import os import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * # the following line is not needed if pgu is installed import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "..") from pgu import gui from layout import * from sugar.activity import activity DATA = os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(), "data") IMAGES = os.path.join(DATA, 'image') SOUNDS = os.path.join(DATA, 'sound') debug_info = True ''' Utilities ''' def empty(): pass def hex2dec(hex): return int(hex, 16); def hex2rgb(hex): if hex[0:1] == '#': hex = hex[1:]; return (hex2dec(hex[:2]), hex2dec(hex[2:4]), hex2dec(hex[4:6])) def border2px_rgb(border): px = 1; b = '75b844'; if border.find('px') > -1: if border.find('#') > 1: px = border[0:border.find('px')] b = border[border.find('#')+1:] return int(px), hex2rgb(b) ''' Class Display() handles the drawing/blittins things ''' class Display: Layout = Layout() Colors = Colors() menu_entries = [] # Array with MenuEntry Objects text_items = [] tooltips = [] window = '' # pygame window screen = '' # pygame screen # Create Surfaces for Layouts bg_layout = pygame.Surface((1200, 825), 16) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.MenuMain.border) bg_menu = pygame.Surface((Layout.MenuMain.width - (2*bw)+1, Layout.MenuMain.height - (2*bw)+1)) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.Question.border) bg_question = pygame.Surface((Layout.Question.width - (2*bw)+1, Layout.Question.height - (2*bw)+1)) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.Toolbar.border) bg_toolbar = pygame.Surface((Layout.Toolbar.width - (2*bw)+1, Layout.Toolbar.height - (2*bw)+1)) def __init__(self, s): self.__SERVICES__ = s # Fire Up Display self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 825)) pygame.display.set_caption('XO Image-Quiz') # Init Surface self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() # init gui = gui.App() def set_cursor(self, name): if name == "pointer-big": a, b, c, d = pygame.cursors.load_xbm("images/cursor_big.xbm", "images/cursor_big_mask.xbm") pygame.mouse.set_cursor(a, b, c, d) ''' Create the Backgrounds -> self.bg_layout ''' def create_bg(self): # Fill all Black self.bg_layout.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.background)) self.bg_question.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.Question.background)) self.bg_menu.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.MenuMain.background)) self.bg_toolbar.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.Toolbar.background)) # Create bg_Layout and Menu self.draw_layout() self.draw_menu("/") self.add_emblem(self.bg_question) def refresh(self): self.screen.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.background)) self.display_surface(self.bg_layout) self.display_menu() self.display_question() self.display_toolbar() self.display_text_items() pygame.display.update() ''' Display = Blit Surface on Screen ''' def display_surface(self, surface, pos=(0,0), to=None): if to == None: self.screen.blit(surface, pos) elif to == "toolbar": self.bg_toolbar.blit(surface, pos) print "added surface to toolbar" elif to == "question": self.bg_question.blit(surface, pos) print "added surface to question frame" # self.snapshot = self.screen # pygame.display.update() def display_menu(self): bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.MenuMain.border) self.display_surface(self.bg_menu, (self.Layout.MenuMain.x+bw, self.Layout.MenuMain.y+bw)) def display_question(self): bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.Question.border) self.display_surface(self.bg_question, (self.Layout.Question.x+bw, self.Layout.Question.y+bw)) def display_toolbar(self): bw, bc = border2px_rgb(Layout.Toolbar.border) self.display_surface(self.bg_toolbar, (self.Layout.Toolbar.x+bw, self.Layout.Toolbar.y+bw)) def display_text_items(self): for i in self.text_items: if i != None: self.display_surface(i.image, i.pos) def display_tooltip(self, text, pos, format=None): self.add_text(self.bg_toolbar, text, pos, format) self.display_toolbar() def