. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Frederic Wenzel * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ class DevelopersComponent extends Object { var $controller; var $imageExtensions = array('.png', '.jpg', '.gif'); /** * Save a reference to the controller on startup * @param object &$controller the controller using this component */ function startup(&$controller) { $this->controller =& $controller; } /** * Make sure at least one but no more than 5 tags selected * @param array $tags post data of selected tags */ function validateTags($tags) { $errors =& $this->controller->Error; //Must have at least one tag selected, but no more than 5 if (empty($tags)) { $errors->addError(_('devcp_error_one_category'), 'Tag/Tag'); $this->controller->Tag->invalidate('Tag'); return false; } elseif (count($tags) > 5) { $errors->addError(_('devcp_error_five_categories'), 'Tag/Tag'); $this->controller->Tag->invalidate('Tag'); return false; } return true; } /** * Remove duplicates and make sure at least one user selected * @param array &$users post data of selected users */ function validateUsers(&$users) { $errors =& $this->controller->Error; //Remove deleted and duplicate entries from authors $authors = array(); if (!empty($users)) { foreach($users as $user) { if ($user != "" && !in_array($user, $authors)) { $authors[] = $user; } } } $users = $authors; //Make sure there is at least one author if (empty($users)) { $errors->addError(_('devcp_error_one_user'), 'User/User'); $this->controller->User->invalidate('User'); return false; } return true; } /** * Save users to addons_users table. For some reason, Cake refuses to save * this properly the normal way. * @param array $users The users */ function saveUsers($users) { $this->controller->User->execute("DELETE FROM addons_users WHERE addon_id={$this->controller->Addon->id}"); if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $this->controller->User->execute("INSERT INTO addons_users (addon_id, user_id) VALUES({$this->controller->Addon->id}, {$user})"); } } return true; } /** * Get all tags for an addontype * @param int $addontypeId the addontype ID * @param array $applicationIds the ids of supported applications * @return array $tags the tags */ function getTags($addontypeId, $applicationIds) { //Get tags based on addontype $applicationIdQry = !empty($applicationIds) ? "Tag.application_id IN (".implode(', ', $applicationIds).") OR" : ''; // Override for search engines. They have no application restrictions (bug 417727) if ($addontypeId == ADDON_SEARCH) { $applicationIdQry = 'Tag.application_id IS NOT NULL OR'; } $tagsQry = $this->controller->Tag->findAll("Tag.addontype_id='{$addontypeId}' AND ({$applicationIdQry} Tag.application_id IS NULL)"); if ($tagsQry) { // show (APP) behind name? $add_apps = (is_array($applicationIds) && count($applicationIds)>1); if ($add_apps) { global $app_shortnames, $app_prettynames; $appnames = array(); foreach($applicationIds as $app) { $sn = array_search($app,$app_shortnames); if ($sn!==false) $appnames[$app] = $app_prettynames[$sn]; } } foreach ($tagsQry as $k => $v) { $tags['names'][$v['Tag']['id']] = $v['Translation']['name']['string']; if ($add_apps && !is_null($v['Tag']['application_id'])) $tags['names'][$v['Tag']['id']] .= " ({$appnames[$v['Tag']['application_id']]})"; $tags['descriptions'][] = $v['Tag']['id'].': "'.addslashes($v['Translation']['description']['string']).'"'; } } if (!empty($tags)) { asort($tags['names']); return $tags; } return array(); } /** * Get all selected tags in order of post data, existing data, default * @param array $currentTags currently selected tags * @return array $selectedTags the selected tags */ function getSelectedTags($currentTags) { //post data if (!empty($this->controller->data['Tag']['Tag'])) { foreach($this->controller->data['Tag']['Tag'] as $tag) { $selectedTags[] = $tag; } } //current data elseif (!empty($currentTags)) { foreach ($currentTags as $tag) { $selectedTags[] = $tag['id']; } } //default data else { $selectedTags = array(); } return $selectedTags; } /** * Get authors in order of post data, existing data, default * @param array $currentUsers currently selected users * @param boolean $defaultToSession whether to default to current user * @return array $authors the authors */ function getAuthors($currentUsers, $defaultToSession = true) { //post data if (!empty($this->controller->data['User']['User']) && !in_array('0', $this->controller->data['User']['User'])) { foreach($this->controller->data['User']['User'] as $user) { if ($user != "") { $this->controller->User->id = $user; $userinfo = $this->controller->User->read(); $authors[$user] = $userinfo['User']['firstname'].' '.