#Copyright (c) 2008, Media Modifications Ltd. #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. import os from gettext import gettext as _ import time import gtk import gst import pygst pygst.require('0.10') import gobject gobject.threads_init() from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_path import logging from instance import Instance import constants import utils logger = logging.getLogger('glive') OGG_TRAITS = { 0: { 'width': 160, 'height': 120, 'quality': 16 }, 1: { 'width': 400, 'height': 300, 'quality': 16 } } THUMB_STUB = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'gfx', 'stub.png')) class Glive: PHOTO_MODE_PHOTO = 0 PHOTO_MODE_AUDIO = 1 def __init__(self, activity_obj, model): self.activity = activity_obj self.model = model self._eos_cb = None self._has_camera = False self._can_limit_framerate = False self._playing = False self._pic_exposure_open = False self._thumb_exposure_open = False self._photo_mode = self.PHOTO_MODE_PHOTO self._audio_transcode_handler = None self._transcode_id = None self._video_transcode_handler = None self._thumb_handoff_handler = None self._audio_pixbuf = None self._detect_camera() self._pipeline = gst.Pipeline("Record") self._create_photobin() self._create_audiobin() self._create_videobin() self._create_xbin() self._create_pipeline() self._thumb_pipes = [] self._mux_pipes = [] bus = self._pipeline.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect('message', self._bus_message_handler) def _detect_camera(self): v4l2src = gst.element_factory_make('v4l2src') if v4l2src.props.device_name is None: return self._has_camera = True # Figure out if we can place a framerate limit on the v4l2 element, # which in theory will make it all the way down to the hardware. # ideally, we should be able to do this by checking caps. However, I # can't find a way to do this (at this time, XO-1 cafe camera driver # doesn't support framerate changes, but gstreamer caps suggest # otherwise) pipeline = gst.Pipeline() caps = gst.Caps('video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=10/1') fsink = gst.element_factory_make('fakesink') pipeline.add(v4l2src, fsink) v4l2src.link(fsink, caps) self._can_limit_framerate = pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) != gst.STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) def get_has_camera(self): return self._has_camera def _create_photobin(self): queue = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "pbqueue") queue.set_property("leaky", True) queue.set_property("max-size-buffers", 1) colorspace = gst.element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace", "pbcolorspace") jpeg = gst.element_factory_make("jpegenc", "pbjpeg") sink = gst.element_factory_make("fakesink", "pbsink") sink.connect("handoff", self._photo_handoff) sink.set_property("signal-handoffs", True) self._photobin = gst.Bin("photobin") self._photobin.add(queue, colorspace, jpeg, sink) gst.element_link_many(queue, colorspace, jpeg, sink) pad = queue.get_static_pad("sink") self._photobin.add_pad(gst.GhostPad("sink", pad)) def _create_audiobin(self): src = gst.element_factory_make("alsasrc", "absrc") # attempt to use direct access to the 0,0 device, solving some A/V # sync issues src.set_property("device", "plughw:0,0") hwdev_available = src.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) != gst.STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE src.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) if not hwdev_available: src.set_property("device", "default") srccaps = gst.Caps("audio/x-raw-int,rate=16000,channels=1,depth=16") # guarantee perfect stream, important for A/V sync rate = gst.element_factory_make("audiorate") # without a buffer here, gstreamer struggles at the start of the # recording and then the A/V sync is bad for the whole video # (possibly a gstreamer/ALSA bug -- even if it gets caught up, it # should be able to resync without problem) queue = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "audioqueue") queue.set_property("leaky", True) # prefer fresh data queue.set_property("max-size-time", 5000000000) # 5 seconds queue.set_property("max-size-buffers", 500) queue.connect("overrun", self._log_queue_overrun) enc = gst.element_factory_make("wavenc", "abenc") sink = gst.element_factory_make("filesink", "absink") sink.set_property("location", os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav")) self._audiobin = gst.Bin("audiobin") self._audiobin.add(src, rate, queue, enc, sink) src.link(rate, srccaps) gst.element_link_many(rate, queue, enc, sink) def _create_videobin(self): queue = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "videoqueue") queue.set_property("max-size-time", 5000000000) # 5 seconds queue.set_property("max-size-bytes", 33554432) # 32mb queue.connect("overrun", self._log_queue_overrun) scale = gst.element_factory_make("videoscale", "vbscale") scalecapsfilter = gst.element_factory_make("capsfilter", "scalecaps") scalecaps = gst.Caps('video/x-raw-yuv,width=160,height=120') scalecapsfilter.set_property("caps", scalecaps) colorspace = gst.element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace", "vbcolorspace") enc = gst.element_factory_make("theoraenc", "vbenc") enc.set_property("quality", 16) mux = gst.element_factory_make("oggmux", "vbmux") sink = gst.element_factory_make("filesink", "vbfile") sink.set_property("location", os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg")) self._videobin = gst.Bin("videobin") self._videobin.add(queue, scale, scalecapsfilter, colorspace, enc, mux, sink) queue.link(scale) scale.link_pads(None, scalecapsfilter, "sink") scalecapsfilter.link_pads("src", colorspace, None) gst.element_link_many(colorspace, enc, mux, sink) pad = queue.get_static_pad("sink") self._videobin.add_pad(gst.GhostPad("sink", pad)) def _create_xbin(self): scale = gst.element_factory_make("videoscale") cspace = gst.element_factory_make("ffmpegcolorspace") xsink = gst.element_factory_make("ximagesink", "xsink") xsink.set_property("force-aspect-ratio", True) # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.gstreamer.devel/29644 xsink.set_property("sync", False) self._xbin = gst.Bin("xbin") self._xbin.add(scale, cspace, xsink) gst.element_link_many(scale, cspace, xsink) pad = scale.get_static_pad("sink") self._xbin.add_pad(gst.GhostPad("sink", pad)) def _config_videobin(self, quality, width, height): vbenc = self._videobin.get_by_name("vbenc") vbenc.set_property("quality", 16) scaps = self._videobin.get_by_name("scalecaps") scaps.set_property("caps", gst.Caps("video/x-raw-yuv,width=%d,height=%d" % (width, height))) def _create_pipeline(self): src = gst.element_factory_make("v4l2src", "camsrc") try: # old gst-plugins-good does not have this property src.set_property("queue-size", 2) except: pass # if possible, it is important to place the framerate limit directly # on the v4l2src so that it gets communicated all the way down to the # camera level if self._can_limit_framerate: srccaps = gst.Caps('video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=10/1') else: srccaps = gst.Caps('video/x-raw-yuv') # we attempt to limit the framerate on the v4l2src directly, but we # can't trust this: perhaps we are falling behind in our capture, # or maybe the kernel driver doesn't provide the exact framerate. # the videorate element guarantees a perfect framerate and is important # for A/V sync because OGG does not store timestamps, it just stores # the FPS value. rate = gst.element_factory_make("videorate") ratecaps = gst.Caps('video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=10/1') tee = gst.element_factory_make("tee", "tee") queue = gst.element_factory_make("queue", "dispqueue") # prefer fresh frames queue.set_property("leaky", True) queue.set_property("max-size-buffers", 2) self._pipeline.add(src, rate, tee, queue) src.link(rate, srccaps) rate.link(tee, ratecaps) tee.link(queue) self._xvsink = gst.element_factory_make("xvimagesink", "xsink") self._xv_available = self._xvsink.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) != gst.STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE self._xvsink.