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path: root/backend.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend.py')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend.py b/backend.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b019a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+import os
+import sqlite3
+import random
+import sys
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from xmlio import Xmlio
+from path import path
+import subprocess
+import traceback
+global debug_info
+debug_info = True
+Handles pysqlite Interaction: query("SELECT..."), commit("UPDATE...")
+class Question:
+ imgfn = u''
+ sndfn = u''
+ map = u''
+ cat = 0
+ subcat = 0
+ lang = 1 # 1 = English
+ text = u''
+ answer = u''
+ answer_link = ''
+class Database:
+ db_filename = "main.db"
+ cur = '';
+ con = '';
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def query(self, q):
+ dataList = []
+ try:
+ self.cur.execute(q)
+ except:
+ # If DB connection get's lost on Activity-Startup, then Reset
+ print 'query reset=', q
+ self.con = sqlite3.connect(self.db_fn)
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute("-- types unicode")
+ try:
+ self.cur.execute(q)
+ except:
+ print 'execute failed', q
+ data = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #if data:
+ #print 'data', len(data)
+ #else:
+ #print 'data = None'
+ if data: dataList = [list(row) for row in data]
+ #print 'dbmgr return dataList', len(dataList)
+ return dataList
+ def commit(self, q):
+ try:
+ self.cur.execute(q)
+ except:
+ # If DB connection get's lost on Activity-Startup, then Reset
+ print 'execute reset=', q
+ self.con = sqlite3.connect(self.db_fn)
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute("-- types unicode")
+ self.cur.execute(q)
+ try:
+ self.con.commit()
+ except:
+ print 'failure on commit'
+ def load(self, services):
+ # Init DB
+ db = os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(), "data")
+ fullname = os.path.join(db, self.db_filename)
+ self.db_fn = fullname
+ #for testing, remove db
+ #subprocess.call("rm -rf " + fullname, shell=True)
+ if os.path.isfile(fullname):
+ self.con = sqlite3.connect(fullname)
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute("-- types unicode")
+ else:
+ # Check for Database Setup
+ self.con = sqlite3.connect(fullname)
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute("-- types unicode")
+ # Create image, sound folders
+ self.imagepath = os.path.join(db,'image')
+ subprocess.call("mkdir -p " + self.imagepath, shell=True)
+ self.soundpath = os.path.join(db,'sound')
+ subprocess.call("mkdir -p " + self.soundpath, shell=True)
+ # Setup New Database
+ self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE 'categories' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'text' TEXT);")
+ self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE 'questions' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'prompt' TEXT, 'response' TEXT, 'image_fn' TEXT, 'sound_fn' TEXT, 'map' TEXT, 'answer_link' VARCHAR ( 1024 ));")
+ self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE 'Leitner' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'question_id' INT, 'count_found' INT, 'count notfound' INT, 'box' INT, 'time' INT, 'day' INT);")
+ self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE 'catlink' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'parent_id' INT, 'child_id' INT);")
+ self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE 'quizlink' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'quiz_id' INT, 'question_id' INT);")
+ # Add questions, quizzes from builtins
+ self.load_builtins()
+ self.con.commit()
+ print "* database created"
+ if debug_info: print "- database loaded"
+ return True
+ #loads preinstalled quizzes from activity-bundle/imagequiz_library into db
+ def load_builtins(self):
+ self.builtins = path(activity.get_bundle_path()) / 'imagequiz_library'
+ categorypaths = self.builtins.listdir()
+ categories = []
+ for categorypath in categorypaths:
+ categories.append(categorypath.name)
+ categories.sort()
+ for quiz in categories:
+ if not (quiz == 'image' or quiz == 'sound'):
+ #create category entry in db
+ self.cat_id = self.add_cat(path(quiz).namebase)
+ if 'xml' in path(quiz).name:
+ self.add_questions_xml(quiz)
+ else:
+ self.add_questions_csv(quiz)
+ def add_questions_xml(self, quizname):
+ quiztree = Xmlio(path(self.builtins) / quizname)
+ quiz = quiztree.getroot()
+ question = Question()
+ #what we need to do:
+ for card in quiz:
+ question.prompt = card.findtext('question')
+ question.response = card.findtext('answer')
+ if card.find('answer').findtext('image'):
+ question.imgfn = card.find('answer').findtext('image')
+ else:
+ question.imgfn = ""
+ if card.find('question').findtext('sound'):
