"""Some handy algorithms for use in games, etc.

please note that this file is alpha, and is subject to modification in future versions of pgu!

""" print 'pgu.algo','This module is alpha, and is subject to change.' #def dist(a,b): # return abs(a[0]-b[0]) + abs(a[1]-b[1]) class node: def __init__(self,prev,pos,dest): self.prev,self.pos,self.dest = prev,pos,dest if self.prev == None: self.g = 0 else: self.g = self.prev.g + 1 self.h = dist(pos,dest) self.f = self.g+self.h def astar(start,end,layer,_dist): """uses the a* algorithm to find a path
astar(start,end,layer,dist): return [list of positions]
start position
end position
a grid where zero cells are open and non-zero cells are walls
a distance function dist(a,b)

returns a list of positions from start to end

""" global dist dist = _dist if layer[start[1]][start[0]]: return [] #start is blocked if layer[end[1]][end[0]]: return [] #end is blocked w,h = len(layer[0]),len(layer) if start[0] < 0 or start[1] < 0 or start[0] >= w or start[1] >= h: return [] #start outside of layer if end[0] < 0 or end[1] < 0 or end[0] >= w or end[1] >= h: return [] #end outside of layer opens = [] open = {} closed = {} cur = node(None,start,end) open[cur.pos] = cur opens.append(cur) while len(open): cur = opens.pop(0) if cur.pos not in open: continue del open[cur.pos] closed[cur.pos] = cur if cur.pos == end: break for dx,dy in [(0,-1),(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0)]:#(-1,-1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(1,1)]: x,y = pos = cur.pos[0]+dx,cur.pos[1]+dy if layer[y][x]: continue #check for blocks of diagonals if layer[cur.pos[1]+dy][cur.pos[0]]: continue if layer[cur.pos[1]][cur.pos[0]+dx]: continue new = node(cur,pos,end) if pos in open and new.f >= open[pos].f: continue if pos in closed and new.f >= closed[pos].f: continue if pos in open: del open[pos] if pos in closed: del closed[pos] open[pos] = new lo = 0 hi = len(opens) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)/2 if new.f < opens[mid].f: hi = mid else: lo = mid + 1 opens.insert(lo,new) if cur.pos != end: return [] path = [] while cur.prev != None: path.append(cur.pos) cur = cur.prev path.reverse() return path def getline(a,b): """returns a path of points from a to b
getline(a,b): return [list of points]
starting point
ending point

returns a list of points from a to b

""" path = [] x1,y1 = a x2,y2 = b dx,dy = abs(x2-x1),abs(y2-y1) if x2 >= x1: xi1,xi2 = 1,1 else: xi1,xi2 = -1,-1 if y2 >= y1: yi1,yi2 = 1,1 else: yi1,yi2 = -1,-1 if dx >= dy: xi1,yi2 = 0,0 d = dx n = dx/2 a = dy p = dx else: xi2,yi1 = 0,0 d = dy n = dy/2 a = dx p = dy x,y = x1,y1 c = 0 while c <= p: path.append((x,y)) n += a if n > d: n -= d x += xi1 y += yi1 x += xi2 y += yi2 c += 1 return path