$userinfo['User']['lastname'].' ['.$userinfo['User']['email'].']'; } } } //current users elseif (!empty($currentUsers)) { foreach ($currentUsers as $user) { $authors[$user['id']] = $user['firstname'].' '.$user['lastname'].' ['.$user['email'].']'; } } //default to logged in elseif ($defaultToSession == true) { //default to current user $session = $this->controller->Session->read('User'); $authors[$session['id']] = $session['firstname'].' '.$session['lastname'].' ['.$session['email'].']'; } //default to empty else { $authors = array(); } return $authors; } /** * Detect addontype based on file information * @param array $file array of PHP file info * @return int addontype id */ function detectAddontype($file) { $extension = substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.')); switch ($extension) { case '.xpi': // Dictionaries have a .dic file in the dictionaries directory $zip = new Archive_Zip($file['tmp_name']); $dicFile = $zip->extract(array('extract_as_string' => true, 'by_preg' => "/dictionaries\/.+\.dic/i")); // if the .dic file is present, it is a dictionary, otherwise it's an extension if (count($dicFile) > 0) { return ADDON_DICT; } else { return ADDON_EXTENSION; } break; case '.jar': return ADDON_THEME; break; case '.xml': return ADDON_SEARCH; break; case '.xo': return ADDON_ACTIVITY; break; default: return 0; break; } } /** * Validate the uploaded files * @deprecated */ function validateFiles() { $errors =& $this->controller->Error; //Make sure the first file was uploaded if (empty($this->controller->data['File']['file1']['name'])) { $errors->addError(_('devcp_error_upload_file'), 'File/file1'); $this->controller->File->invalidate('file1'); return false; } $errorCount = 0; //Loop through the files for ($f = 1; $f <= 4; $f++) { $file = (!empty($this->controller->data['File']['file'.$f])) ? $this->controller->data['File']['file'.$f] : array(); if (!empty($file['name'])) { //File 4 is the icon file if ($f != 4) { //Make sure platform selected if (empty($this->controller->data['File']['platform_id'.$f])) { $errors->addError(_('devcp_error_no_platform'), 'File/platform_id'.$f); $this->controller->File->invalidate('platform_id'.$f); $errorCount++; } //Validate the file $files[$f] = $this->validateFile($this->controller->data['File']['file'.$f], $this->controller->data); } else { //Validate the image $files[$f] = $this->validateIcon($this->controller->data['File']['file'.$f]); } //If an array is not returned, an error occurred if (!is_array($files[$f])) { $errors->addError($files[$f], 'File/file'.$f); $this->controller->File->invalidate('file'.$f); $errorCount++; } else { if ($f != 4) { $files[$f]['platform_id'] = $this->controller->data['File']['platform_id'.$f]; } } } } //Collect all file errors before returning if ($errorCount > 0) { return false; } else { foreach ($files as $f => $fileInfo) { $this->controller->addVars['file'.$f] = $fileInfo; } return true; } } /** * Validate a file for basic problems with the upload * @param array $file PHP info on the file * @param array $addon data already saved about the add-on * @return array if no errors * @return string if error */ function validateFile($file, $addon) { $uploadErrors = array( '1' => _('devcp_error_http_maxupload'), '2' => _('devcp_error_http_maxupload'), '3' => _('devcp_error_http_incomplete'), '4' => _('devcp_error_http_nofile') ); $allowedExtensions = $this->getAllowedExtensions($addon['Addon']['addontype_id']); // Check for file upload errors if (!empty($file['error'])) { return $uploadErrors[$file['error']]; } // Set file properties to be