display_notfound_line(self, percent): pass ''' Adds Text / Images / ... to Surfaces ''' def add_emblem(self, surface): # Adding the emblem to any surface self.add_image(surface, 'images/logo.jpg', (30, 100)) textformat = TextFormat(None, 46) self.add_text(surface, 'XO ImageQuiz', (30, 20), textformat) def add_image(self, surface, imgfn, pos): im, im_rect = self.image_load(imgfn) surface.blit(im, pos) def add_text(self, surface, text, pos, format=None): if format == None: format = TextFormat() font = pygame.font.Font(None, format.size) text = font.render(text, 1, hex2rgb(format.color)) textpos = text.get_rect() x,y,w,h = list(textpos) # clear text behind bg = pygame.Surface((w,h)) bg.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.Toolbar.background)) surface.blit(bg, pos) surface.blit(text, pos) ''' Drawing Backgrounds ''' def draw_layout(self): q = self.Layout.Question; m1 = self.Layout.MenuTop; m2 = self.Layout.MenuMain; t = self.Layout.Toolbar; # Clear self.bg_layout.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.background)) # Question Part bw, bc = border2px_rgb(q.border) pygame.draw.rect(self.bg_layout, bc, (q.x, q.y, q.width, q.height), bw) # Menu Caption and Menu Field bw, bc = border2px_rgb(m1.border) pygame.draw.rect(self.bg_layout, bc, (m1.x, m1.y, m1.width, m1.height), bw) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(m2.border) pygame.draw.rect(self.bg_layout, bc, (m2.x, m2.y, m2.width, m2.height), bw) # Toolbar bw, bc = border2px_rgb(t.border) pygame.draw.rect(self.bg_layout, bc, (t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height), bw) # Menu Text font = pygame.font.Font(None, m1.Text.size) text = font.render(m1.Text.text, 1, hex2rgb(m1.Text.color)) textpos = text.get_rect() self.bg_layout.blit(text, (m1.x + m1.Text.x, m1.y + m1.Text.y)) def draw_menu(self, menu_path): self.bg_menu.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.MenuMain.background)) x = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.x y = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.y for m in self.menu_entries: if m.path == menu_path: m.pos = (x,y) self.bg_menu.blit(, (x,y)) y += 50; ''' Display A Question ''' def clear_question_frame(self, emblem=True): self.bg_question.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.Question.background)) if emblem: self.add_emblem(self.bg_question) self.display_question() pygame.display.update() def question_display(self, q): ''' class q (CurrentQuestion): id = 0 imgfn = u'' map = u'' cat = 0 subcat = 0 text = u'' answer = u'' answer_link = '' ''' self.bg_question.fill(hex2rgb(self.Layout.Question.background)) # Load Image & Render on Background print 'IMAGES', IMAGES print 'imgfn', q.imgfn print 'image', os.path.join(IMAGES, q.imgfn) im, im_rect = self.image_load(os.path.join(IMAGES, q.imgfn)) self.bg_question.blit(im, (self.Layout.Question.Image.x, self.Layout.Question.Image.y)) # Render Question Text on Screen font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.Layout.Question.Text.size) text = font.render(q.text, 1, hex2rgb(self.Layout.Question.Text.color)) textpos = text.get_rect() self.bg_question.blit(text, (self.Layout.Question.Text.x, self.Layout.Question.Text.y)) self.refresh() print 'in question_display', return def image_load(self, name): fullname = name try: print 'image fullname', fullname image = pygame.image.load(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print "Cannot load image:", name, 'fullname', fullname raise SystemExit, message image = image.convert() return image, image.get_rect() ''' Toolbar Tools ''' def display_line(self, percent, found=True): print "draw line" if found: f = Layout.Toolbar.FoundLine else: f = Layout.Toolbar.NotFoundLine # Very Background Surface bbg = pygame.Surface((f.width + f.image_width, f.height)) self.add_image(bbg, f.image, (f.image_left,0)) # Draw Outside Rect bg = pygame.Surface((f.width, f.height)) bg.fill(hex2rgb(f.Outside.background)) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(f.Outside.border) if