19 * simpler definition of linear slide * major refactoring to make modifcation of the code easier 18 * resized text field (#2329) * combined two label functions into one (#2329) * using build-in round instead of my own version * added in-line documentation for modifying the code 17 * better error-message handling for custom sliders (#2325) * custom slide *and* custom stator (#2326) * added results label entry for custom slides (#2326) 16 * customizable slide * enable typing into tabs to move slides * major refactoring of calculations * major refactoring of slide, stator generation 15 * added log log scale 14 * switched to combo boxes in order to enable user-definable combinations (#2225) * added button to realign slides * added keyboard shortcuts (e.g., arrow keys to move slides) * code reorder in order to accomodate user-definable combinations 13 * added K (cube), S (sine), and T (tangent) scales * cleaned up results display * moved display results off of toolbar 12 * update labels when switching scales * display different operand options when displaying results 11 * more verbose tooltips * CI (inverse) scale * general code cleanup 10 * added linear rules for addition and subtraction 9 * new licensing file 8 * sprite library clean-up * added command-line launch capability * fixed sprite library bug 7 * added pi and e indicators 6 * fixed menu bug in pre-0.86 toolbars 5 * toggle toolbar button states 4 * fixed typos in pre-0.86 code 3 * Update results label during moves * Handle condition when C is to the left of D * added A (two-decade) scale for calculating square roots 2 * Save position in Journal * Restore position from Journal * Larger handles on reticule 1 * Sliderule activity * C and D ln scales for multiplication and division