#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Config::File; use Bot::BasicBot 0.81; use Carp qw(confess); # this is a cleaner reimplementation of ilbot, with Bot::BasicBot which # in turn is based POE::* stuff package IrcLogBot; use IrcLog qw(get_dbh gmt_today); use Data::Dumper; { my $dbh = get_dbh(); sub prepare { my $dbh = shift; return $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO irclog (channel, day, nick, timestamp, line) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } my $q = prepare($dbh); sub dbwrite { my ($channel, $who, $line) = @_; # mncharity aka putter has an IRC client that prepends some lines with # a BOM. Remove that: $line =~ s/\A\x{ffef}//; my @sql_args = ($channel, gmt_today(), $who, time, $line); if ($dbh->ping){ $q->execute(@sql_args); } else { $q = prepare(get_dbh()); $q->execute(@sql_args); } return; } use base 'Bot::BasicBot'; sub said { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, $e->{who}, $e->{body}); return undef; } sub emoted { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, '* ' . $e->{who}, $e->{body}); return undef; } sub chanjoin { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, '', $e->{who} . ' joined ' . $e->{channel}); return undef; } sub chanquit { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, '', $e->{who} . ' left ' . $e->{channel}); return undef; } sub chanpart { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, '', $e->{who} . ' left ' . $e->{channel}); return undef; } sub _channels_for_nick { my $self = shift; my $nick = shift; return grep { $self->{channel_data}{$_}{$nick} } keys( %{ $self->{channel_data} } ); } sub userquit { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; my $nick = $e->{who}; foreach my $channel ($self->_channels_for_nick($nick)) { $self->chanpart({ who => $nick, channel => $channel }); } } sub topic { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, "", 'Topic for ' . $e->{channel} . ' is now ' . $e->{topic}); return undef; } sub nick_change { my $self = shift; my($old, $new) = @_; foreach my $channel ($self->_channels_for_nick($new)) { dbwrite($channel, "", $old . ' is now known as ' . $new); } return undef; } sub kicked { my $self = shift; my $e = shift; dbwrite($e->{channel}, "", $e->{kicked} . ' was kicked by ' . $e->{who} . ': ' . $e->{reason}); return undef; } sub help { my $self = shift; return "This is a passive irc logging bot. Homepage: http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot"; } } package main; my $conf = Config::File::read_config_file(shift @ARGV || "bot.conf"); my $nick = shift @ARGV || $conf->{NICK} || "ilbot6"; my $server = $conf->{SERVER} || "irc.freenode.net"; my $port = $conf->{PORT} || 6667; my $channels = [ split m/\s+/, $conf->{CHANNEL}]; my $bot = IrcLogBot->new( server => $server, port => $port, channels => $channels, nick => $nick, alt_nicks => ["irclogbot", "logbot"], username => "bot", name => "irc log bot, http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot", charset => "utf-8", ); $bot->run(); # vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab