"""a collection of text rendering functions """ def write(s,font,pos,color,text,border=1): """write text to a surface with a black border
""" i = font.render(text,1,(0,0,0)) si = border dirs = [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)] for dx,dy in dirs: s.blit(i,(pos[0]+dx*si,pos[1]+dy*si)) i = font.render(text,1,color) s.blit(i,pos) def writec(s,font,color,text,border=1): """write centered text to a surface with a black border
""" w,h = font.size(text) x = (s.get_width()-w)/2 y = (s.get_height()-h)/2 write(s,font,(x,y),color,text,border) def writepre(s,font,rect,color,text): """write preformatted text
""" r,c,txt = rect,color,text txt = txt.replace("\t"," ") i = font.render(" ",1,c) sw,sh = i.get_width(),i.get_height() y = r.top for sentence in txt.split("\n"): x = r.left i = font.render(sentence,1,c) s.blit(i,(x,y)) y += sh def writewrap(s,font,rect,color,text): """write wrapped text
""" r,c,txt = rect,color,text txt = txt.replace("\t"," ") i = font.render(" ",1,c) sw,sh = i.get_width(),i.get_height() y = r.top for sentence in txt.split("\n"): x = r.left for word in sentence.split(" "): i = font.render(word,1,c) iw,ih = i.get_width(),i.get_height() if x+iw > r.right: x,y = r.left,y+sh s.blit(i,(x,y)) x += iw+sw y += sh # vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :