Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Baja California?;;7, 9, 38, 10, 36, 17, 36, 24, 36, 31, 35, 40, 37, 53, 44, 61, 49, 68, 50, 74, 53, 76, 56, 81, 59, 81, 59, 88, 39, 88, 43, 79, 37, 71, 26, 61, 21, 56, 20, 48, 17, 41, 15, 35, 11, 27, 6, 9, ;;21;;Baja California is the northernmost state in Mexico.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Baja California</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Baja California Sur?;;39, 87, 58, 89, 71, 110, 84, 142, 85, 153, 90, 155, 91, 150, 101, 166, 102, 171, 94, 173, 91, 168, 85, 161, 78, 153, 69, 147, 64, 140, 65, 125, 59, 116, 48, 108, 35, 101, 24, 88, 37, 88, ;;21;;The name Baja California Sur means \"South Lower California\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Baja California Sur</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Sonora?;;37, 14, 84, 38, 119, 42, 120, 72, 120, 90, 113, 90, 119, 109, 111, 119, 104, 112, 100, 112, 100, 108, 91, 104, 90, 94, 81, 90, 73, 79, 67, 66, 62, 58, 61, 46, 61, 38, 54, 36, 50, 29, 48, 30, 36, 24, 36, 15, ;;21;;Sonora borders the U.S. states of Arizona and New Mexico.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Sonora</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Chihuahua?;;118, 40, 126, 42, 126, 35, 152, 35, 156, 42, 165, 49, 172, 57, 176, 66, 181, 73, 189, 77, 195, 81, 184, 96, 188, 116, 180, 114, 175, 121, 165, 118, 155, 114, 150, 119, 147, 127, 144, 130, 139, 131, 135, 125, 129, 123, 127, 114, 124, 109, 119, 109, 118, 102, 114, 90, 119, 89, 120, 71, 119, 40, ;;21;;Although the state is named after a desert, Chihuahua has more forests than any other state in Mexico.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Chihuahau</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Coahuila?;;202, 142, 202, 146, 197, 146, 191, 141, 190, 134, 193, 121, 188, 117, 184, 98, 201, 72, 206, 65, 221, 67, 223, 70, 230, 76, 235, 87, 242, 95, 242, 101, 238, 100, 235, 105, 229, 109, 232, 111, 232, 117, 228, 118, 224, 121, 237, 138, 231, 140, 229, 150, 223, 146, 218, 147, 212, 142, 207, 141, 202, 142, ;;21;;About 95% of Mexico\'s coal reserves are found in Coahuila, which is the country\'s top mining state.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Coahuila</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Neuvo Leon?;;243, 100, 237, 100, 235, 105, 228, 109, 232, 112, 232, 116, 229, 117, 224, 121, 228, 132, 236, 139, 232, 141, 228, 142, 228, 151, 233, 155, 233, 162, 234, 171, 240, 174, 242, 169, 245, 164, 251, 162, 249, 157, 246, 151, 254, 146, 264, 136, 262, 128, 254, 125, 249, 118, 246, 112, 243, 101, ;;21;;The capital of Nuevo León is Monterrey, the third largest city in Mexico with over three million residents.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Nuevo Leon</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Tamaulipas?;;242, 99, 245, 114, 252, 124, 262, 128, 265, 136, 256, 143, 248, 150, 249, 162, 244, 163, 241, 170, 243, 176, 243, 179, 252, 181, 255, 185, 271, 183, 274, 185, 275, 174, 274, 163, 276, 151, 279, 140, 283, 128, 275, 126, 266, 124, 256, 120, 252, 115, 249, 106, 248, 100, 243, 99, ;;21;;No one knows where the name came from, but many people think it comes from a Huastec term meaning \"place of high hills\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Tamaulipas</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Sinaloa?;;105, 128, 111, 118, 121, 109, 126, 109, 130, 122, 135, 124, 139, 130, 137, 139, 143, 146, 145, 153, 152, 153, 158, 169, 162, 172, 160, 183, 153, 177, 143, 168, 133, 156, 125, 148, 116, 138, 