bw > 0: pygame.draw.rect(bg, bc, (0,0, f.width, f.height), bw) # Draw Inside Rect - Accorting to % new_height = f.height - (2*f.padding) max_width = f.width - (2*f.padding) new_width = max_width * percent / 100 bg2 = pygame.Surface((new_width, new_height)) bg2.fill(hex2rgb(f.Inside.background)) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(f.Inside.border) if bw > 0: pygame.draw.rect(bg2, bc, (0,0,new_width, new_height), bw) bg.blit(bg2, (f.padding, f.padding)) bbg.blit(bg, (f.image_width,0)) self.bg_toolbar.blit(bbg, (f.x, f.y)) # self.display_surface(bbg, (Layout.Toolbar.x + f.x, Layout.Toolbar.y + f.y)) self.refresh() ''' Overall Game Frontend - Needs no services yet ''' class Kernel: Layout = Layout() Colors = Colors() lang = "English" map_list = ((0,0)) # Current Questions Map as List image_file_name = u"" # Current Questions Filename menu_current = '/' # Current Directory menu_entries = [] # Array with MenuEntry Objects menu_raw = [] # [path, caption, onclick, part, is_Directory] menu_dirs = [] # Array with menu directories (['/', '/quit', ...]) question_frame_reacts = [] # Reacts Array [x, y, width, height, onclick, stopsearch] text_items = [] # Array containing text item-objects on the question_frame hooks = [] # Array [event, function] def __init__(self): pygame.init() if not pygame.font: print 'Warning, fonts disabled' if not pygame.mixer: print 'Warning, sound disabled' def load(self, s): # Setup Menu global __SERVICES__ __SERVICES__ = s self.D = Display(s) self.menu_setup() self.D.set_cursor("pointer-big") self.D.create_bg() self.D.refresh() # self.display_tooltip("Language: %s" % self.lang, (10, 10)) if debug_info: print "- frontend loaded" def start_event_hooks(self, event, params): print "- checking event hooks" for h in self.hooks: # h[0] contains event, h[1] pointer to function print "-", event, h[0] if event == h[0]: try: h[1](params) print "- hook function started" except: print "! couldn't start hook", h def check_click(self, pos): # Click happened! # Could mean: In game, on menu, ... x, y = pos print 'click', pos ''' Start Plugin onclick Events ''' self.start_event_hooks('onclick', pos); ''' Check In Reacts ''' i = 0 for m in self.question_frame_reacts: if m != None: bw, bc = border2px_rgb(self.Layout.Question.border) if x >= m[0] and x <= m[0] + m[2] and y >= m[1] and y <= m[1] + m[3]: print "* React #", i, " found" m[4]() if m[5]: return True else: print "* React #", i, ": not found" i += 1 ''' Check in Text-Items ''' for qi in self.text_items: if qi != None: if qi.pos_inside((x,y)): if qi.onclick != None: if qi.retvar != None: qi.onclick(qi.retvar) return True else: qi.onclick() ''' Check in Polygon ''' if self.map_list != ((0, 0)): if self.point_inside_polygon(x, y, self.map_list): __SERVICES__.start_service('spot_found', pos) print "Click inside Polygon!" return True else: # If click inside game window, trigger not_found q = self.Layout.Question if x > q.x and x < (q.x + q.width) and y > q.y and y < (q.y + q.height): __SERVICES__.start_service('spot_not_found', pos) ''' Check ON Menu ''' if (x >= self.Layout.MenuTop.x and x <= self.Layout.MenuTop.x + self.Layout.MenuTop.width) and (y >= self.Layout.MenuTop.y and y <= self.Layout.MenuTop.y + self.Layout.MenuTop.height): self.change_dir('/') return True ''' Check In Menu ''' x, y = pos x -= self.Layout.MenuMain.x y -= self.Layout.MenuMain.y checkpath = self.menu_current for m in self.menu_entries: if m.path == checkpath: print "- Click on Menu",m.caption,":", m.pos_inside((x,y)) if m.pos_inside((x,y)): if m.isDirectory == None: # Check for Back Button if m.onclick == None: path = m.path.strip() if len(path) > 1 and path[-1] == '/': path = path[0:-1] path_base = path[:path.rfind('/')] if len(path_base) == 0: path_base = '/' self.change_dir(path_base) return True else: # Action Button self.mycaption = m.caption m.onclick() return True else: # Directory Button self.change_dir(m.isDirectory) return True def map_str_to_list(self, map_str): # convert 