# -*- mode:python; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:t; -*- # slideshow.py # # Classes to represent a deck of slides, and handle things like file I/O and # formats # B. Mayton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os, sys, subprocess from time import strftime import gtk import xml.dom.minidom import gobject import logging from path import path from sugar.activity import activity from sugar.datastore import datastore class Deck(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'slide-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), 'decktitle-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), 'slide-redraw' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), 'remove-path' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), 'deck-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), 'local-ink-added' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'remote-ink-added' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), 'instr-state-propagate' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,)), 'lock-state-propagate' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,)), 'ink-submitted' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)), 'ink-broadcast' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)), 'update-submissions' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), 'instructor-ink-cleared' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), 'instructor-ink-removed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT)), } def __init__(self, sugaractivity, handle, rsrc, base="/nfs/show"): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self.__handle = handle if self.__handle.object_id == None: print 'slideshow - from home view' else: obj = datastore.get(self.__handle.object_id) print 'object:', obj.get_file_path() self.__logger = logging.getLogger('Deck') self.__base = base self.__rsrc = rsrc self.__activity = sugaractivity self.__is_initiating = True self.__nav_locked = False self.__active_sub = -1 self.__self_text = "" self.__text_tag = None self.__xmlpath = os.path.join(base, "deck.xml") #we always create a new presentation and copy over it on resume if path(base).exists(): #we can't have permissions.info for this to work subprocess.call("cp -r " + base + " /home/olpc/save", shell=True) subprocess.call("rm -rf " + base + '/*', shell=True) else: path.mkdir(base) path.copy(self.__rsrc / 'deck.xml', base / 'deck.xml') path.copy(self.__rsrc / 'title.html', base / 'title.html') path.copy(self.__rsrc / 'title_thumb.png', base / 'title_thumb.png') self.reload() self.set_title('New') def set_locked_mode(self, locked): """ Setter method for the navigation lock flag""" self.__logger.debug("Lock state: " +str(locked)) self.__nav_locked = locked self.emit('lock-state-propagate', locked) def set_is_initiating(self, is_init): """ Setter method for the instructor flag """ self.__logger.debug("Instructor state: " +str(is_init)) self.__is_initiating = is_init self.emit('instr-state-propagate', is_init) def getIsInitiating(self): return self.__is_initiating def make_title_slide(self, title): #open and read title.html self.__work_path = os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(), 'instance') deckpath = path(activity.get_activity_root()) / 'instance' / 'deck' slide = open(deckpath / 'title.html', 'r') txt = slide.read() slide.close() #here change title.html - change between


h1pos = txt.find('

') h1end = txt.find('

') txtmod = txt[:h1pos+4] + title + txt[h1end:] #here change date - change between


h3pos = txtmod.find('

') h3end = txtmod.find('

') txt = txtmod[:h3pos+4] + strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M") + txtmod[h3end:] #save title.html and close slide = open(deckpath / 'title.html', 'w') slide.write(txt) slide.close() print 'title slide changed', title def set_title(self, title): nodes = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName("title") nodes[0].firstChild.data = title self.make_title_slide(title) self.save() self.goToIndex(0, is_local=False) self.emit('deck-changed') print 'set_title', self.get_title() def get_title(self): nodes = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName("title") return nodes[0].firstChild.data def reload(self): self.__logger.debug("Reading deck") print 'reload:', self.__xmlpath if os.path.exists(self.__xmlpath): self.__dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__xmlpath) decks = self.__dom.getElementsByTagName("deck") self.__deck = decks[0] # Get the slides from the show self.__slides = self.__deck.getElementsByTagName("slide") self.__nslides = len(self.__slides) self.__logger.debug(str(self.__nslides) + " slides in show") self.goToIndex(0, is_local=False) self.emit('deck-changed') print 'deck reloaded' def save(self, path=None): """Writes the XML DOM in memory out to disk""" print 'save:', path if not path: path = self.