# Copyright(c) 2007-2010 by Lorenzo Gil Sanchez # # This file is part of PyCha. # # PyCha is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyCha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with PyCha. If not, see . from pycha.chart import Chart, uniqueIndices from pycha.color import hex2rgb from pycha.utils import safe_unicode class BarChart(Chart): def __init__(self, surface=None, options={}, debug=False): super(BarChart, self).__init__(surface, options, debug) self.bars = [] self.minxdelta = 0.0 self.barWidthForSet = 0.0 self.barMargin = 0.0 def _updateXY(self): super(BarChart, self)._updateXY() # each dataset is centered around a line segment. that's why we # need n + 1 divisions on the x axis self.xscale = 1 / (self.xrange + 1.0) def _updateChart(self): """Evaluates measures for vertical bars""" stores = self._getDatasetsValues() uniqx = uniqueIndices(stores) if len(uniqx) == 1: self.minxdelta = 1.0 else: self.minxdelta = min([abs(uniqx[j] - uniqx[j - 1]) for j in range(1, len(uniqx))]) k = self.minxdelta * self.xscale barWidth = k * self.options.barWidthFillFraction self.barWidthForSet = barWidth / len(stores) self.barMargin = k * (1.0 - self.options.barWidthFillFraction) / 2 self.bars = [] def _renderChart(self, cx): """Renders a horizontal/vertical bar chart""" def drawBar(bar): stroke_width = self.options.stroke.width ux, uy = cx.device_to_user_distance(stroke_width, stroke_width) if ux < uy: ux = uy cx.set_line_width(ux) # gather bar proportions x = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w * bar.x y = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h * bar.y w = self.layout.chart.w * bar.w h = self.layout.chart.h * bar.h if (w < 1 or h < 1) and self.options.yvals.skipSmallValues: return # don't draw when the bar is too small if self.options.stroke.shadow: cx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) rectangle = self._getShadowRectangle(x, y, w, h) cx.rectangle(*rectangle) cx.fill() if self.options.shouldFill or (not self.options.stroke.hide): if self.options.shouldFill: cx.set_source_rgb(*self.colorScheme[bar.name]) cx.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cx.fill() if not self.options.stroke.hide: cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.stroke.color)) cx.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cx.stroke() if bar.yerr: self._renderError(cx, x, y, w, h, bar.yval, bar.yerr) # render yvals above/beside bars if self.options.yvals.show: cx.save() cx.set_font_size(self.options.yvals.fontSize) cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.yvals.fontColor)) if callable(self.options.yvals.renderer): label = safe_unicode(self.options.yvals.renderer(bar), self.options.encoding) else: label = safe_unicode(bar.yval, self.options.encoding) extents = cx.text_extents(label) labelW = extents[2] labelH = extents[3] self._renderYVal(cx, label, labelW, labelH, x, y, w, h) cx.restore() cx.save() for bar in self.bars: drawBar(bar) cx.restore() def _renderYVal(self, cx, label, width, height, x, y, w, h): raise NotImplementedError class VerticalBarChart(BarChart): def _updateChart(self): """Evaluates measures for vertical bars""" super(VerticalBarChart, self)._updateChart() for i, (name, store) in enumerate(self.datasets): for item in store: if len(item) == 3: xval, yval, yerr = item else: xval, yval = item x = (((xval - self.minxval) * self.xscale) + self.barMargin + (i * self.barWidthForSet)) w = self.barWidthForSet h = abs(yval) * self.yscale if yval > 0: y = (1.0 - h) - self.origin else: y = 1 - self.origin rect = Rect(x, y, w, h, xval, yval, name) if (0.0 <= rect.x <= 1.0) and (0.0 <= rect.y <= 1.0): self.bars.append(rect) def _updateTicks(self): """Evaluates bar ticks""" super(BarChart, self)._updateTicks() offset = (self.minxdelta * self.xscale) / 2 self.xticks = [(tick[0] + offset, tick[1]) for tick in self.xticks] def _getShadowRectangle(self, x, y, w, h): return (x - 2, y - 2, w + 4, h + 2) def _renderYVal(self, cx, label, labelW, labelH, barX, barY, barW, barH): x = barX + (barW / 2.0) - (labelW / 2.0) if self.options.yvals.snapToOrigin: y = barY + barH - 0.5 * labelH elif self.options.yvals.inside: y = barY + (1.5 * labelH) else: y = barY - 0.5 * labelH # if the label doesn't fit below the bar, put it above the bar if y > (barY + barH): y = barY - 0.5 * labelH cx.move_to(x, y) cx.show_text(label) def _renderError(self, cx, barX, barY, barW, barH, value, error): center = barX + (barW / 2.0) errorWidth = max(barW * 0.1, 5.0) left = center - errorWidth right = center + errorWidth errorSize = barH * error / value top = barY + errorSize bottom = barY - errorSize cx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) cx.move_to(left, top) cx.line_to(right, top) cx.stroke() cx.move_to(center, top) cx.line_to(center, bottom) cx.stroke() cx.move_to(left, bottom) cx.line_to(right, bottom) cx.stroke() class HorizontalBarChart(BarChart): def _updateChart(self): """Evaluates measures for horizontal bars""" super(HorizontalBarChart, self)._updateChart() for i, (name, store) in enumerate(self.datasets): for item in store: if len(item) == 3: xval, yval, yerr = item else: xval, yval = item yerr = 0.0 y = (((xval - self.minxval) * self.xscale) + self.barMargin + (i * self.barWidthForSet)) h = self.barWidthForSet w = abs(yval) * self.yscale if yval > 0: x = self.origin else: x = self.origin - w rect = Rect(x, y, w, h, xval, yval, name, yerr) if (0.0 <= rect.x <= 1.0) and (0.0 <= rect.y <= 1.0): self.bars.append(rect) def _updateTicks(self): """Evaluates bar ticks""" super(BarChart, self)._updateTicks() offset = (self.minxdelta * self.xscale) / 2 tmp = self.xticks self.xticks = [(1.0 - tick[0], tick[1]) for tick in self.yticks] self.yticks = [(tick[0] + offset, tick[1]) for tick in tmp] def _renderLines(self, cx): """Aux function for _renderBackground""" if self.options.axis.y.showLines and self.yticks: for tick in self.xticks: self._renderLine(cx, tick, True) if self.options.axis.x.showLines and self.xticks: for tick in self.yticks: self._renderLine(cx, tick, False) def _getShadowRectangle(self, x, y, w, h): return (x, y - 2, w + 2, h + 4) def _renderXAxisLabel(self, cx, labelText): labelText = self.options.axis.x.label super(HorizontalBarChart, self)._renderYAxisLabel(cx, labelText) def _renderXAxis(self, cx): """Draws the horizontal line representing the X axis""" cx.new_path() cx.move_to(self.layout.chart.x, self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h) cx.line_to(self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w, self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h) cx.close_path() cx.stroke() def _renderYAxisLabel(self, cx, labelText): labelText = self.options.axis.y.label super(HorizontalBarChart, self)._renderXAxisLabel(cx, labelText) def _renderYAxis(self, cx): # draws the vertical line representing the Y axis cx.new_path() cx.move_to(self.layout.chart.x + self.origin * self.layout.chart.w, self.layout.chart.y) cx.line_to(self.layout.chart.x + self.origin * self.layout.chart.w, self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h) cx.close_path() cx.stroke() def _renderYVal(self, cx, label, labelW, labelH, barX, barY, barW, barH): y = barY + (barH / 2.0) + (labelH / 2.0) if self.options.yvals.snapToOrigin: x = barX + 2 elif self.options.yvals.inside: x = barX + barW - (1.2 * labelW) else: x = barX + barW + 0.2 * labelW # if the label doesn't fit to the left of the bar, put it to the right if x < barX: x = barX + barW + 0.2 * labelW cx.move_to(x, y) cx.show_text(label) def _renderError(self, cx, barX, barY, barW, barH, value, error): center = barY + (barH / 2.0) errorHeight = max(barH * 0.1, 5.0) top = center + errorHeight bottom = center - errorHeight errorSize = barW * error / value right = barX + barW + errorSize left = barX + barW - errorSize cx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) cx.move_to(left, top) cx.line_to(left, bottom) cx.stroke() cx.move_to(left, center) cx.line_to(right, center) cx.stroke() cx.move_to(right, top) cx.line_to(right, bottom) cx.stroke() class Rect(object): def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, xval, yval, name, yerr=0.0): self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h self.xval, self.yval, self.yerr = xval, yval, yerr self.name = name def __str__(self): return ("" % (self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.xval, self.yval, self.yerr, self.name))