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 33 in list [(11, 12), (21, 22), (31, 32)] print 'map_str', map_str map_arr = map_str.split(", ") o = [] a = "x" for s in map_arr: if a == "x": a = s else: # Take care of border pixels bw, bc = border2px_rgb(self.Layout.Question.border) o.append((int(a)+self.Layout.Question.x+self.Layout.Question.Image.x+(bw+1), int(s)+self.Layout.Question.y+self.Layout.Question.Image.y+bw)) a = "x" return o def question_set(self, question, image, map): self.question = question self.image = image self.map_list = self.map_str_to_list(map) ''' Menu Functions ============== ''' def menu_setup(self): # Put Menu items in correct order from self.menu_raw into self.menu_entries ms01 = [] ms23 = [] ms45 = [] self.menu_entries = [] for n in self.menu_raw: if n[3] == 0: ms01.insert(0, n) elif n[3] == 1: ms01.append(n) elif n[3] == 2: ms23.insert(0, n) elif n[3] == 3: ms23.append(n) elif n[3] == 4: ms45.insert(0, n) elif n[3] == 5: ms45.append(n) for n in ms01: m = MenuEntry(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]) self.menu_entries.append(m) for n in ms23: m = MenuEntry(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]) self.menu_entries.append(m) for n in ms45: m = MenuEntry(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]) self.menu_entries.append(m) self.D.menu_entries = self.menu_entries def change_dir(self, menu_dir): print "change dir to", menu_dir self.menu_current = menu_dir; self.clear_text_items() self.refresh() self.D.draw_menu(menu_dir) self.D.display_menu() def add_menu_item(self, path, caption, onclick, part = 3): self.menu_raw.append([path, caption, onclick, part, None, len(self.menu_raw)]); return len(self.menu_raw)-1 def change_menu_item(self, change_type, menu_item_id, change_text): print change_type, menu_item_id, change_text if change_type == "change_caption": i = 0 for n in self.menu_entries: if == menu_item_id: self.menu_entries[i] = MenuEntry(n.path, change_text, n.onclick, n.part, n.isDirectory, self.D.menu_entries = self.menu_entries self.D.draw_menu(self.menu_current) self.D.refresh() return True i += 1 def add_menu_dir(self, path, caption, part = 4): path = path.strip() if len(path) > 1 and path[-1] == '/': path = path[0:-1] # Avoid Duplicates: if self.menu_dirs.count(path) == 0: path_base = path[:path.rfind('/')] if len(path_base) == 0: path_base = '/' self.menu_raw.append([path_base, caption, None, part, path, len(self.menu_raw)]); self.menu_dirs.append(path) self.add_menu_item(path, "Back", None, 5) return True ''' Services ======== ''' def refresh(self): self.D.refresh() def display_tooltip(self, text, pos, format=None): self.D.display_tooltip(text, pos, format) def display_line(self, percent, found): self.D.display_line(percent, found) def question_display(self, q): self.map_list = self.map_str_to_list(self.D.question_display(q)) def display_surface(self, s, pos, to=None): self.D.display_surface(s, pos, to) def clear_question_frame(self, emblem=False): self.D.clear_question_frame(emblem) def get_screen(self): return self.D.screen def get_app(self): return #service added for library def current_caption(self): return self.mycaption def add_event_hook(self, event, function): self.hooks.append([event, function]) return len(self.hooks) - 1 def del_event_hook(self, id): self.hooks[id:id+1] = [None, None] def list_event_hooks(self, event = None): if event == None: print self.hooks return True for h in self.hooks: if h[0] == event: print h def add_text_item(self, text, pos, onclick=None, retvar=None, border=False, format=None): # adds an clickable text-item to the question frame if format == None: format=TextFormat() qi = TextItem(text, pos, onclick, retvar, border, format) item_count = len(self.text_items) self.text_items.append(qi) self.D.text_items = self.text_items self.D.display_text_items() # print self.text_items return item_count def del_text_item(self, item_id): # print self.text_items self.text_items[item_id] = None self.D.text_items = self.text_items