import sys, pygame, time pygame.init() size = width, height = 600,400 print "\n\n ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- \nFiltype test - Authors Dave Silverman and Scott Mengel" print "Set size to 1200 x 900 px" speed = [2, 2] black = 255, 255, 255 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) ball = pygame.image.load("1 Button.gif") ballrect = ball.get_rect() i=1 print "Ball Loaded, collision detection ready, Initiating Loop:" # R is the Renewed time # init is the time started # tt is the test time, gathered by adding the previous test time with #the new elapsed time which is test.time()'s difference from init r=0 start = time.time() while 1: # Homemade switcher for the purpose of selecting which img to load switcher = { 1: pygame.image.load("2 Button.gif"), 2: pygame.image.load("3 Button.gif"), 3: pygame.image.load("4 Button.gif"), 4: pygame.image.load("5 Button.gif"), 5: pygame.image.load("6 Button.gif"), 6: pygame.image.load("7 Button.gif"), 7: pygame.image.load("8 Button.gif"), 8: pygame.image.load("9 Button.gif"), 9: pygame.image.load("1 Button.gif") } ball = switcher.get(i,pygame.image.load("1 Button.gif")) #ball = pygame.Surface(rect.size).convert() #ball.blit(self.sheet, (0,0), rect) colorkey = (255, 156, 0) ball.set_colorkey(colorkey, pygame.RLEACCEL) i=i+1 if i>9: i=1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() ballrect = ballrect.move(speed) if ballrect.left < 0 or ballrect.right > width: speed[0] = -speed[0] if < 0 or ballrect.bottom > height: speed[1] = -speed[1] screen.fill(black) screen.blit(ball, ballrect) pygame.display.flip() r=r+1 val=1/((time.time()-start)/r) print val print r if r > 500: sys.exit(0)