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.gstreamer.devel/29644 self._xvsink.set_property("sync", False) self._xvsink.set_property("force-aspect-ratio", True) def _log_queue_overrun(self, queue): cbuffers = queue.get_property("current-level-buffers") cbytes = queue.get_property("current-level-bytes") ctime = queue.get_property("current-level-time") logger.error("Buffer overrun in %s (%d buffers, %d bytes, %d time)" % (queue.get_name(), cbuffers, cbytes, ctime)) def _thumb_element(self, name): return self._thumb_pipes[-1].get_by_name(name) def _configure_xv(self): if self._pipeline.get_by_name("xsink") == self._xvsink: # nothing to do, Xv already configured return self._xvsink queue = self._pipeline.get_by_name("dispqueue") if self._pipeline.get_by_name("xbin"): # X sink is configured, so remove it queue.unlink(self._xbin) self._pipeline.remove(self._xbin) self._pipeline.add(self._xvsink) queue.link(self._xvsink) return self._xvsink def _configure_x(self): if self._pipeline.get_by_name("xbin") == self._xbin: # nothing to do, X already configured return self._xbin.get_by_name("xsink") queue = self._pipeline.get_by_name("dispqueue") xvsink = self._pipeline.get_by_name("xsink") if xvsink: # Xv sink is configured, so remove it queue.unlink(xvsink) self._pipeline.remove(xvsink) self._pipeline.add(self._xbin) queue.link(self._xbin) return self._xbin.get_by_name("xsink") def play(self, use_xv=True): if not self._has_camera: return if self._get_state() == gst.STATE_PLAYING: return if use_xv and self._xv_available: xsink = self._configure_xv() else: xsink = self._configure_x() # X overlay must be set every time, it seems to forget when you stop # the pipeline. self.activity.set_glive_sink(xsink) self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) self._playing = True def pause(self): self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED) self._playing = False def stop(self): self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self._playing = False def is_playing(self): return self._playing def _get_state(self): return self._pipeline.get_state()[1] def stop_recording_audio(self): # We should be able to simply pause and remove the audiobin, but # this seems to cause a gstreamer segfault. So we stop the whole # pipeline while manipulating it. # http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10183 self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self.model.shutter_sound() self._pipeline.remove(self._audiobin) self.play() if not self._audio_pixbuf: # FIXME: inform model of failure? return audio_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav") if not os.path.exists(audio_path) or os.path.getsize(audio_path) <= 0: # FIXME: inform model of failure? return self.model.still_ready(self._audio_pixbuf) line = 'filesrc location=' + audio_path + ' name=audioFilesrc ! wavparse name=audioWavparse ! audioconvert name=audioAudioconvert ! vorbisenc name=audioVorbisenc ! oggmux name=audioOggmux ! filesink name=audioFilesink' audioline = gst.parse_launch(line) taglist = self._get_tags(constants.TYPE_AUDIO) pixbuf_b64 = utils.getStringFromPixbuf(self._audio_pixbuf) taglist[gst.TAG_EXTENDED_COMMENT] = "coverart=" + pixbuf_b64 vorbis_enc = audioline.get_by_name('audioVorbisenc') vorbis_enc.merge_tags(taglist, gst.TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL) audioFilesink = audioline.get_by_name('audioFilesink') audioOggFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") audioFilesink.set_property("location", audioOggFilepath) audioBus = audioline.get_bus() audioBus.add_signal_watch() self._audio_transcode_handler = audioBus.connect('message', self._onMuxedAudioMessageCb, audioline) self._transcode_id = gobject.timeout_add(200, self._transcodeUpdateCb, audioline) audioline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) def _get_tags(self, type): tl = gst.TagList() tl[gst.TAG_ARTIST] = self.model.get_nickname() tl[gst.TAG_COMMENT] = "olpc" #this is unfortunately, unreliable #record.Record.log.debug("self.ca.metadata['title']->" + str(self.ca.metadata['title']) ) tl[gst.TAG_ALBUM] = "olpc" #self.ca.metadata['title'] tl[gst.TAG_DATE] = utils.getDateString(int(time.time())) stringType = constants.MEDIA_INFO[type]['istr'] # Translators: photo by photographer, e.g. "Photo by Mary" tl[gst.TAG_TITLE] = _('%s by %s') % (stringType, self.model.get_nickname()) return tl def blockedCb(self, x, y, z): pass def _take_photo(self, photo_mode): if self._pic_exposure_open: return self._photo_mode = photo_mode self._pic_exposure_open = True pad = self._photobin.get_static_pad("sink") pad.set_blocked_async(True, self.blockedCb, None) self._pipeline.add(self._photobin) self._photobin.