107, 132, 105, 129, ;;21;;Sinaloa it is the only place where the ancient ball game of Mesoamerica is still played. ;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Sinaloa</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Durango;;138, 130, 144, 130, 148, 121, 152, 118, 155, 112, 163, 118, 168, 119, 175, 120, 180, 116, 187, 116, 192, 122, 192, 134, 191, 139, 194, 146, 199, 147, 202, 143, 206, 147, 206, 154, 192, 154, 185, 160, 185, 165, 181, 169, 178, 186, 173, 182, 168, 182, 168, 175, 162, 172, 155, 163, 151, 152, 146, 152, 140, 144, 138, 137, 138, 130, ;;21;;;;;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Zacatecas?;;183, 186, 178, 187, 179, 171, 183, 166, 184, 161, 190, 152, 205, 152, 204, 142, 211, 141, 219, 148, 223, 146, 228, 153, 223, 159, 216, 168, 208, 170, 209, 177, 214, 182, 221, 180, 222, 186, 220, 193, 215, 192, 209, 186, 204, 188, 199, 193, 201, 199, 204, 202, 199, 204, 195, 208, 186, 205, 188, 199, 191, 195, 196, 191, 195, 187, 192, 184, 191, 190, 185, 186, ;;21;;The state\'s name comes the Nahuatl word for a type of grass common in the region, \"zacatl\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Zacatecas</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of San Louis Potosi?;;221, 180, 217, 182, 209, 176, 206, 172, 216, 169, 222, 160, 222, 155, 227, 153, 233, 155, 234, 161, 235, 172, 242, 174, 243, 178, 251, 181, 257, 185, 265, 186, 269, 188, 266, 200, 265, 203, 259, 203, 254, 197, 252, 200, 248, 198, 246, 200, 237, 197, 234, 200, 222, 196, 222, 181, ;;21;;The native peoples of the state include the Huastecs and Pame people.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>San Louis Potosi</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Nayarit?;;159, 192, 159, 183, 162, 174, 168, 174, 169, 182, 173, 184, 178, 188, 179, 194, 180, 201, 183, 203, 179, 206, 179, 212, 171, 208, 163, 213, 160, 210, 163, 205, 164, 199, 159, 192, ;;21;;Also belonging to the state are the Islas Marias, Islas Tres Marietas and Isla Isabel, all in the Pacific Ocean.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Nayarit</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Jalisco?;;159, 217, 164, 214, 170, 208, 178, 211, 180, 206, 183, 202, 180, 200, 180, 195, 177, 189, 181, 186, 183, 180, 189, 185, 188, 190, 193, 189, 192, 183, 197, 188, 195, 193, 192, 194, 190, 199, 187, 204, 193, 207, 197, 204, 202, 202, 201, 198, 205, 196, 210, 196, 215, 192, 221, 195, 220, 202, 212, 210, 213, 216, 211, 218, 198, 221, 198, 225, 203, 225, 201, 231, 206, 233, 189, 242, 189, 234, 183, 234, 178, 234, 176, 237, 168, 234, 162, 228, 158, 219, ;;21;;Jalisco is known for being the birthplace of mariachi music and tequila.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Jalisco</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Aguascalientes ?;;200, 197, 198, 191, 208, 185, 213, 190, 215, 193, 209, 198, 201, 197, ;;21;;The name means \"hot waters\" in Spanish and originated from the abundance of hot springs in the area.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Aguascalientes</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Guanajuato?;;220, 194, 231, 199, 236, 196, 245, 200, 248, 204, 243, 204, 241, 208, 234, 208, 236, 216, 239, 221, 234, 225, 230, 223, 222, 224, 221, 218, 216, 219, 213, 216, 212, 212, 219, 203, 220, 195, ;;21;;Guanajuato means \"place of frogs\" in the local indigenous language.