# Copyright(c) 2007-2010 by Lorenzo Gil Sanchez # # This file is part of PyCha. # # PyCha is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PyCha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with PyCha. If not, see . import math import cairo from pycha.chart import Chart, Option, Layout, Area, get_text_extents from pycha.color import hex2rgb class PieChart(Chart): def __init__(self, surface=None, options={}, debug=False): super(PieChart, self).__init__(surface, options, debug) self.slices = [] self.centerx = 0 self.centery = 0 self.layout = PieLayout(self.slices) def _updateChart(self): """Evaluates measures for pie charts""" slices = [dict(name=key, value=(i, value[0][1])) for i, (key, value) in enumerate(self.datasets)] s = float(sum([slice['value'][1] for slice in slices])) fraction = angle = 0.0 del self.slices[:] for slice in slices: if slice['value'][1] > 0: angle += fraction fraction = slice['value'][1] / s self.slices.append(Slice(slice['name'], fraction, slice['value'][0], slice['value'][1], angle)) def _updateTicks(self): """Evaluates pie ticks""" self.xticks = [] if self.options.axis.x.ticks: lookup = dict([(_slice.xval, _slice) for _slice in self.slices]) for tick in self.options.axis.x.ticks: if not isinstance(tick, Option): tick = Option(tick) _slice = lookup.get(tick.v, None) label = tick.label or str(tick.v) if _slice is not None: label += ' (%.1f%%)' % (_slice.fraction * 100) self.xticks.append((tick.v, label)) else: for _slice in self.slices: label = '%s (%.1f%%)' % (_slice.name, _slice.fraction * 100) self.xticks.append((_slice.xval, label)) def _renderLines(self, cx): """Aux function for _renderBackground""" # there are no lines in a Pie Chart def _renderChart(self, cx): """Renders a pie chart""" self.centerx = self.layout.chart.x + self.layout.chart.w * 0.5 self.centery = self.layout.chart.y + self.layout.chart.h * 0.5 cx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) if self.options.stroke.shadow and False: cx.save() cx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) cx.new_path() cx.move_to(self.centerx, self.centery) cx.arc(self.centerx + 1, self.centery + 2, self.layout.radius + 1, 0, math.pi * 2) cx.line_to(self.centerx, self.centery) cx.close_path() cx.fill() cx.restore() cx.save() for slice in self.slices: if slice.isBigEnough(): cx.set_source_rgb(*self.colorScheme[slice.name]) if self.options.shouldFill: slice.draw(cx, self.centerx, self.centery, self.layout.radius) cx.fill() if not self.options.stroke.hide: slice.draw(cx, self.centerx, self.centery, self.layout.radius) cx.set_line_width(self.options.stroke.width) cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.stroke.color)) cx.stroke() cx.restore() if self.debug: cx.set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0.5) px = max(cx.device_to_user_distance(1, 1)) for x, y in self.layout._lines: cx.arc(x, y, 5 * px, 0, 2 * math.pi) cx.fill() cx.new_path() cx.move_to(self.centerx, self.centery) cx.line_to(x, y) cx.stroke() def _renderAxis(self, cx): """Renders the axis for pie charts""" if self.options.axis.x.hide or not self.xticks: return self.xlabels = [] if self.debug: px = max(cx.device_to_user_distance(1, 1)) cx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.5) for x, y, w, h in self.layout.ticks: cx.rectangle(x, y, w, h) cx.stroke() cx.arc(x + w / 2.0, y + h / 2.0, 5 * px, 0, 2 * math.pi) cx.fill() cx.arc(x, y, 2 * px, 0, 2 * math.pi) cx.fill() cx.select_font_face(self.options.axis.tickFont, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) cx.set_font_size(self.options.axis.tickFontSize) cx.set_source_rgb(*hex2rgb(self.options.axis.labelColor)) for i, tick in enumerate(self.xticks): label = tick[1] x, y, w, h = self.layout.ticks[i] xb, yb, width, height, xa, ya = cx.text_extents(label) # draw label with text tick[1] cx.move_to(x - xb, y - yb) cx.show_text(label) self.xlabels.append(label) class Slice(object): def __init__(self, name, fraction, xval, yval, angle): self.name = name self.fraction = fraction self.xval = xval self.yval = yval self.startAngle = 2 * angle * math.pi self.endAngle = 2 * (angle + fraction) * math.pi def __str__(self): return ("" % (self.startAngle, self.endAngle, self.fraction)) def isBigEnough(self): return abs(self.startAngle - self.endAngle) > 0.001 def draw(self, cx, centerx, centery, radius): cx.new_path() cx.move_to(centerx, centery) cx.arc(centerx, centery, radius, -self.endAngle, -self.startAngle) cx.close_path() def getNormalisedAngle(self): normalisedAngle = (self.startAngle + self.endAngle) / 2 if normalisedAngle > math.pi * 2: normalisedAngle -= math.pi * 2 elif normalisedAngle < 0: normalisedAngle += math.pi * 2 return normalisedAngle class PieLayout(Layout): """Set of chart areas for pie charts""" def __init__(self, slices): self.slices = slices self.title = Area() self.chart = Area() self.ticks = [] self.radius = 0 self._areas = ( (self.title, (1, 126 / 255.0, 0)), # orange (self.chart, (75 / 255.0, 75 / 255.0, 1.0)), # blue ) self._lines = [] def update(self, cx, options, width, height, xticks, yticks): self.title.x = options.padding.left self.title.y = options.padding.top self.title.w = width - (options.padding.left + options.padding.right) self.title.h = get_text_extents(cx, options.title, options.titleFont, options.titleFontSize, options.encoding)[1] lookup = dict([(slice.xval, slice) for slice in self.slices]) self.chart.x = self.title.x self.chart.y = self.title.y + self.title.h self.chart.w = self.title.w self.chart.h = height - self.title.h - (options.padding.top + options.padding.bottom) centerx = self.chart.x + self.chart.w * 0.5 centery = self.chart.y + self.chart.h * 0.5 self.radius = min(self.chart.w / 2.0, self.chart.h / 2.0) for tick in xticks: _slice = lookup.get(tick[0], None) width, height = get_text_extents(cx, tick[1], options.axis.tickFont, options.axis.tickFontSize, options.encoding) angle = _slice.getNormalisedAngle() radius = self._get_min_radius(angle, centerx, centery, width, height) self.radius = min(self.radius, radius) # Now that we now the radius we move the ticks as close as we can # to the circle for i, tick in enumerate(xticks): _slice = lookup.get(tick[0], None) angle = _slice.getNormalisedAngle() self.ticks[i] = self._get_tick_position(self.radius, angle, self.ticks[i], centerx, centery) def _get_min_radius(self, angle, centerx, centery, width, height): min_radius = None # precompute some common values tan = math.tan(angle) half_width = width / 2.0 half_height = height / 2.0 offset_x = half_width * tan offset_y = half_height / tan def intersect_horizontal_line(y): return centerx + (centery - y) / tan def intersect_vertical_line(x): return centery - tan * (x - centerx) # computes the intersection between the rect that has # that angle with the X axis and the bounding chart box if 0.25 * math.pi <= angle < 0.75 * math.pi: # intersects with the top rect y = self.chart.y x = intersect_horizontal_line(y) self._lines.append((x, y)) x1 = x - half_width - offset_y self.ticks.append((x1, self.chart.y, width, height)) min_radius = abs((y + height) - centery) elif 0.75 * math.pi <= angle < 1.25 * math.pi: # intersects with the left rect x = self.chart.x y = intersect_vertical_line(x) self._lines.append((x, y)) y1 = y - half_height - offset_x self.ticks.append((x, y1, width, height)) min_radius = abs(centerx - (x + width)) elif 1.25 * math.pi <= angle < 1.75 * math.pi: # intersects with the bottom rect y = self.chart.y + self.chart.h x = intersect_horizontal_line(y) self._lines.append((x, y)) x1 = x - half_width + offset_y self.ticks.append((x1, y - height, width, height)) min_radius = abs((y - height) - centery) else: # intersects with the right rect x = self.chart.x + self.chart.w y = intersect_vertical_line(x) self._lines.append((x, y)) y1 = y - half_height + offset_x self.ticks.append((x - width, y1, width, height)) min_radius = abs((x - width) - centerx) return min_radius def _get_tick_position(self, radius, angle, tick, centerx, centery): text_width, text_height = tick[2:4] half_width = text_width / 2.0 half_height = text_height / 2.0 if 0 <= angle < 0.5 * math.pi: # first quadrant k1 = j1 = k2 = 1 j2 = -1 elif 0.5 * math.pi <= angle < math.pi: # second quadrant k1 = k2 = -1 j1 = j2 = 1 elif math.pi <= angle < 1.5 * math.pi: # third quadrant k1 = j1 = k2 = -1 j2 = 1 elif 1.5 * math.pi <= angle < 2 * math.pi: # fourth quadrant k1 = k2 = 1 j1 = j2 = -1 cx = radius * math.cos(angle) + k1 * half_width cy = radius * math.sin(angle) + j1 * half_height radius2 = math.sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy) tan = math.tan(angle) x = math.sqrt((radius2 * radius2) / (1 + tan * tan)) y = tan * x x = centerx + k2 * x y = centery + j2 * y return x - half_width, y - half_height, text_width, text_height