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path: root/pgu/gui/widget.py
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diff --git a/pgu/gui/widget.py b/pgu/gui/widget.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0a7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgu/gui/widget.py
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+import pygame
+import pguglobals
+import style
+class SignalCallback:
+ # The function to call
+ func = None
+ # The parameters to pass to the function (as a list)
+ params = None
+class Widget:
+ """Template object - base for all widgets.
+ <pre>Widget(**params)</pre>
+ <p>A number of optional params may be passed to the Widget initializer.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>decorate<dd>defaults to True. If true, will call <tt>theme.decorate(self)</tt> to allow the theme a chance to decorate the widget.
+ <dt>style<dd>a dict of style parameters.
+ <dt>x, y, width, height<dd>position and size parameters, passed along to style
+ <dt>align, valign<dd>alignment parameters, passed along to style
+ <dt>font, color, background<dd>other common parameters that are passed along to style
+ <dt>cls<dd>class name as used by Theme
+ <dt>name<dd>name of widget as used by Form. If set, will call <tt>form.add(self,name)</tt> to add the widget to the most recently created Form.
+ <dt>focusable<dd>True if this widget can receive focus via Tab, etc. Defaults to True.
+ <dt>disabled<dd>True of this widget is disabled. Defaults to False.
+ <dt>value<dd>initial value
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example - Creating your own Widget</strong>
+ <p>This example shows which methods are template methods.</p>
+ <code>
+ class Draw(gui.Widget):
+ def paint(self,s):
+ #paint the pygame.Surface
+ return
+ def update(self,s):
+ #update the pygame.Surface and return the update rects
+ return [pygame.Rect(0,0,self.rect.w,self.rect.h)]
+ def event(self,e):
+ #handle the pygame.Event
+ return
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ #return the width and height of this widget
+ return 256,256
+ </code>
+ """
+ def __init__(self,**params):
+ #object.Object.__init__(self)
+ self.connects = {}
+ params.setdefault('decorate',True)
+ params.setdefault('style',{})
+ params.setdefault('focusable',True)
+ params.setdefault('disabled',False)
+ self.focusable = params['focusable']
+ self.disabled = params['disabled']
+ self.rect = pygame.Rect(params.get('x',0),params.get('y',0),params.get('width',0),params.get('height',0))
+ s = params['style']
+ #some of this is a bit "theme-ish" but it is very handy, so these
+ #things don't have to be put directly into the style.
+ for att in ('align','valign','x','y','width','height','color','font','background'):
+ if att in params: s[att] = params[att]
+ self.style = style.Style(self,s)
+ self.cls = 'default'
+ if 'cls' in params: self.cls = params['cls']
+ if 'name' in params:
+ import form
+ self.name = params['name']
+ if hasattr(form.Form,'form') and form.Form.form != None:
+ form.Form.form.add(self)
+ self.form = form.Form.form
+ if 'value' in params: self.value = params['value']
+ self.pcls = ""
+ if params['decorate'] != False:
+ if (not pguglobals.app):
+ # TODO - fix this somehow
+ import app
+ print 'gui.widget: creating an App'
+ app.App()
+ pguglobals.app.theme.decorate(self,params['decorate'])
+ def focus(self):
+ """Focus this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.focus()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None:
+ if self.container.myfocus != self: ## by Gal Koren
+ self.container.focus(self)
+ def blur(self):
+ """Blur this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.blur()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.blur(self)
+ def open(self):
+ """Open this Widget as a modal dialog.
+ <pre>Widget.open()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.open(self)
+ def close(self):
+ """Close this Widget (if it is a modal dialog.)
+ <pre>Widget.close()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.close(self)
+ def resize(self,width=None,height=None):
+ """Template method - return the size and width of this widget.
+ <p>Responsible for also resizing all sub-widgets.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.resize(width,height): return width,height</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>width<dd>suggested width
+ <dt>height<dd>suggested height
+ </dl>
+ <p>If not overridden, will return self.style.width, self.style.height</p>
+ """
+ return self.style.width, self.style.height
+ def chsize(self):
+ """Change the size of this widget.
+ <p>Calling this method will cause a resize on all the widgets,
+ including this one.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.chsize()</pre>
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self,'_painted'): return
+ if not hasattr(self,'container'): return
+ if pguglobals.app:
+ if pguglobals.app._chsize:
+ return
+ pguglobals.app.chsize()
+ return
+ #if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+ # w,h = self.rect.w,self.rect.h
+ # w2,h2 = self.resize()
+ # if w2 != w or h2 != h:
+ # app.App.app.chsize()
+ # else:
+ # self.repaint()
+ def update(self,s):
+ """Template method - update the surface
+ <pre>Widget.update(s): return list of pygame.Rect(s)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s<dd>pygame.Surface to update
+ </dl>
+ <p>return - a list of the updated areas as pygame.Rect(s).</p>
+ """
+ return
+ def paint(self,s):
+ """Template method - paint the surface
+ <pre>Widget.paint(s)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s<dd>pygame.Surface to paint
+ </dl>
+ """
+ return
+ def repaint(self):
+ """Request a repaint of this Widget.
