xo.jpg;;Can you find the CPU in this open XO laptop?;;304, 297, 293, 308, 292, 389, 303, 400, 380, 399, 393, 387, 396, 309, 383, 295, 303, 297, ;;4;;\'Central Processing Unit\', or sometimes just \'processor\';;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU' target='_blank'>CPU</a>;;
olpc-xo-2.jpg;;Where is the Power Button?;;437, 300, 430, 303, 428, 310, 430, 313, 437, 316, 444, 312, 446, 306, 441, 303, 436, 302, ;;4;;\'One Laptop Per Child\' is an education project aiming especially at bridging the digital gap.;;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Laptop_per_Child' target='_blank'>XO Laptop</a>;;
olpc-xo-2.jpg;;Where is the left speaker ?;;138, 213, 143, 205, 159, 210, 164, 225, 155, 235, 140, 238, 135, 228, 135, 217, 135, 214, 137, 212, ;;4;;The XO has 2 speakers for stereo audio output.;;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudspeaker' target='_blank'>Audio Speaker</a>;;
olpc-xo-2.jpg;;where is the antenna?;;447, 79, 446, 57, 451, 19, 471, 23, 478, 49, 477, 104, 468, 129, 453, 137, 441, 100, 446, 83, 449, 77, 146, 75, 126, 8, 99, 26, 105, 84, 108, 120, 129, 132, 142, 131, 147, 100, 147, 87, 147, 78, 147, 78, 149, 80, ;;4;;2dBi or 3dBi antennas help your XO to communicate with other XO laptops;;<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/antennas' target='_blank'>antennas</a>;;