used later $fileInfo['filename'] = $file['name']; $fileInfo['size'] = round($file['size']/1024, 0); // in KB $fileInfo['extension'] = substr($file['name'], strrpos($file['name'], '.')); $fileInfo['hash'] = 'sha256:'.hash_file("sha256", $file['tmp_name']); // Check for file extension match if (!in_array(strtolower($fileInfo['extension']), $allowedExtensions)) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_file_extension'), $fileInfo['extension'], implode(', ', $allowedExtensions)); } // Move temporary file to repository $uploadedFile = $this->controller->Amo->unclean($file['tmp_name']); $tempLocation = REPO_PATH.'/temp/'.$fileInfo['filename']; // Make sure file doesn't overwrite anything if (file_exists($tempLocation)) { $fileInfo['filename'] = str_replace('0.', '', microtime()).$fileInfo['extension']; $tempLocation = REPO_PATH.'/temp/'.$fileInfo['filename']; } if (move_uploaded_file($uploadedFile, $tempLocation)) { chmod($tempLocation, 0644); $fileInfo['path'] = $tempLocation; } else { return _('devcp_error_move_file'); } return $fileInfo; } /** * Validate the icon file * @param array $file the icon file array * @param array $fileErrors the HTTP file error associations * @param array $allowedExtensions allowed file extensions */ function validateIcon($icon) { $uploadErrors = array( '1' => _('devcp_error_http_maxupload'), '2' => _('devcp_error_http_maxupload'), '3' => _('devcp_error_http_incomplete'), '4' => _('devcp_error_http_nofile') ); // Check for file upload errors if (!empty($icon['error'])) { return $uploadErrors[$icon['error']]; } // Check for file extension match $extension = substr($icon['name'], strrpos($icon['name'], '.')); if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $this->imageExtensions)) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_icon_extension'), $extension, implode(', ', $this->imageExtensions)); } $fileInfo['icondata'] = file_get_contents($icon['tmp_name']); $fileInfo['icontype'] = $icon['type']; // Get icon size list($sourceWidth, $sourceHeight) = getimagesize($icon['tmp_name']); // Resize to 32x32 $fileInfo['icondata'] = $this->resizeImage($fileInfo['icondata'], $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, 32, 32); return $fileInfo; } /** * Resizes an image to specified size * @param string $sourceData the image data * @param int $sourceWidth original width * @param int $sourceHeight original height * @param int $newWidth width of the new image * @param int $newHeight height of the new image * @return string new image data */ function resizeImage($sourceData, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, $newWidth = 200, $newHeight = 150) { $sourceImage = imagecreatefromstring($sourceData); imagesavealpha($sourceImage, true); // Determine width/height aspect ratio $sourceRatio = $sourceWidth / $sourceHeight; $newRatio = $newWidth / $newHeight; if ($newRatio > $sourceRatio) { $newWidth = $newHeight * $sourceRatio; } else { $newHeight = $newWidth / $sourceRatio; } // Only make image smaller, not larger if ($newWidth >= $sourceWidth && $newHeight >= $sourceHeight) { $newImage = $sourceImage; } else { $newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight); // Make a new transparent image and turn off alpha blending to keep the alpha channel $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($newImage, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagecolortransparent($newImage, $background); imagealphablending($newImage, false); imagesavealpha($newImage, true); imagecopyresampled($newImage, $sourceImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight); } // Output new image to buffer to save and clear it ob_start(); imagepng($newImage); $newData = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); @imagedestroy($sourceImage); @imagedestroy($newImage); return $newData; } /** * Get allowed file extensions based on addontype * @param int $addontype the addontype * @return array $allowed allowed extensions */ function getAllowedExtensions($addontype) { switch ($addontype) { case ADDON_EXTENSION: $allowed = array('.xpi'); break; case ADDON_THEME: $allowed = array('.jar', '.xpi'); break; case