self.refresh() # print self.text_items def clear_text_items(self, refresh=True): # print "clearing" # print self.text_items self.text_items = [] self.D.text_items = [] # print self.text_items if refresh: self.refresh() def edit_text_item(self, text, pos, onclick=None, retvar=None, border=False, format=None): # adds a editable text-item to the question frame if format == None: format = TextFormat() qi = TextItem(text, pos, onclick, retvar, border, format) item_count = len(self.text_items) self.text_items.append(qi) self.D.text_items = self.text_items self.D.display_text_items() def add_react(self, x, y, width, height, onclick, stopsearch = False, display = False): print 'react', x, y, stopsearch, display self.question_frame_reacts.append([x, y, width, height, onclick, stopsearch]) if display: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, hex2rgb(, (x, y, width, height), 3) pygame.display.update() print "- react #", len(self.question_frame_reacts)-1, "created" return len(self.question_frame_reacts)-1 def del_react(self, id): self.question_frame_reacts[id:id+1] = [None, None] print "- react #", id, "cleared" return True ''' Polygon Drawing ''' def draw_polygon(self): # Draw The Polygon on Screen pygame.draw.polygon(self.D.screen, hex2rgb(self.Layout.Polygon.color), self.map_list) def draw_lines(self): last_pos = () for i in self.map_list: if len(last_pos) > 0: pygame.draw.line(self.D.screen, hex2rgb(self.Layout.Polygon.color), last_pos, i, 5) last_pos = i ''' Text Input Tools ''' def display_box(self, message): x = self.Layout.TextInput; area = Rect(x.Box.x, x.Box.y, x.Box.width, x.Box.height) bw, bc = border2px_rgb(x.Box.border) pygame.draw.rect(self.D.screen, hex2rgb(x.Box.background), area, 0) pygame.draw.rect(self.D.screen, bc, area, bw) oldclip = self.D.screen.get_clip() self.D.screen.set_clip(area.inflate(-4, -4)) if len(message): text = pygame.font.Font(None, x.Text.size) text = text.render(message, 1, hex2rgb(x.Text.color)) self.D.screen.blit(text, area.move(5, 7)) self.D.screen.set_clip(oldclip) pygame.display.update(area) def ask(self, question): "ask(screen, question) -> answer" current_string = '' self.display_box(question + ":") while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit(0) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.check_click(event.pos) if event.type != KEYDOWN: continue if event.key == K_ESCAPE: current_string = "" break elif event.key == 271 or event.key == K_RETURN: break elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: current_string = current_string[:-1] self.display_box(question + ": " + current_string) elif event.unicode: current_string += chr(event.key) #should be += event.unicode, workaround for xo bug self.display_box(question + ": " + current_string) # self.refresh_question_display() return current_string ''' Other Tools =========== ''' def sound_load(self, name, path = 'sounds'): class NoneSound: def play(self): pass if not pygame.mixer: return NoneSound() fullname = os.path.join(path, name) print 'fullname=',fullname try: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print "Cannot load sound:", name sound = NoneSound() return sound def image_load(self, name, path=''): fullname = os.path.join(path, name) # fullname = name try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname) except pygame.error, message: print "Cannot load image:", name, 'fullname', fullname #raise SystemExit, message return None image = image.convert() return image, image.get_rect() def point_inside_polygon(self, x,y,poly): n = len(poly) inside =False p1x,p1y = poly[0] for i in range(n+1): p2x,p2y = poly[i % n] if y > min(p1y,p2y): if y <= max(p1y,p2y): if x <= max(p1x,p2x): if p1y != p2y: xinters = (y-p1y)*(p2x-p1x)/(p2y-p1y)+p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xinters: inside = not inside p1x,p1y = p2x,p2y return inside ''' Classes for the Menu Structure ============================== ''' class MenuBox(pygame.sprite.Sprite): Layout = Layout(); def __init__(self, caption, isDirectory): # Init Sprite pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) # Create Button Surface self.image = pygame.Surface((self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.width, self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.height)) # Apply Styles if isDirectory: bgcolor = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Button_Directory.background border = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Button_Directory.border textsize = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Button_Directory.Text.size textcolor = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Button_Directory.Text.color else: bgcolor = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.background border = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.border textsize = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Text.size textcolor = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Text.color # Fill Menu BG self.image.fill(hex2rgb(bgcolor)) # Draw Border of MenuBox bw, bc = border2px_rgb(border) pygame.draw.rect(self.image, bc, (0, 0, self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.width, self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.height), bw) # Render Text font = pygame.font.Font(None, textsize) text = font.render(caption, 1, hex2rgb(textcolor)) # Blit on self.image self.image.blit(text, (self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Text.x, self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.Text.y)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() class MenuEntry: # Load Layout Layout = Layout() # 'pos' stores the current Position; draw_menu sets it pos = (0, 0) def __init__(self, path, caption, onclick, part, isDirectory, id): self.isDirectory = isDirectory; = id self.caption = caption self.onclick = onclick self.path = path if onclick == None: = MenuBox(caption, True) else: = MenuBox(caption, isDirectory) self.part = part # part is display-order 0-5 def pos_inside(self, pos): x, y = list(pos) self_w = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.width self_h = self.Layout.MenuMain.Button.height self_x, self_y = list(self.pos) if (x >= self_x and x <= self_x + self_w) and (y >= self_y and y <= self_y + self_h): return True else: return False class TextItem: # Represents a Text Field w/wo border in the Question Frame # * Catches Clicks on It Layout = Layout() pos = (0, 0) size = (0, 0) text = u'' textformat = TextFormat() def __init__(self, text, pos, onclick, retvar, border, textformat=None): self.text = text self.pos = pos self.onclick = onclick self.border = border self.retvar = retvar if textformat != True and textformat != False and textformat != None: self.textformat = textformat self.draw() x,y,w,h = list(self.textpos) x,y = list(pos) self.area = ((x,y,w,h)) def draw(self): font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.textformat.size) text = font.render(self.text, 1, hex2rgb(self.textformat.color)) textpos = text.get_rect() self.textpos = textpos x,y,w,h = list(textpos) self.size = (w+16,h+8) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.size) if self.textformat.background != None: self.image.fill(hex2rgb(self.textformat.background)) self.image.blit(text, (8,4)) if self.border: pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (255, 255, 255), (x,y,w+16,h+8), 2) def pos_inside(self, pos): x, y = list(pos) self_x, self_y = list(self.pos) self_w, self_h = list(self.size) if (x >= self_x and x <= self_x + self_w) and (y >= self_y and y <= self_y + self_h): return True else: return False class ToolTip: Layout = Layout() def __init__(self, pos, text): self.pos = pos self.display(text) def display(self, caption): font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.Layout.Toolbar.Text.size) text = font.render(caption, 1, hex2rgb(self.Layout.Toolbar.Text.color)) textpos = text.get_rect() x,y,w,h = list(textpos) self.size = (w,h) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.size) self.image.blit(text, (0,0))