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) self._pipeline.get_by_name("tee").link(self._photobin) pad.set_blocked_async(False, self.blockedCb, None) def take_photo(self): if self._has_camera: self._take_photo(self.PHOTO_MODE_PHOTO) def _photo_handoff(self, fsink, buffer, pad, user_data=None): if not self._pic_exposure_open: return pad = self._photobin.get_static_pad("sink") pad.set_blocked_async(True, self.blockedCb, None) self._pipeline.get_by_name("tee").unlink(self._photobin) self._pipeline.remove(self._photobin) pad.set_blocked_async(False, self.blockedCb, None) self._pic_exposure_open = False pic = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_loader_new_with_mime_type("image/jpeg") pic.write( buffer ) pic.close() pixBuf = pic.get_pixbuf() del pic self.save_photo(pixBuf) def save_photo(self, pixbuf): if self._photo_mode == self.PHOTO_MODE_AUDIO: self._audio_pixbuf = pixbuf else: self.model.save_photo(pixbuf) def record_video(self, quality): if not self._has_camera: return self._ogg_quality = quality self._config_videobin(OGG_TRAITS[quality]['quality'], OGG_TRAITS[quality]['width'], OGG_TRAITS[quality]['height']) # If we use pad blocking and adjust the pipeline on-the-fly, the # resultant video has bad A/V sync :( # If we pause the pipeline while adjusting it, the A/V sync is better # but not perfect :( # so we stop the whole thing while reconfiguring to get the best results self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self._pipeline.add(self._videobin) self._pipeline.get_by_name("tee").link(self._videobin) self._pipeline.add(self._audiobin) self.play() def record_audio(self): self._audio_pixbuf = None self._take_photo(self.PHOTO_MODE_AUDIO) # we should be able to add the audiobin on the fly, but unfortunately # this results in several seconds of silence being added at the start # of the recording. So we stop the whole pipeline while adjusting it. # SL#2040 self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self._pipeline.add(self._audiobin) self.play() def stop_recording_video(self): if not self._has_camera: return # We stop the pipeline while we are adjusting the pipeline to stop # recording because if we do it on-the-fly, the following video live # feed to the screen becomes several seconds delayed. Weird! # FIXME: retest on F11 # FIXME: could this be the result of audio shortening problems? self._eos_cb = self._video_eos self._pipeline.get_by_name('camsrc').send_event(gst.event_new_eos()) self._audiobin.get_by_name('absrc').send_event(gst.event_new_eos()) def _video_eos(self): self._pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self._pipeline.get_by_name("tee").unlink(self._videobin) self._pipeline.remove(self._videobin) self._pipeline.remove(self._audiobin) self.model.shutter_sound() if len(self._thumb_pipes) > 0: thumbline = self._thumb_pipes[-1] thumbline.get_by_name('thumb_fakesink').disconnect(self._thumb_handoff_handler) ogg_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") #ogv if not os.path.exists(ogg_path) or os.path.getsize(ogg_path) <= 0: # FIXME: inform model of failure? return line = 'filesrc location=' + ogg_path + ' name=thumbFilesrc ! oggdemux name=thumbOggdemux ! theoradec name=thumbTheoradec ! tee name=thumb_tee ! queue name=thumb_queue ! ffmpegcolorspace name=thumbFfmpegcolorspace ! jpegenc name=thumbJPegenc ! fakesink name=thumb_fakesink' thumbline = gst.parse_launch(line) thumb_queue = thumbline.get_by_name('thumb_queue') thumb_queue.set_property("leaky", True) thumb_queue.set_property("max-size-buffers", 1) thumb_tee = thumbline.get_by_name('thumb_tee') thumb_fakesink = thumbline.get_by_name('thumb_fakesink') self._thumb_handoff_handler = thumb_fakesink.connect("handoff", self.copyThumbPic) thumb_fakesink.set_property("signal-handoffs", True) self._thumb_pipes.append(thumbline) self._thumb_exposure_open = True thumbline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) def copyThumbPic(self, fsink, buffer, pad, user_data=None): if not self._thumb_exposure_open: return self._thumb_exposure_open = False loader = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_loader_new_with_mime_type("image/jpeg") loader.write(buffer) loader.close() self.thumbBuf = loader.get_pixbuf() self.model.still_ready(self.thumbBuf) self._thumb_element('thumb_tee').unlink(self._thumb_element('thumb_queue')) oggFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") #ogv wavFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav") muxFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "mux.ogg") #ogv muxline = gst.parse_launch('filesrc location=' + str(oggFilepath) + ' name=muxVideoFilesrc ! oggdemux name=muxOggdemux ! theoraparse ! oggmux name=muxOggmux ! filesink location=' + str(muxFilepath) + ' name=muxFilesink filesrc location=' + str(wavFilepath) + ' name=muxAudioFilesrc ! wavparse name=muxWavparse ! audioconvert name=muxAudioconvert ! vorbisenc name=muxVorbisenc ! muxOggmux.') taglist = self._get_tags(constants.TYPE_VIDEO) vorbis_enc = muxline.get_by_name('muxVorbisenc') vorbis_enc.merge_tags(taglist, gst.TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL) muxBus = muxline.get_bus() muxBus.add_signal_watch() self._video_transcode_handler = muxBus.connect('message', self._onMuxedVideoMessageCb, muxline) self._mux_pipes.append(muxline) #add a listener here to monitor % of transcoding... self._transcode_id = gobject.timeout_add(200, self._transcodeUpdateCb, muxline) muxline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) def _transcodeUpdateCb( self, pipe ): position, duration = self._query_position( pipe ) if position != gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE: value = position * 100.0 / duration value = value/100.0 self.model.set_progress(value, _('Saving...')) return True def _query_position(self, pipe): try: position, format = pipe.query_position(gst.FORMAT_TIME) except: position = gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE try: duration, format = pipe.query_duration(gst.FORMAT_TIME) except: duration = gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE return (position, duration) def _onMuxedVideoMessageCb(self, bus, message, pipe): if message.type != gst.MESSAGE_EOS: return True gobject.source_remove(self._video_transcode_handler) self._video_transcode_handler = None gobject.source_remove(self._transcode_id) self._transcode_id = None pipe.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) pipe.get_bus().remove_signal_watch() pipe.get_bus().disable_sync_message_emission() wavFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav") oggFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") #ogv muxFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "mux.ogg") #ogv os.remove( wavFilepath ) os.remove( oggFilepath ) self.model.save_video(muxFilepath, self.thumbBuf) return False def _onMuxedAudioMessageCb(self, bus, message, pipe): if message.type != gst.MESSAGE_EOS: return True gobject.source_remove(self._audio_transcode_handler) self._audio_transcode_handler = None gobject.source_remove(self._transcode_id) self._transcode_id = None pipe.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) pipe.get_bus().remove_signal_watch() pipe.get_bus().disable_sync_message_emission() wavFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav") oggFilepath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") os.remove( wavFilepath ) self.model.save_audio(oggFilepath, self._audio_pixbuf) return False def _bus_message_handler(self, bus, message): t = message.type if t == gst.MESSAGE_EOS: if self._eos_cb: cb = self._eos_cb self._eos_cb = None cb() elif t == gst.MESSAGE_ERROR: #todo: if we come out of suspend/resume with errors, then get us back up and running... #todo: handle "No space left on the resource.gstfilesink.c" #err, debug = message.parse_error() pass def abandonMedia(self): self.stop() if self._audio_transcode_handler: gobject.source_remove(self._audio_transcode_handler) self._audio_transcode_handler = None if self._transcode_id: gobject.source_remove(self._transcode_id) self._transcode_id = None if self._video_transcode_handler: gobject.source_remove(self._video_transcode_handler) self._video_transcode_handler = None wav_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.wav") if os.path.exists(wav_path): os.remove(wav_path) ogg_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "output.ogg") #ogv if os.path.exists(ogg_path): os.remove(ogg_path) mux_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "mux.ogg") #ogv if os.path.exists(mux_path): os.remove(mux_path)