ADDON_DICT: $allowed = array('.xpi'); break; case ADDON_SEARCH: $allowed = array('.xml'); break; case ADDON_LPAPP: $allowed = array('.xpi'); break; case ADDON_LPADDON: $allowed = array('.xpi'); break; case ADDON_ACTIVITY: $allowed = array('.xo'); break; default: $allowed = array(); break; } return $allowed; } /** * Validate the install.rdf manifest data * @param array $manifestData the manifest contents * @return string if error * @return boolean true if no error */ function validateManifestData($manifestData) { // If the data is a string, it is an error message if (is_string($manifestData)) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_manifest_parse'), $manifestData); } // Check if install.rdf has an updateURL if (isset($manifestData['updateURL'])) { return _('devcp_error_updateurl'); } // Check if install.rdf has an updateKey if (isset($manifestData['updateKey'])) { return _('devcp_error_updatekey'); } // Check the GUID for existence if (!isset($manifestData['id'])) { return _('devcp_error_no_guid'); } // Validate GUID if (!preg_match('/^(\{[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\}|[a-z0-9-\._]*\@[a-z0-9-\._]+)$/i', $manifestData['id'])) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_invalid_guid'), $manifestData['id']); } // Make sure GUID is not an application's GUID if ($this->controller->Application->findByGuid($manifestData['id'])) { return _('devcp_error_guid_application'); } // Make sure version has no spaces if (!isset($manifestData['version']) || preg_match('/.*\s.*/', $manifestData['version'])) { return _('devcp_error_invalid_version_spaces'); } // Validate version if (!preg_match('/^\d+(\+|\w+)?(\.\d+(\+|\w+)?)*$/', $manifestData['version'])) { return _('devcp_error_invalid_version'); } return true; } /** * Validate the target applications * @param array $targetApps the targetApps from install.rdf * @return string if error * @return array if no errors */ function validateTargetApplications($targetApps) { $noMozApps = true; $versionErrors = array(); if (count($targetApps) > 0) { $i = 0; // Iterate through each target app and find it in the DB foreach ($targetApps as $appKey => $appVal) { if ($matchingApp = $this->controller->Application->find(array('guid' => $appKey), null, null, -1)) { $return[$i]['application_id'] = $matchingApp['Application']['id']; // Mark as Moz-app if supported if ($matchingApp['Application']['supported'] == 1) { $noMozApps = false; } // Check if the minVersion is valid $matchingMinVers = $this->controller->Appversion->find("application_id={$matchingApp['Application']['id']} AND version='{$appVal['minVersion']}'", null, null, -1); if (empty($matchingMinVers)) { $versionErrors[] = sprintf(_('devcp_error_invalid_appversion'), $appVal['minVersion'], $matchingApp['Translation']['name']['string']); } elseif (strpos($appVal['minVersion'], '*') !== false) { $versionErrors[] = sprintf(_('devcp_error_invalid_minversion'), $appVal['minVersion'], $matchingApp['Translation']['name']['string']); } else { $return[$i]['min'] = $matchingMinVers['Appversion']['id']; } // Check if the maxVersion is valid $matchingMaxVers = $this->controller->Appversion->find("application_id={$matchingApp['Application']['id']} AND version='{$appVal['maxVersion']}'", null, null, -1); if (empty($matchingMaxVers)) { $versionErrors[] = sprintf(_('devcp_error_invalid_appversion'), $appVal['maxVersion'], $matchingApp['Translation']['name']['string']); } else { $return[$i]['max'] = $matchingMaxVers['Appversion']['id']; } $i++; } } } $validAppReference = sprintf(_('devcp_error_appversion_reference_link'), ''._('devcp_error_appversion_reference_link_text').''); // Must have at least one Mozilla app if ($noMozApps === true) { return _('devcp_error_mozilla_application').'
'.$validAppReference; } // Max/min version errors if (count($versionErrors) > 0) { $errorStr = implode($versionErrors, '
'); return _('devcp_error_install_manifest').'