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Guanajuato</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is teh state of Querétaro Arteaga?;;242, 221, 236, 218, 234, 211, 241, 208, 243, 204, 246, 204, 246, 198, 252, 200, 254, 196, 258, 203, 253, 204, 250, 213, 247, 214, 246, 219, 244, 222, ;;21;;The name is thought to come from a phrase in the Otomi language meaning \"the great ball game\".;;<a href='étaro' target='_blank'>Querétaro Arteaga</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Hidalgo?;;251, 222, 246, 219, 246, 215, 250, 213, 253, 205, 258, 202, 266, 199, 271, 204, 271, 210, 267, 212, 267, 215, 272, 214, 274, 215, 271, 218, 273, 221, 272, 228, 266, 229, 261, 226, 259, 224, 254, 226, 252, 222, ;;21;;The state is named after Mexican independence leader Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Hidalgo</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Colima?;;186, 244, 189, 242, 190, 234, 187, 231, 182, 231, 179, 236, 175, 237, 182, 241, 185, 244, ;;21;;A famous volcano in the zone is called \"Volcan de Colima\", but in fact, half of it is in the nearby state of Jalisco.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Colima</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Michoacán?;;188, 243, 197, 239, 205, 232, 201, 229, 201, 225, 196, 222, 211, 217, 216, 220, 221, 218, 223, 223, 230, 222, 234, 225, 239, 222, 242, 224, 241, 228, 240, 237, 239, 242, 232, 243, 234, 249, 228, 248, 220, 248, 215, 247, 215, 251, 212, 254, 211, 257, 201, 255, 192, 251, 187, 245, ;;21;;It is the sixteenth largest state in Mexico, taking up 3% of the national territory.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Michoacán</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Mexico?;;240, 249, 237, 243, 241, 237, 241, 229, 243, 223, 246, 219, 251, 221, 253, 226, 259, 224, 260, 227, 266, 227, 265, 230, 265, 240, 261, 239, 261, 235, 257, 231, 254, 233, 255, 237, 255, 240, 253, 243, 248, 245, 244, 246, 240, 249, ;;21;;Mexico State is often abbreviated to \"Edomex\", from the Spanish \"Estado de México\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'></a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is Mexico City?;;255, 238, 253, 235, 256, 229, 261, 232, 261, 235, 260, 238, 256, 238, ;;21;;Residents of Mexico City are called \"capitalinos\", in reference to the city being the capital of the country.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Mexico City</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Tlaxcala?;;264, 230, 270, 228, 279, 231, 277, 236, 273, 236, 268, 233, 263, 231, ;;21;;It covers an area of 1,037 square kilometers (400.4 sq mi) and is thus the smallest of Mexico\'s states.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Tlaxcala</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Morelos?;;256, 247, 255, 248, 252, 245, 254, 240, 259, 239, 265, 242, 265, 248, 261, 248, 259, 250, 257, 248, ;;21;;Morelos\' capital is Cuernavaca, also known as \"La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera\", \"The City of Eternal Spring\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Morelos</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Puebla?;;266, 231, 271, 235, 277, 233, 274, 229, 272, 225, 271, 218, 277, 209, 282, 213, 279, 219, 282, 221, 285, 218, 287, 222, 285, 231, 289, 235, 285, 241, 286, 243, 288, 247, 292, 248, 284, 255, 279, 250, 276, 251, 276, 255, 269, 256, 259, 249, 264, 248, 265, 229, ;;21;;The state covers an area of about 33,919 square kilometers (13,096.2 sq mi).;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Puebla</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Veracruz?;;268, 186, 271, 184, 274, 187, 283, 208, 293, 217, 300, 227, 300, 231, 307, 241, 312, 241, 320, 241, 326, 249, 335, 248, 337, 254, 343, 262, 338, 264, 328, 265, 320, 261, 319, 257, 311, 260, 309, 256, 309, 250, 303, 249, 297, 244, 294, 246, 291, 247, 287, 247, 286, 245, 284, 243, 285, 235, 289, 235, 284, 231, 286, 222, 282, 222, 279, 220, 282, 215, 278, 211, 276, 211, 273, 214, 268, 217, 267, 212, 270, 209, 271, 205, 267, 202, 267, 196, 266, 190, 268, 186, ;;21;;With more than 7 million inhabitants, the state of Veracruz is the third most populous in the nation.