bears.jpg;;which is the Panda?;;220, 37, 204, 53, 212, 79, 234, 115, 256, 177, 268, 235, 267, 258, 176, 256, 82, 247, 27, 229, 56, 181, 86, 113, 92, 82, 78, 45, 121, 6, 164, 11, 224, 38, ;;14;;;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Panda</a>;;
bears.jpg;;And which is the polar bear?;;289, 14, 289, 316, 463, 314, 466, 274, 789, 273, 787, 13, 290, 15, ;;14;;is a bear native to the Arctic. Polar bears and Kodiak bears are the world\'s largest land carnivores ;;<a href=' Bear ' target='_blank'>Polar Bear</a>;;