europe.gif;;Which country is the most populated?;;734, 35, 713, 53, 706, 38, 681, 30, 676, 53, 667, 62, 657, 50, 622, 38, 590, 21, 566, 15, 547, 18, 534, 27, 532, 38, 548, 44, 540, 53, 546, 65, 550, 76, 554, 83, 556, 94, 573, 108, 540, 138, 550, 142, 564, 148, 547, 149, 542, 156, 539, 166, 539, 174, 544, 183, 546, 191, 548, 196, 551, 202, 555, 204, 564, 203, 567, 208, 575, 208, 581, 212, 584, 221, 586, 228, 595, 234, 600, 236, 606, 239, 601, 245, 593, 243, 593, 247, 598, 253, 597, 257, 605, 259, 611, 258, 615, 257, 624, 260, 628, 268, 636, 275, 643, 277, 647, 285, 655, 287, 666, 285, 672, 291, 682, 291, 692, 295, 700, 298, 696, 306, 700, 316, 697, 323, 690, 325, 685, 329, 693, 333, 686, 338, 683, 339, 687, 346, 682, 352, 677, 360, 669, 361, 676, 365, 688, 372, 708, 386, 715, 386, 733, 390, 734, 34, ;;11;;The population of Russia is around 143,000,000 people.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Russia</a>;;
europe.gif;;Where is Liechtenstein, a really small country in Europe?;;337, 329, 331, 339, 338, 341, 354, 339, 354, 332, 345, 328, 335, 327, ;;11;;has around 32,000 people living on a total 160 square km.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Liechtenstein</a>;;
800px-Regions_of_Europe.png;;Where is Scandinavia ?;;421, 3, 451, 126, 413, 170, 359, 202, 337, 235, 290, 241, 251, 228, 240, 164, 256, 105, 420, 5, ;;11;;Scandinava is the northern region of Europe;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Scandinavia</a>;;
800px-Regions_of_Europe.png;;Where is Andorra?;;164, 384, 158, 384, 157, 381, 159, 376, 165, 374, 169, 375, 171, 382, 167, 383, 163, 382, ;;11;;is small country in the pyrinees;;<a href=' ' target='_blank'>Andorra </a>;;
800px-Regions_of_Europe.png;;Where is Moldova?;;415, 336, 427, 359, 435, 382, 451, 374, 457, 352, 449, 331, 432, 329, 423, 334, 420, 342, ;;11;;is one of the youngest countries in europe.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Moldova</a>;;
800px-Regions_of_Europe.png;;Where is the Peloponnes?;;367, 480, 361, 482, 363, 488, 366, 495, 366, 501, 371, 500, 376, 505, 379, 500, 386, 504, 384, 493, 382, 494, 384, 485, 378, 485, 376, 480, 374, 480, ;;11;; a mediterrain half-island;;<a href=' ' target='_blank'>Pelopnnes </a>;;