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Veracruz</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Guerrero?;;211, 256, 214, 251, 214, 245, 235, 249, 232, 244, 238, 244, 241, 247, 248, 247, 249, 244, 255, 248, 257, 246, 261, 252, 269, 256, 270, 266, 275, 273, 274, 276, 269, 281, 261, 277, 254, 277, 248, 276, 241, 272, 232, 270, 226, 264, 219, 260, 213, 257, ;;21;;Guerrero is named in honor of the second president of the republic, General Vicente Ramón Guerrero Saldaña.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Guerrero</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Oaxaca?;;268, 279, 274, 274, 274, 269, 269, 265, 269, 256, 276, 254, 278, 247, 283, 252, 287, 251, 293, 248, 295, 242, 300, 245, 302, 249, 308, 250, 310, 253, 308, 258, 313, 260, 317, 258, 323, 263, 341, 265, 338, 271, 338, 276, 338, 280, 329, 278, 325, 279, 317, 283, 307, 289, 297, 289, 288, 286, 282, 286, 274, 282, 268, 281, ;;21;;Oaxaca has more speakers of indigenous languages than any other Mexican state.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Oaxaca</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Tabasco?;;343, 262, 339, 255, 336, 252, 334, 248, 345, 244, 348, 246, 357, 239, 360, 242, 364, 241, 365, 246, 370, 248, 374, 247, 383, 248, 383, 259, 380, 262, 378, 257, 372, 257, 369, 252, 364, 253, 358, 260, 353, 259, 351, 251, 348, 251, 346, 256, 344, 261, ;;21;;Tabasco is in the northern half of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Tabasco</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Chiapas?;;340, 283, 338, 277, 339, 269, 341, 265, 345, 259, 348, 254, 349, 251, 352, 255, 357, 259, 367, 250, 375, 256, 378, 259, 385, 266, 392, 271, 396, 273, 396, 276, 376, 280, 370, 292, 369, 296, 369, 304, 362, 300, 356, 295, 352, 290, 348, 287, 344, 285, 341, 283, ;;21;;About one quarter of the population of Chiapas are of full or predominant Maya descent.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Chiapas</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Campeche?;;362, 240, 363, 245, 367, 246, 372, 250, 376, 246, 383, 249, 384, 252, 411, 251, 409, 226, 395, 209, 389, 209, 388, 202, 386, 217, 386, 226, 378, 232, 373, 237, 366, 239, 363, 239, ;;21;;Campeche derives from the name of the Mayan city of \"Kan pech\".;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Campeche</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Quintana Roo?;;412, 247, 415, 247, 420, 237, 426, 236, 431, 239, 434, 222, 431, 222, 435, 217, 432, 215, 436, 203, 442, 196, 442, 189, 438, 184, 433, 186, 432, 192, 425, 204, 405, 218, 408, 225, 410, 246, ;;21;;Quintana Roo was granted statehood on October 8, 1974, making it the Mexican Republic\'s youngest state.;;<a href='' target='_blank'>Quintana Roo</a>;;
Mexico_states.png;;Where is the state of Yucatán?;;405, 218, 425, 204, 431, 194, 431, 190, 425, 188, 417, 187, 410, 188, 397, 194, 389, 198, 389, 203, 389, 208, 395, 208, 404, 217, ;;21;;The source of the name \"Yucatan\" is the Nahuatl (Aztec) word YokatlÄ meaning \"place of richness.\";;<a href='' target='_blank'>Yucatán</a>;;