# Richard Darst, 2009 import os import re import textwrap import time #from meeting import timeZone, meetBotInfoURL # Needed for testing with isinstance() for properly writing. #from items import Topic, Action import items # Data sanitizing for various output methods def html(text): """Escape bad sequences (in HTML) in user-generated lines.""" return text.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") def rst(text): return text class _BaseWriter(object): pass class TextLog(object): def format(self, M): """Write raw text logs.""" return "\n".join(M.lines) class HTMLlog(object): def format(self, M): """Write pretty HTML logs.""" # pygments lexing setup: # (pygments HTML-formatter handles HTML-escaping) import pygments from pygments.lexers import IrcLogsLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter import pygments.token as token from pygments.lexer import bygroups # Don't do any encoding in this function with pygments. # That's only right before the i/o functions in the Config # object. formatter = HtmlFormatter(lineanchors='l', full=True, style=M.config.pygmentizeStyle) Lexer = IrcLogsLexer Lexer.tokens['msg'][1:1] = \ [ # match: #topic commands (r"(\#topic[ \t\f\v]*)(.*\n)", bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Generic.Heading), '#pop'), # match: #command (others) (r"(\#[^\s]+[ \t\f\v]*)(.*\n)", bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Generic.Strong), '#pop'), ] lexer = Lexer() #from rkddp.interact import interact ; interact() out = pygments.highlight("\n".join(M.lines), lexer, formatter) return out class HTML(object): def format(self, M): """Write the minutes summary.""" data = [ ] if M._meetingTopic: pageTitle = "%s: %s"%(M.channel, M._meetingTopic) else: pageTitle = "%s Meeting"%M.channel # Header and things stored data.append( ''' %s


Meeting started by %s at %s %s. (full logs)
\n\n'''%(pageTitle, pageTitle, M.owner, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", M.starttime), M.config.timeZone, M.config.basename+'.log.html', )) # Add all minute items to the table for m in M.minutes: data.append(m.html(M)) # End the log portion data.append("""
Meeting ended at %s %s. (full logs)"""%\ (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", M.endtime), M.config.timeZone, M.config.basename+'.log.html')) data.append("\n

") # Action Items data.append("Action Items
    ") import meeting for m in M.minutes: # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue data.append("
  1. %s
  2. "%m.line) #already escaped data.append("
") # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient) data.append("Action Items, by person\n
    ") for nick in sorted(M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()): headerPrinted = False for m in M.minutes: # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue if m.line.find(nick) == -1: continue if not headerPrinted: data.append("
  1. %s
      "%nick) headerPrinted = True data.append("
    1. %s
    2. "%m.line) # already escaped m.assigned = True if headerPrinted: data.append("
  2. ") # unassigned items: data.append("
      ") numberUnassigned = 0 for m in M.minutes: if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue data.append("
    1. %s
    2. "%m.line) # already escaped numberUnassigned += 1 if numberUnassigned == 0: data.append("
    3. (none)
    4. ") data.append('
  4. ') # clean-up data.append("
") # People Attending data.append("""People Present (lines said):
    """) # sort by number of lines spoken nicks = [ (n,c) for (n,c) in M.attendees.iteritems() ] nicks.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for nick in nicks: data.append('
  1. %s (%s)
  2. '%(nick[0], nick[1])) data.append("
") data.append("""Generated by MeetBot."""% M.config.MeetBotInfoURL) data.append("") return "\n".join(data) class RST(object): def __init__(self): pass def format(self, M): """Return a ReStructured Text minutes summary.""" dedent = textwrap.dedent wrap = textwrap.wrap fill = textwrap.fill def wrapList(item, indent=0): return fill(item, 72, initial_indent=' '*indent, subsequent_indent= ' '*(indent+2)) def replaceWRAP(item): re_wrap = re.compile('WRAP(.*)WRAP', re.DOTALL) def repl(m): return fill(m.group(1), 72, break_long_words=False) return re_wrap.sub(repl, item) if M._meetingTopic: pageTitle = "%s: %s"%(M.channel, M._meetingTopic) else: pageTitle = "%s Meeting"%M.channel MeetingItems = [ ] M.rst_urls = [ ] M.rst_refs = { } haveTopic = None for m in M.minutes: item = "* "+m.rst(M) if m.itemtype == "TOPIC": item = wrapList(item, 0) haveTopic = True else: if haveTopic: item = wrapList(item, 2) else: item = wrapList(item, 1) MeetingItems.append(item) MeetingItems = '\n\n'.join(MeetingItems) MeetingURLs = "\n".join(M.rst_urls) del M.rst_urls, M.rst_refs MeetingItems = MeetingItems + '\n\n'+MeetingURLs # Action Items ActionItems = [ ] for m in M.minutes: # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue #already escaped ActionItems.append(wrapList("* %s"%m.line, indent=0)) ActionItems = "\n\n".join(ActionItems) # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient) ActionItemsPerson = [ ] for nick in sorted(M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()): headerPrinted = False for m in M.minutes: # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue if m.line.find(nick) == -1: continue if not headerPrinted: ActionItemsPerson.append("* %s"%nick) headerPrinted = True # already escaped ActionItemsPerson.append(wrapList("* %s"%m.line, 2)) m.assigned = True #if headerPrinted: # ActionItemsPerson.append(" ") # unassigned items: ActionItemsPerson.append("* **UNASSIGNED**") numberUnassigned = 0 for m in M.minutes: if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue # already escaped ActionItemsPerson.append(wrapList("* %s"%m.line, 2)) numberUnassigned += 1 if numberUnassigned == 0: ActionItemsPerson.append(" * (none)") #ActionItemsPerson.append(' \n') # clean-up #ActionItemsPerson.append("\n\n
") ActionItemsPerson = "\n\n".join(ActionItemsPerson) # People Attending PeoplePresent = [ ] # sort by number of lines spoken nicks = [ (n,c) for (n,c) in M.attendees.iteritems() ] nicks.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for nick in nicks: PeoplePresent.append('* %s (%s)'%(nick[0], nick[1])) PeoplePresent = "\n\n".join(PeoplePresent) # End the log portion body = """\ %(titleBlock)s %(pageTitle)s %(titleBlock)s WRAPMeeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s %(timeZone)s. The `full logs`_ are available.WRAP .. _`full logs`: %(fullLogs)s Meeting log ----------- %(MeetingItems)s Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s. Action Items ------------ %(ActionItems)s Action Items, by person ----------------------- %(ActionItemsPerson)s People Present (lines said) --------------------------- %(PeoplePresent)s Generated by `MeetBot`_ .. _`MeetBot`: %(MeetBotInfoURL)s """ body = replaceWRAP(dedent(body)) body = body%{'titleBlock':('='*len(pageTitle)), 'pageTitle':pageTitle, 'owner':M.owner, 'starttime':time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", M.starttime), 'timeZone':M.config.timeZone, 'fullLogs':M.config.basename+'.log.html', 'endtime':time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", M.endtime), 'timeZone':M.config.timeZone, 'ActionItems': ActionItems, 'ActionItemsPerson': ActionItemsPerson, 'MeetBotInfoURL':M.config.MeetBotInfoURL, 'PeoplePresent':PeoplePresent, 'MeetingItems':MeetingItems, } #print body #from fitz import interactnow #osys.exit() return body class HTMLfromRST(object): def format(self, M): import docutils.core rst = RST().format(M) rstToHTML = docutils.core.publish_string(rst, writer_name='html') return rstToHTML