# Help for SimpleGraphActivity from gettext import gettext as _ from helpbutton import HelpButton def create_help(toolbar): helpitem = HelpButton() toolbar.insert(helpitem, -1) helpitem.show() helpitem.add_section(_('Basic usage')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('First you need add data to create the graph')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('You can add data with this button'), 'row-insert') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('...or remove data with this button'), 'row-remove') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('To change the graph title, just change the activity title')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('Next you can change the type of graph')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('Vertical bars'), 'vbar') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('Horizontal bars'), 'hbar') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('Lines'), 'line') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('Pie'), 'pie') helpitem.add_section(_('Configs')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('You can change the colors or the horizontal and vertical labels in the configs toolbar'), 'preferences-system') helpitem.add_section(_('Saving as an image')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('In the activity toolbar you have button to save the graph as an image'), 'save-as-image') helpitem.add_section(_('Reading data from other activities')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('In the activity toolbar you have buttons to read data from other activities')) helpitem.add_paragraph(_('You can use times measured in the StopWatch activity'), 'import-stopwatch') helpitem.add_paragraph(_('...or data from the Measure activity'), 'import-measure')