = DrawableFontObject("", self.font) self.font.set_italic( False ) self.font_list = [] self.scene.addObject(self.help_text) for o in self.options: ren = self.font.render( o[0], 1, self.color) self.font_list.append(DrawableFontObject(o[0], self.font)) if self.width < ren.get_width(): self.width = ren.get_width() self.scene.addObjects(self.font_list) def draw(self, surface): """Draw the menu to the surface.""" i=0 help_txt = "" for o in self.options: if i==self.option: clr = self.hcolor help_txt = o[2] else: clr = self.color text = o[0] #ren = self.font.render(text, True, clr) self.font_list[i].changeText(text, clr) self.font_list[i].setPosition( self.x, self.y + i*self.font.get_height() ) #surface.blit(ren, (self.x, self.y + i*self.font.get_height())) i+=1 # Help Text self.help_text.changeText(help_txt, self.color) self.help_text.setPosition(self.hx+5, self.hy) def update(self, event): """Update the menu and get input for the menu.""" return_val = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.option += 1 return_val = True elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.option -= 1 return_val = True elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: self.options[self.option][1]() return_val = True if self.option > len(self.options)-1: self.option = 0 elif self.option < 0: self.option = len(self.options)-1 return return_val def set_pos(self, x, y): """Set the topleft of the menu at x,y""" self.x = x self.y = y def set_font(self, font): """Set the font used for the menu.""" self.font = font def set_highlight_color(self, color): """Set the highlight color""" self.hcolor = color def set_normal_color(self, color): """Set the normal color""" self.color = color def center_at(self, x, y): """Center the center of the menu at x,y""" self.x = x-(self.width/2) self.y = y-(self.height/2) self.centerx = x self.centery = y def help_text_at(self, x, y): self.hx = x self.hy = y def clear_menu(self): for dfo in self.font_list: self.scene.removeObject(dfo) self.scene.removeObject(self.help_text)