planets_iau_big.jpg;;Which one is Saturn?;;461, 150, 447, 144, 433, 148, 419, 155, 413, 170, 410, 186, 402, 193, 390, 206, 384, 217, 389, 223, 405, 221, 418, 207, 428, 202, 447, 204, 460, 205, 473, 194, 476, 188, 473, 168, 471, 158, 484, 153, 495, 146, 499, 137, 481, 142, 474, 145, 464, 149, 455, 149, ;;3;;is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Saturn</a>;;
planets_iau_big.jpg;;Which one is Neptune?;;583, 170, 578, 166, 570, 166, 562, 173, 563, 182, 567, 191, 580, 188, 588, 183, 588, 173, 580, 166, 577, 166, ;;3;;The planet is named after the Roman god of the sea. Its astronomical symbol is a stylized version of Poseidons trident.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Neptune</a>;;
planets_iau_big.jpg;;Where is the Jupiter?;;315, 139, 328, 139, 342, 144, 353, 154, 359, 164, 363, 177, 363, 188, 361, 196, 353, 203, 349, 211, 344, 215, 337, 218, 330, 221, 320, 222, 312, 222, 299, 216, 289, 207, 283, 200, 280, 190, 279, 178, 281, 170, 284, 159, 290, 154, 296, 149, 304, 146, 311, 142, 320, 142, 321, 139, ;;3;;is two and a half times as massive as all of the other planets in our solar system combined;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Jupiter</a>;;
planets_iau_big.jpg;;Where is the Sun?;;69, 2, 123, 122, 129, 266, 76, 449, 0, 450, 0, 1, 69, 2, ;;3;;Temperature of the corona: ~ 5.000.000 K;;<a href='' target='_blank'>The Sun</a>;;