'.$validAppReference; } return $return; } /** * Renames and moves a file out of temp repository * @param array $data array of data in model format */ function moveFile($data) { $fileUpdates = array(); $applications = $this->controller->Application->getShortNames(); $platforms = $this->controller->Platform->getShortNames(); // Construct new filename with name, version, supported apps, and OS $filename = preg_replace(INVALID_FILENAME_CHARS, '_', $data['Addon']['name']); $filename .= '-'.$data['Version']['version']; if (!in_array($data['Addon']['addontype_id'], array(ADDON_SEARCH, ADDON_ACTIVITY))) { $filename .= '-'; $appString = ''; foreach ($data['appversions'] as $appversion) { if ($appString != "") { $appString .= '+'.$applications[$appversion['application_id']]; } else { $appString = $applications[$appversion['application_id']]; } } $filename .= $appString; if ($data['File']['db']['platform_id'] != PLATFORM_ALL) { $filename .= '-'.$platforms[$data['File']['db']['platform_id']]; } } $filename .= $data['File']['details']['extension']; $filename = strtolower($filename); // File paths $currentPath = $data['File']['details']['path']; $dirPath = REPO_PATH.'/'.$data['Addon']['id']; $newPath = $dirPath.'/'.$filename; // Create directory if necessary if (!file_exists($dirPath)) { if (!mkdir($dirPath)) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $data['File']['db']['filename']); } } // Move file if (file_exists($currentPath)) { // Delete file if one already exists if (file_exists($newPath)) { unlink($newPath); } // We must copy instead of rename now in case there are other platforms if (!copy($currentPath, $newPath)) { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $data['File']['db']['filename']); } $fileUpdates['filename'] = $filename; } else { return sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $data['File']['db']['filename']); } // Copy file to rsync area if public if ($data['File']['db']['status'] == STATUS_PUBLIC) { $this->controller->Amo->copyFileToPublic($data['Addon']['id'], $filename); } return $fileUpdates; } /** * Create new file name and move files from temp to approval * @param array $version version information * @deprecated since 3.5 */ function moveFiles($version, $addontype_id) { $errors =& $this->controller->Error; $fileUpdates = array(); $applications = $this->controller->Amo->getApplicationName(null, true); $this->controller->Addon->id = $version['Version']['addon_id']; $addon = $this->controller->Addon->read(); // Construct new filename with name, version, supported apps, and OS $baseFilename = preg_replace(INVALID_FILENAME_CHARS, '_', $addon['Translation']['name']['string']); if ($addontype_id != ADDON_SEARCH) { $baseFilename .= '-'.$version['Version']['version'].'-'; $appString = ''; foreach ($version['Application'] as $app) { if ($appString != "") { $appString .= '+'.$applications[$app['id']]['shortname']; } else { $appString = $applications[$app['id']]['shortname']; } } $baseFilename .= $appString; //Get platforms with shortnames $platforms = $this->controller->Amo->getPlatformName('', true); } foreach ($version['File'] as $file) { $newFilename = $baseFilename; $extension = substr($file['filename'], strrpos($file['filename'], '.')); if ($file['platform_id'] != 1 && $addontype_id != ADDON_SEARCH) { $newFilename .= '-'.$platforms[$file['platform_id']]['shortname']; } $newFilename .= $extension; $newFilename = strtolower($newFilename); //File paths $currentPath = REPO_PATH.'/temp/'.$file['filename']; $dirPath = REPO_PATH.'/'.$addon['Addon']['id']; $newPath = $dirPath.'/'.$newFilename; //Create directory if necessary if (!file_exists($dirPath)) { if (!mkdir($dirPath)) { $errors->addError(sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $file['filename'])); } } //Move file if (file_exists($currentPath)) { //Delete file if one already exists if (file_exists($newPath)) { unlink($newPath); } if (!rename($currentPath, $newPath)) { $errors->addError(sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $file['filename'])); } $fileUpdates[$file['id']]['filename'] = $newFilename; } else { $errors->addError(sprintf(_('devcp_error_moving_file'), $file['filename'])); } } return $fileUpdates; } /** * Determine if all required fields are set in order to skip reviewing add-on info */ function noReviewRequired() { if ($this->controller->addVars['newAddon'] == true) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * To be run after a file is deleted to ensure nominated add-ons * have files */ function postDelete($addon_id) { $addon = $this->controller->Addon->findById($addon_id, array('status'), null, -1); $file = $this->controller->File->query("SELECT File.id FROM files AS File INNER JOIN versions as Version ON Version.id = File.version_id AND Version.addon_id = {$addon_id}"); if ($addon['Addon']['status'] == STATUS_NOMINATED && empty($file)) { $addonData = array('status' => STATUS_SANDBOX); $this->controller->Addon->id = $addon_id; $this->controller->Addon->save($addonData); } } /** * Deletes a file from disk and database * ENSURE USER HAS ALL NECESSARY PERMISSIONS BEFORE USING THIS METHOD * @param int $file_id file id to delete * @param int $addon_id add-on id the file belongs to */ function deleteFile($file_id, $addon_id) { $file = $this->controller->File->findById($file_id); // Delete files from disk $path = "/{$addon_id}/{$file['File']['filename']}"; if (defined('REPO_PATH') && file_exists(REPO_PATH.$path)) { unlink(REPO_PATH.$path); } if (defined('PUBLIC_STAGING_PATH') && file_exists(PUBLIC_STAGING_PATH.$path)) { unlink(PUBLIC_STAGING_PATH.$path); } // Delete approvals $this->controller->File->execute("DELETE FROM approvals WHERE file_id='{$file_id}'"); // Delete file $this->controller->File->execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE id='{$file_id}' LIMIT 1"); } /** * Deletes a version along with all dependent files, reviews, etc * ENSURE USER HAS ALL NECESSARY PERMISSIONS BEFORE USING THIS METHOD * @param int $version_id version id to delete */ function deleteVersion($version_id) { // Pull version info without translations $this->controller->Version->translationReplace = false; $version = $this->controller->Version->findById($version_id); $this->controller->Version->translationReplace = true; // Get translation ids of any translated fields of versions $translation_ids = array(); if (!empty($this->controller->Version->translated_fields)) { foreach ($this->controller->Version->translated_fields as $translatedField) { if (!empty($version['Version'][$translatedField])) { $translation_ids[] = $version['Version'][$translatedField]; } } } // Delete any files if (!empty($version['File'])) { foreach ($version['File'] as $file) { $this->deleteFile($file['id'], $version['Version']['addon_id']); } } // Delete applications_versions rows $this->controller->Version->execute("DELETE FROM applications_versions WHERE version_id={$version_id}"); // Delete reviews $review_ids = array(); if (!empty($this->controller->Review->translated_fields)) { foreach ($this->controller->Review->translated_fields as $translatedField) { if (!empty($version['Review'])) { foreach ($version['Review'] as $review) { $review_ids[] = $review['id']; if (!empty($review[$translatedField])) { $translation_ids[] = $review[$translatedField]; } } } } } if (!empty($review_ids)) { foreach ($review_ids as $review_id) { $this->controller->Review->execute("DELETE FROM reviewratings WHERE review_id={$review_id}"); $this->controller->Review->execute("DELETE FROM reviews WHERE id={$review_id}"); } } // Delete version $this->controller->Version->execute("DELETE FROM versions WHERE id={$version_id}"); // Delete translations if (!empty($translation_ids)) { $this->controller->Version->execute("DELETE FROM translations WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $translation_ids).")"); } } /** * Delete an addon, along with its versions, files, reviews, previews, * favorites, features, tags, and translations * @param int $id the add-on id * @return boolean */ function deleteAddon($id) { //Double-check permissions if (!