+ question.sndfn = card.find('question').findtext('sound')
+ else:
+ question.sndfn = ""
+ question.map = ""
+ question.answer_link = ""
+ self.add_question(question)
+ if question.imgfn and len(question.imgfn) > 0:
+ srcpath = path(self.builtins) / 'image' / question.imgfn
+ dstpath = path(self.imagepath) / question.imgfn
+ if srcpath.exists():
+ path.copy(srcpath,dstpath)
+ if question.sndfn and len(question.sndfn) > 0:
+ srcpath = path(self.builtins) / 'sound' / question.sndfn
+ dstpath = path(self.soundpath) / question.sndfn
+ if srcpath.exists():
+ path.copy(srcpath,dstpath)
+ def add_questions_csv(self, quiz):
+ question = Question()
+ csvquiz = open(path(self.builtins) / quiz)
+ csvtext = csvquiz.read()
+ csvquiz.close()
+ questions = csvtext.split(";;;<br>")
+ for q in questions:
+ csv = q.split(";;")
+ if len(csv) < 2:
+ #no more questions
+ return
+ question.prompt = csv[1].replace("'", "")
+ question.response = csv[4].replace("'", "")
+ question.imgfn = "%s" % (csv[0])
+ question.sndfn = ""
+ question.map = csv[2]
+ if len(csv) > 5:
+ question.answer_link = csv[5].replace("'", "")
+ else:
+ question.answer_link = ""
+ self.add_question(question)
+ #copy resources to resource folders
+ if question.imgfn and len(question.imgfn) > 0:
+ srcpath = path(self.builtins) / 'image' / question.imgfn
+ dstpath = path(self.imagepath) / question.imgfn
+ if srcpath.exists():
+ path.copy(srcpath,dstpath)
+ if question.sndfn and len(question.sndfn) > 0:
+ srcpath = path(self.builtins) / 'sound' / question.sndfn
+ dstpath = path(self.soundpath) / question.sndfn
+ if srcpath.exists():
+ path.copy(srcpath,dstpath)
+ def add_cat(self, cat_namebase):
+ # returns new cat_id
+ # Category exists?
+ q = u"SELECT count(*) FROM categories WHERE text='%s'" % (cat_namebase)
+ res = self.query(q)
+ if res[0][0] == 0:
+ # No, insert
+ q = u"INSERT INTO categories (text) VALUES ('%s')" % (cat_namebase)
+ self.commit(q)
+ q = u"SELECT id FROM categories WHERE text='%s'" % (cat_namebase)
+ res = self.query(q)
+ id = res[0][0]
+ return id;
+ def add_question(self, question):
+ if len(question.answer_link) > 0:
+ question.answer_link = question.answer_link.replace("'", '"')
+ # Insert Question
+ q = u'INSERT INTO questions (prompt, response, image_fn, sound_fn, map, answer_link) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")' % (question.prompt, question.response, question.imgfn, question.sndfn, question.map, question.answer_link)
+ self.commit(q)
+ # Get Question_ID of last question inserted
+ question_id = self.cur.lastrowid
+ # Link question to quiz
+ q = u"INSERT INTO quizlink (quiz_id, question_id) VALUES (%i, %i)" % (self.cat_id, question_id)
+ self.commit(q)
+ return True
+Main Game Backend (Kernel)
+class Kernel:
+ services = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def load(self, s):
+ pass
+ def add_service(self, descriptor, function):
+ print "* registering service:",descriptor,
+ self.services.append([descriptor, function])
+ print "... ok"
+ def start_service(self, descriptor, params=False):
+ for s in self.services:
+ if s[0] == descriptor:
+ print "* starting service:",s[0],"(",params,")"
+ try:
+ print s[1](params)
+ except:
+ try:
+ print s[1]()
+ except:
+ print "! starting service %s failed" % s[0]
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def hex2rgb(hex):
+ if hex[0:1] == '#': hex = hex[1:];
+ return (hex2dec(hex[:2]), hex2dec(hex[2:4]), hex2dec(hex[4:6]))
+ Class PluginManager:
+ ====================
+ This class loads the plugins and hooks in the services
+ (Loads all .py files from plugin_dir/ not starting with _)
+ - plugin1.py will be loaded
+ - _plugin1.py will not be loaded
+ Usage:
+ plugger = PluginManager()
+ plugger.load_plugins()
+ plugger.debug()
+def empty(): pass
+class PluginManager:
+ plugins = []
+ plugin_dir = 'plugins'
+ services = ''
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def load(self, services):
+ self.services = services
+ if debug_info: print "- plugger loaded"
+ def load_plugins(self):
+ filenames = os.listdir(self.plugin_dir)
+ for fn in filenames:
+ # All .py files not starting with _
+ if fn[-3:] == '.py' and fn[:1] != '_':
+ # Extract File without Extension
+ plugin_fn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]
+ # Import
+ p = __import__(os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, plugin_fn))
+ self.plugins.append(p)
+ if debug_info:
+ try:
+ print "- plugin import:", p.__PLUGIN_NAME__
+ except:
+ print "no plugin name for ", plugin_fn
+ p.__SERVICES__ = self.services
+ try: p.load()
+ except: traceback.print_exc()
+ def close_plugins(self):
+ for p in self.plugins:
+ try: p.close()
+ except: traceback.print_exc()
+ def debug(self):
+ print "Activated Plugins:"
+ for p in self.plugins:
+ print "-", p.__PLUGIN_NAME__