. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Frederic Wenzel * RJ Walsh * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ ?>
# %1$s of %2$s in queue (filtered)'), $queueRank, $filteredCount); } else { echo sprintf(___('# %1$s of %2$s in queue'), $queueRank, $filteredCount); } ?>
1) echo $html->link(___('« prev'), "/editors/queue/{$reviewType}?num=".($queueRank-1)); ?> link(___('next »'), "/editors/queue/{$reviewType}?num=".($queueRank+1)); ?>
renderElement('developers/review_motd', array('message' => $motd)) ?>

'; } ?>
    '.$html->linkUserFromModel($user).''; } } ?>
    '.$category['Translation']['name']['string'].''; } } ?>
    $val) { echo '
  • '; if (in_array($app, $apps)) { echo $html->image('developers/'.strtolower($app).'.png'); } else { echo $html->image('developers/spacer.png'); } echo "{$app} {$val['min']} - {$val['max']}
  • "; } } ?>

    '.$html->image('developers/admin_review.png', array('title' => ___('Admin Review', 'editors_review_admin_flag'))).''; } else { echo '
  • ' . ___('none', 'editors_review_list_none') . '
  • '; } ?>
formTag('/editors/review/'.$version['Version']['id'], 'post')?>
    '; echo $html->checkbox('Approval/File][', null, array('value' => $file['id'], 'class' => 'fileCheckbox', 'checked' => $checked, 'disabled' => $file['disabled'], 'onClick' => 'selectedFile();')); echo ' '.$html->link($platforms[$file['platform_id']], '/downloads/file/'.$file['id'].'/'.$file['filename'], array('onClick' => $this->controller->Amo->installTrigger($addon['Addon']['addontype_id'], FULL_BASE_URL.$html->url('/downloads/file/'.$file['id'].'/'.$file['filename']), $addon['Translation']['name']['string'].' '.$version['Version']['version'], '', $file['hash']).' return false;')).''; echo ' - '.$approval[$file['status']].' ('.$file['created'].')'; echo ' - '.$html->link(___('View Contents'), '/files/browse/'.$file['id'].'/1'); if ($has_public && $addontype != ADDON_SEARCH) { //if (count($addon['Version']) > 1) { echo ' - '.$html->link(___('Compare with public version'), '/files/diff/'.$file['id'].'/'); } echo ''; } } ?>

hidden('Approval/ActionField', array('id' => 'actionField')); echo $html->hidden('Approval/Type', array('value' => $reviewType)); ?>
image('developers/public-bw.png', array('id' => 'publicIcon')).' '.___('Push to Public')?> image('developers/sandbox-bw.png', array('id' => 'sandboxIcon')).' '.___('Retain in Sandbox')?> image('developers/info-bw.png', array('id' => 'infoIcon')).' '.___('Request More Information')?>
'; echo ___('This will approve a sandboxed version of a public add-on to appear on the public side.'); echo '
'; echo ''; } elseif ($reviewType == 'nominated') { echo ''; echo ''; } ?>
'; } if ($reviewType == 'pending') { ?>
submit(___('Process Action'), array('id' => 'process', 'onClick' => 'return validateReview(\''.$reviewType.'\');'))?>
'; echo '

'.___('Nomination Message').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Addon']['nominationmessage']); echo '
'; echo '
'; } if (!empty($version['Version']['approvalnotes'])) { echo '

'.___('Notes to Reviewer').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($version['Version']['approvalnotes']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($addon['Translation']['summary']['string'])) { echo '

'.___('Summary', 'editors_review_header_summary').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Translation']['summary']['string']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($addon['Translation']['description']['string'])) { echo '


'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Translation']['description']['string']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($version['Translation']['releasenotes']['string'])) { echo '

'.___('Version Notes').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($version['Translation']['releasenotes']['string']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($addon['Translation']['eula']['string'])) { echo '


'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Translation']['eula']['string']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($addon['Translation']['privacypolicy']['string'])) { echo '

'.___('Privacy Policy', 'editors_review_header_privacy').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Translation']['privacypolicy']['string']); echo '
'; } if (!empty($addon['Translation']['developercomments']['string'])) { echo '

'.___('Developer Comments', 'editors_review_header_devcomments').'

'; echo '
'; echo nl2br($addon['Translation']['developercomments']['string']); echo '
'; } ?>
link(___('help', 'editors_review_header_validation_help'), '/pages/validation') . ']'?>

link(sprintf(___('Validation results for %s'), $file['filename']), '/developers/versions/validate/' . $version['Version']['id'] . '#test-results-' . $file['id']) ?>

renderElement('developers/testresults_header', array('test_groups' => $file['groups'], 'all_groups' => $test_groups, 'file' => array('File' => $file), 'counts' => $file['counts'], 'external_link' => true)); ?>

renderElement('developers/editors_review_history_item', array('hist'=>$hist)); } unset($hist); // PHP bug 35106 } else { echo ''; } ?>
'.___('No previous review entries could be found.').'

controller->Image->getPreviewURL($preview['id']); echo '  '; } } else { echo ___('No previews found.'); } ?>

link("({$c['User']['email']})", "mailto:{$c['User']['email']}")?> $c['Versioncomment']['id'], 'is_subscribed' => in_array($c['Versioncomment']['id'], $subscriptions)); echo $this->renderElement('developers/editors_comment_add_form', $params); } ?>
formTag('/editors/review/'.$version['Version']['id'].($queueRank ? "?num={$queueRank}" : ''), 'post', array('id'=>'editorCommentForm', 'class'=>'hidden'))?>
input('Versioncomment/subject', array('size'=>'50'))?>
textarea('Versioncomment/comment', array('cols'=>'70', 'rows'=>'10'))?>
hidden('Versioncomment/reply_to', array('value'=>''))?>