+ <pre>Widget.repaint()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaint(self)
+ def repaintall(self):
+ """Request a repaint of all Widgets.
+ <pre>Widget.repaintall()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.repaintall()
+ def reupdate(self):
+ """Request a reupdate of this Widget
+ <pre>Widget.reupdate()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.reupdate(self)
+ def next(self):
+ """Pass focus to next Widget.
+ <p>Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.next()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.next(self)
+ def previous(self):
+ """Pass focus to previous Widget.
+ <p>Widget order determined by the order they were added to their container.</p>
+ <pre>Widget.previous()</pre>
+ """
+ if getattr(self,'container',None) != None: self.container.previous(self)
+ def get_abs_rect(self):
+ """Get the absolute rect of this widget on the App screen
+ <pre>Widget.get_abs_rect(): return pygame.Rect</pre>
+ """
+ x, y = self.rect.x , self.rect.y
+ x += self._rect_content.x
+ y += self._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(self,'container',None)
+ while c:
+ x += c.rect.x
+ y += c.rect.y
+ if hasattr(c,'_rect_content'):
+ x += c._rect_content.x
+ y += c._rect_content.y
+ c = getattr(c,'container',None)
+ return pygame.Rect(x, y, self.rect.w, self.rect.h)
+ def connect(self,code,func,*params):
+ """Connect a event code to a callback function.
+ <p>There may be multiple callbacks per event code.</p>
+ <pre>Object.connect(code,fnc,value)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>code<dd>event type [[gui-const]]
+ <dt>fnc<dd>callback function
+ <dt>*values<dd>values to pass to callback. Please note that callbacks may also have "magicaly" parameters. Such as:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>_event<dd>receive the event
+ <dt>_code<dd>receive the event code
+ <dt>_widget<dd>receive the sending widget
+ </dl>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>Example</strong>
+ <code>
+ def onclick(value):
+ print 'click',value
+ w = Button("PGU!")
+ w.connect(gui.CLICK,onclick,'PGU Button Clicked')
+ </code>
+ """
+ # Wrap the callback function and add it to the list
+ cb = SignalCallback()
+ cb.func = func
+ cb.params = params
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ self.connects[code] = []
+ self.connects[code].append(cb)
+ # Remove signal handlers from the given event code. If func is specified,
+ # only those handlers will be removed. If func is None, all handlers
+ # will be removed.
+ def disconnect(self, code, func=None):
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ if (not func):
+ # Remove all signal handlers
+ del self.connects[code]
+ else:
+ # Remove handlers that call 'func'
+ n = 0
+ callbacks = self.connects[code]
+ while (n < len(callbacks)):
+ if (callbacks[n].func == func):
+ # Remove this callback
+ del callbacks[n]
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ def send(self,code,event=None):
+ """Send a code, event callback trigger.
+ <pre>Object.send(code,event=None)</pre>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>code<dd>event code
+ <dt>event<dd>event
+ </dl>
+ """
+ if (not code in self.connects):
+ return
+ # Trigger all connected signal handlers
+ for cb in self.connects[code]:
+ func = cb.func
+ values = list(cb.params)
+ nargs = func.func_code.co_argcount
+ names = list(func.func_code.co_varnames)[:nargs]
+ if hasattr(func,'im_class'): names.pop(0)
+ args = []
+ magic = {'_event':event,'_code':code,'_widget':self}
+ for name in names:
+ if name in magic.keys():
+ args.append(magic[name])
+ elif len(values):
+ args.append(values.pop(0))
+ else:
+ break
+ args.extend(values)
+ func(*args)
+ def _event(self,e):
+ if self.disabled: return
+ self.send(e.type,e)
+ return self.event(e)
+# return
+# import app
+# if hasattr(app.App,'app'):
+# app.App.app.events.append((self,e))
+ def event(self,e):
+ """Template method - called when an event is passed to this object.
+ <p>Please note that if you use an event, returning the value True
+ will stop parent containers from also using the event. (For example, if
+ your widget handles TABs or arrow keys, and you don't want those to
+ also alter the focus.)</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>e<dd>event
+ </dl>
+ """
+ return