"""Classes for handling high score tables. """ import os def High(fname,limit=10): """Create a Highs object and returns the default high score table.
filename to store high scores in
limit of scores to be recorded, defaults to 10
""" return Highs(fname,limit)['default'] class _Score: def __init__(self,score,name,data=None): self.score,self.name,self.data=score,name,data class _High: """A high score table. These objects are passed to the user, but should not be created directly.

You can iterate them:

for e in myhigh: print e.score,e.name,e.data

You can modify them:

myhigh[0].name = 'Cuzco'

You can find out their length:

print len(myhigh) """ def __init__(self,highs,limit=10): self.highs = highs self._list = [] self.limit = limit def save(self): """Save the high scores.
""" self.highs.save() def submit(self,score,name,data=None): """Submit a high score to this table.

return -- the position in the table that the score attained. None if the score did not attain a position in the table.

""" n = 0 for e in self._list: if score > e.score: self._list.insert(n,_Score(score,name,data)) self._list = self._list[0:self.limit] return n n += 1 if len(self._list) < self.limit: self._list.append(_Score(score,name,data)) return len(self._list)-1 def check(self,score): """Check if a score will attain a position in the table.

return -- the position the score will attain, else None

""" n = 0 for e in self._list: if score > e.score: return n n += 1 if len(self._list) < self.limit: return len(self._list) def __iter__(self): return self._list.__iter__() def __getitem__(self,key): return self._list[key] def __len__(self): return self._list.__len__() class Highs: """The high score object.

You may access _High objects through this object:

my_easy_hs = highs['easy'] my_hard_hs = highs['hard'] """ def __init__(self,fname,limit=10): self.fname = fname self.limit = limit self.load() def load(self): """Re-load the high scores.
""" self._dict = {} try: f = open(self.fname) for line in f.readlines(): key,score,name,data = line.strip().split("\t") if key not in self._dict: self._dict[key] = _High(self,self.limit) high = self._dict[key] high.submit(int(score),name,data) f.close() except: pass def save(self): """Save the high scores.
""" f = open(self.fname,"w") for key,high in self._dict.items(): for e in high: f.write("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\n"%(key,e.score,e.name,str(e.data))) f.close() def __getitem__(self,key): if key not in self._dict: self._dict[key] = _High(self,self.limit) return self._dict[key]