5104352.JPG;;Can you find the Air-Filter?;;256, 227, 242, 233, 233, 240, 236, 251, 231, 269, 238, 271, 248, 267, 259, 270, 273, 270, 287, 268, 302, 262, 307, 255, 310, 243, 303, 235, 285, 229, 266, 227, 253, 229, ;;1;;;;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_filter' target='_blank'>Air Filter</a>;;
5104352.JPG;;Where is the Battery?;;175, 252, 138, 275, 138, 280, 142, 281, 143, 316, 177, 322, 183, 319, 186, 314, 191, 309, 209, 299, 208, 258, 175, 253, ;;1;;A car battery is a type of rechargeable battery that supplies electric energy to an automobile.;;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_battery' target='_blank'>Car Battery</a>;;