__xmlpath """ print '***************save************************' print self.__dom.toprettyxml() print '***************save************************' """ outfile = open(path, "w") self.__dom.writexml(outfile) outfile.close() def rebuild_dom(self, title, slides): dom = xml.dom.minidom.Document() deck = dom.createElement("deck") title = dom.createElement("title") title.appendChild(dom.createTextNode("new")) deck.appendChild(title) for slide in slides: deck.appendChild(slide) dom.appendChild(deck) print '*************rebuild**************************' print dom.toprettyxml() print '**********************************************' return dom def getDeckPath(self): """Returns the path to the folder that stores this slide deck""" return self.__base def resizeImage(self, inpath, outpath, w, h): # resize an image pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(inpath, w, h) #scaled_buf = pixbuf.scale.simple(w, h, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) pixbuf.save(outpath, "png") def get_SlideTitle(self): n = self.getIndex() slide = self.__slides[n] return slide.getAttribute('title') def set_SlideTitle(self, slideTitle): n = self.getIndex() slide = self.__slides[n] slide.setAttribute('title', slideTitle) def addSlide(self,file_path): INSTANCE = path(activity.get_activity_root()) / 'instance' filepath = path(file_path) print 'addSlide file_path', filepath.exists(), filepath filename = filepath.name inpath = INSTANCE / 'deck' / filename print 'inpath', inpath.exists(), inpath path.copy(filepath, inpath) outpath = path(activity.get_activity_root() ) / 'instance' / 'deck' / filename print 'outpath=', outpath.exists(), outpath self.resizeImage(inpath, outpath, 640, 480) print 'outpath=', outpath.exists(), outpath print 'get slide dimensions' dims = self.getSlideDimensionsFromXML(0) if dims == False: wf = 640 hf = 480 else: wf, hf = dims w = str(int(wf)) h = str(int(hf)) print 'add slide', w, h newslide = self.__dom.createElement("slide") newslide.setAttribute("height", h) newslide.setAttribute("title", "newslide") newslide.setAttribute("width", w) newlayer = self.__dom.createElement("layer") txt = self.__dom.createTextNode(filename) newlayer.appendChild(txt) newslide.appendChild(newlayer) self.__deck.appendChild(newslide) print '**************addSlide*************' print self.__dom.toprettyxml() print '***********************************' self.save() def removeSlide(self, n): del self.__slides[n] self.__dom = self.rebuild_dom("modified deck", self.__slides) def moveSlide(self, f, t): if f < t: self.__slides.insert(t, self.__slides[f]) del self.__slides[f] elif t < f: self.__slides.insert(t, self.__slides[f]) del self.__slides[f+1] self.__dom = self.rebuild_dom("modified deck", self.__slides) def getSlideLayers(self, n=-1): """Returns a list of the layers that comprise this slide""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] self.__layers = slide.getElementsByTagName("layer") layers = [] for l in self.__layers: p = os.path.join(self.__base, l.firstChild.nodeValue) layers.append(p) return layers def getInstructorInk(self): self.__instructor_ink = [] instr = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor") if len(instr) > 0: self.__instructor_tag = instr[0] pathtags = self.__instructor_tag.getElementsByTagName("path") for pathstr in pathtags: self.__instructor_ink.append(pathstr.firstChild.nodeValue) return self.__instructor_ink def getSelfInkOrSubmission(self): if self.__active_sub == -1: return (self.__self_ink, self.__self_text) subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission") if self.__active_sub > -1 and self.__active_sub < len(subtags): active_subtag = subtags[self.__active_sub] text = "" texts = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("text") if len(texts) > 0: if texts[0].firstChild: text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue pathlist = [] paths = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("path") for path in paths: if path.firstChild: pathlist.append(path.firstChild.nodeValue) return (pathlist, text) return None def setActiveSubmission(self, sub): self.__active_sub = sub self.emit('slide-redraw') def getActiveSubmission(self): return self.__active_sub def getSubmissionList(self, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission") sublist = [] for subtag in subtags: sublist.append(subtag.getAttribute("from")) return sublist def addSubmission(self, whofrom, inks, text="", n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos if n >= 0 and n < self.getSlideCount(): slide = self.__slides[n] else: slide = self.__slides[self.__pos] newsub = self.__dom.createElement("submission") newsub.setAttribute("from", whofrom) substrparts = inks.split("$") for part in substrparts: if len(part) > 0: newpath = self.__dom.createElement("path") newpath.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(part)) newsub.appendChild(newpath) subtext = self.