# Richard Darst, June 2009 import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.registry as registry import meeting import writers OriginalConfig = meeting.Config # The plugin group for configuration MeetBotConfigGroup = conf.registerPlugin('MeetBot') class WriterMap(registry.String): """List of output formats to write. This is a space-separated list of 'WriterName:.ext' pairs. WriterName must be from the writers.py module, '.ext' must be a extension ending in a . """ def set(self, s): s = s.split() writer_map = { } for writer in s: #from fitz import interact ; interact.interact() writer, ext = writer.split(':') if not hasattr(writers, writer): raise ValueError("Writer name not found: %s"%writer) if len(ext) < 2 or ext[0] != '.': raise ValueError("Extension must start with '.' and have " "at least one more character.") writer_map[ext] = getattr(writers, writer) self.setValue(writer_map) def setValue(self, writer_map): for e, w in writer_map.iteritems(): if not hasattr(w, "format"): raise ValueError("Writer %s must have method .format()"% w.__class__.__name__) self.value = writer_map def __str__(self): writers_string = [ ] for ext, w in self.value.iteritems(): name = w.__class__.__name__ writers_string.append("%s:%s"%(name, ext)) return " ".join(writers_string) class SupybotConfigProxy(object): def __init__(self, M): """Do the regular default configuration, and sta""" self.__C = OriginalConfig(M) def __getattr__(self, attrname): """Try to get the value from the supybot registry. If it's in the registry, return it. If it's not, then proxy it to th. """ if attrname in settable_attributes: value = self.__C.M._registryValue(attrname, channel=self.__C.M.channel) if not isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): return value if value != '.': value = value.replace('\\n', '\n') return value # We don't have this value in the registry. So, proxy it to # the normal config object. This is also the path that all # functions take. return getattr(self.__C, attrname) #conf.registerGlobalValue(MeetBot use_supybot_config = conf.registerGlobalValue(MeetBotConfigGroup, 'enableSupybotBasedConfig', registry.Boolean(False, '')) #from fitz import interactnow if (use_supybot_config.value and not getattr(OriginalConfig, 'dontBotConfig', False)): # Set all string variables in the default Config class as supybot # registry variables. settable_attributes = [ ] for attrname in dir(OriginalConfig): # Don't configure attributs starting with '_' if attrname[0] == '_': continue attr = getattr(OriginalConfig, attrname) # Don't configure attributes that aren't strings. if not isinstance(attr, (str, unicode)): continue attr = attr.replace('\n', '\\n') # For a global value: conf.registerGlobalValue and remove the # channel= option from registryValue call above. conf.registerChannelValue(MeetBotConfigGroup, attrname, registry.String(attr,"")) settable_attributes.append(attrname) # writer_map if 'writer_map' in MeetBotConfigGroup._children: MeetBotConfigGroup.unregister('writer_map') conf.registerChannelValue(MeetBotConfigGroup, 'writer_map', WriterMap(OriginalConfig.writer_map, "")) settable_attributes.append('writer_map') # Here is where the real proxying occurs. meeting.Config = SupybotConfigProxy