__dom.createElement("text") subtext.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(text)) newsub.appendChild(subtext) subs = slide.getElementsByTagName("submission") for sub in subs: if sub.getAttribute("from") == whofrom: slide.removeChild(sub) slide.appendChild(newsub) subs = slide.getElementsByTagName("submission") if n == self.__pos: self.emit('update-submissions', len(subs) - 1) def addInkToSlide(self, pathstr, islocal, n=None): """Adds ink to the current slide, or slide n if given. Instructor ink may be added to any slide; but it only makes sense to add student ink to the current slide (n will be ignored)""" if n is None: slide = self.__slide instr_tag = self.__instructor_tag if instr_tag == None: instr_tag = self.__dom.createElement("instructor") slide.appendChild(instr_tag) self.__instructor_tag = instr_tag else: if n < self.getSlideCount and n >= 0: slide = self.__slides[n] else: slide = self.__slides[self.__pos] instr_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor") if len(instr_tags) > 0: instr_tag = instr_tags[0] else: instr_tag = self.__dom.createElement("instructor") slide.appendChild(instr_tag) if not islocal or self.__is_initiating: self.__instructor_ink.append(pathstr) path = self.__dom.createElement("path") path.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(pathstr)) instr_tag.appendChild(path) else: self.__self_ink.append(pathstr) if not self.__self_ink_tag: self.__self_ink_tag = self.__dom.createElement("self") self.__slide.appendChild(self.__self_ink_tag) path = self.__dom.createElement("path") path.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(pathstr)) self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(path) if islocal: self.emit("local-ink-added", pathstr) else: if n is None or n == self.__pos: self.emit("remote-ink-added", pathstr) def clearInk(self, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] if self.__is_initiating: self.clearInstructorInk(n) self.emit('instructor-ink-cleared', n) self_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("self") for self_tag in self_tags: slide.removeChild(self_tag) self.__self_ink = [] self.__self_ink_tag = None def clearInstructorInk(self, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] instructor_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor") for instructor_tag in instructor_tags: slide.removeChild(instructor_tag) if n == self.__pos: self.__instructor_ink = [] self.__instructor_tag = None self.emit('slide-redraw') def removeInstructorPathByUID(self, uid, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos needs_redraw = False slide = self.__slides[n] instructor_tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor") if len(instructor_tags) > 0: instructor_tag = instructor_tags[0] else: return path_tags = instructor_tag.getElementsByTagName("path") for path_tag in path_tags: if path_tag.firstChild: pathstr = path_tag.firstChild.nodeValue path_uid = 0 try: path_uid = int(pathstr[0:pathstr.find(';')]) except Exception, e: pass if path_uid == uid: instructor_tag.removeChild(path_tag) needs_redraw = True if n == self.__pos and needs_redraw: self.emit('remove-path', uid) def removeLocalPathByUID(self, uid, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] if self.__is_initiating: self.emit('instructor_ink_removed', uid, n) tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("instructor") else: tags = slide.getElementsByTagName("self") if len(tags) > 0: tag = tags[0] else: return path_tags = tag.getElementsByTagName("path") for path_tag in path_tags: if path_tag.firstChild: pathstr = path_tag.firstChild.nodeValue path_uid = 0 try: path_uid = int(pathstr[0:pathstr.find(';')]) except Exception, e: pass if path_uid == uid: tag.removeChild(path_tag) def doSubmit(self): inks, text, whofrom = self.getSerializedInkSubmission() self.__logger.debug("Submitting ink: " + str(inks) + " text: " + text) self.emit('ink-submitted', inks, text) def doBroadcast(self): inks, text, whofrom = self.getSerializedInkSubmission() self.emit('ink-broadcast', whofrom, inks, text) def getSerializedInkSubmission(self): sub = "" text = "" if self.__active_sub == -1: self_tags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("self") if len(self_tags) > 0: texts = self_tags[0].getElementsByTagName("text") if len(texts) > 0: if texts[0].firstChild: text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue for path in self_tags[0].getElementsByTagName("path"): sub = sub + path.firstChild.nodeValue + "$" return sub, text, "myself" else: sub = "" whofrom = "unknown" subtags = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("submission") if self.__active_sub > -1 and self.__active_sub < len(subtags): active_subtag = subtags[self.__active_sub] text = "" whofrom = active_subtag.getAttribute("from") texts = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("text") if len(texts) > 0: if texts[0].firstChild: text = texts[0].firstChild.nodeValue pathlist = [] paths = active_subtag.getElementsByTagName("path") for path in paths: if path.firstChild: sub = sub + path.firstChild.nodeValue + "$" return sub, text, whofrom def getSlideThumb(self, n=-1): """Returns the full path to the thumbnail for this slide if it is defined; otherwise False""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] print slide.toprettyxml() thumbs = slide.getElementsByTagName("thumb") if len(thumbs) < 1: return False return os.path.join(self.__base, thumbs[0].firstChild.nodeValue) def setSlideThumb(self, filename, n=-1): """Sets the thumbnail for this slide to filename (provide a *relative* path!)""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] thumbs = slide.getElementsByTagName("thumb") for t in thumbs: slide.removeChild(t) thumb = self.__dom.createElement("thumb") thumb.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(filename)) slide.appendChild(thumb) def getSlideClip(self, n=-1): """Returns the full path to the audio clip for this slide if it is defined; otherwise False""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] clip = slide.getElementsByTagName("clip") if len(clip) < 1: return False return os.path.join(self.__base, clip[0].firstChild.nodeValue) def setSlideClip(self, filename, n=-1): """Sets the clip for this slide to filename (provide a *relative* path!)""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] clips = slide.getElementsByTagName("clip") for clip in clips: slide.removeChild(clip) clip = self.__dom.createElement("clip") clip.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(filename)) slide.appendChild(clip) def setSlideText(self, textval): self.__self_text = textval if self.__text_tag: if self.__text_tag.firstChild: self.__text_tag.firstChild.nodeValue = textval else: self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode(textval)) def doNewIndex(self): """Updates any necessary state associated with moving to a new slide""" self.__slide = self.__slides[self.__pos] #set slide title - entry text from xml self.set_SlideTitle(self.__slide.getAttribute('title')) self_ink = self.__slide.getElementsByTagName("self") self.__instructor_tag = None self.__self_ink_tag = None self.__instructor_ink = [] self.__self_ink = [] self.__self_text = "" self.__text_tag = None self.__active_sub = -1 if len(self_ink) > 0: self.__self_ink_tag = self_ink[0] texttags = self.__self_ink_tag.getElementsByTagName("text") if len(texttags) > 0: self.__text_tag = texttags[0] else: self.__text_tag = self.__dom.createElement(text) self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode("")) self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(text) pathtags = self.__self_ink_tag.getElementsByTagName("path") for pathstr in pathtags: self.__self_ink.append(pathstr.firstChild.nodeValue) else: self.__self_ink_tag = self.__dom.createElement("self") self.__slide.appendChild(self.__self_ink_tag) self.__text_tag = self.__dom.createElement("text") self.__text_tag.appendChild(self.__dom.createTextNode("")) self.__self_ink_tag.appendChild(self.__text_tag) if self.__text_tag.firstChild: self.__self_text = self.__text_tag.firstChild.nodeValue self.__activity.set_screen(0) self.emit("slide-changed") self.emit("update-submissions", self.__active_sub) self.emit("slide-redraw") def goToIndex(self, index, is_local): """Jumps to the slide at the given index, if it's valid""" self.__logger.debug("Trying to change slides: locked? %u, instructor? %u, is_local? %u", self.__nav_locked, self.__is_initiating, is_local) in_range = index < self.__nslides and index >= 0 if (self.__is_initiating or not is_local or not self.__nav_locked) and in_range: self.__logger.debug("Changing slide to index: %u", index) self.__pos = index self.doNewIndex() else: self.__pos = index print 'invalid index', index def getIndex(self): """Returns the index of the current slide""" return self.__pos def next(self): """Moves to the next slide""" self.goToIndex(self.__pos + 1, is_local=True) def previous(self): """Moves to the previous slide""" self.goToIndex(self.__pos - 1, is_local=True) def isAtBeginning(self): """Returns true if show is on the first slide in the deck""" if self.__nslides < 1: return True if self.__pos == 0: return True else: return False def isAtEnd(self): """Returns true if the show is at the last slide in the deck""" if self.__nslides < 1: return True if self.__pos == self.__nslides - 1: return True else: return False def getSlideDimensionsFromXML(self, n=-1): """Returns the dimensions for the slide at index n, if they're specified""" if n == -1: n = self.__pos slide = self.__slides[n] wstring = slide.getAttribute("width") hstring = slide.getAttribute("height") if wstring != '' and hstring != '': return [float(wstring), float(hstring)] return False def getSlideCount(self): return self.__nslides gobject.type_register(Deck)