$this->controller->Amo->checkOwnership($id)) { return false; } $this->controller->Addon->id = $id; $addon = $this->controller->Addon->read(); //Get translation ids of any translated fields if (!empty($this->controller->Addon->translated_fields)) { foreach ($this->controller->Addon->translated_fields as $translatedField) { if (!empty($addon['Addon'][$translatedField])) { $translationIds[] = $addon['Addon'][$translatedField]; } } } //Loop through and delete versions if (!empty($addon['Version'])) { foreach ($addon['Version'] as $version) { $this->deleteVersion($version['id']); } } //Delete addons_tags rows $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM addons_tags WHERE addon_id='{$id}'"); //Delete addons_users rows $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM addons_users WHERE addon_id='{$id}'"); //Delete favorites $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM favorites WHERE addon_id='{$id}'"); //Delete features $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM features WHERE addon_id='{$id}'"); //Delete previews $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM previews WHERE addon_id='{$id}'"); //Loop through reviews if (!empty($addon['Review'])) { foreach ($addon['Review'] as $review) { //Delete review ratings $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM reviewratings WHERE review_id='{$review['id']}'"); //Delete review $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM reviews WHERE id='{$review['id']}'"); } } //Delete add-on $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM addons WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1"); //Delete translations if (!empty($translationIds)) { $this->controller->Addon->execute("DELETE FROM translations WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $translationIds).")"); } return true; } /** * Save localebox-formatted translations to their appropriate locales * Post data is in the format: * [Locales] => Array * ( * [0] => en-US * [1] => de * ) * [Addon] => Array * ( * [name] => Array * ( * [0] => English Name * [1] => German Name * ) * ) * So we convert that into an array like: * [en-US] => Array * ( * [Addon] => Array * ( * [name] => English Name * ) * ) * and save it. * @param array $data The post data to save * @param array $models The models to process */ function saveTranslations($data, $models = array()) { if (empty($models)) { $models = array('Addon', 'Preview', 'Version'); } $translations = array(); $errors = 0; if (!empty($data['Locales'])) { foreach ($data['Locales'] as $id => $locale) { // Reformat each model's array foreach ($models as $model) { if (!empty($data[$model])) { foreach ($data[$model] as $field => $values) { if (!in_array($field, $this->controller->{$model}->translated_fields)) continue; $translations[$locale][$model][$field] = $values[$id]; } } } } // Update translations if (!empty($translations)) { foreach ($translations as $locale => $translation) { foreach ($models as $model) { if (!empty($translation[$model])) { $this->controller->{$model}->setLang($locale, $this->controller); $theData = $this->controller->Amo->filterFields($translation[$model], array(), array('id', 'guid', 'status')); if (!empty($theData)) { //Save without validation (validation causes problems!) if (!$this->controller->{$model}->save($theData, false)) { $errors++; } } } } } } // Reset langs foreach ($models as $model) { $this->controller->{$model}->setLang(LANG, $this->controller); } if (!empty($errors)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * Strip localized fields from post data * @param array $data The post data to strip */ function stripLocalized($data) { if (!empty($data['Addon'])) { foreach ($this->controller->Addon->translated_fields as $field) { unset($data['Addon'][$field]); } } if (!empty($data['Version'])) { foreach ($this->controller->Version->translated_fields as $field) { unset($data['Version'][$field]); } } unset($data['Locales']); return $data; } /** * Highlight another preview because the current is being removed/deleted * @param array $preview The current preview data * @param array $addon The current addon data */ function highlightNextPreview($preview, $addon) { $oldId = $this->controller->Preview->id; foreach ($addon['Preview'] as $prev) { if ($prev['id'] != $preview['Preview']['id']) { $this->controller->Preview->id = $prev['id']; $this->controller->Preview->save(array('highlight' => 1)); break; } } $this->controller->Preview->id = $oldId; } /** * Remove highlight from highlighted previews * @param int $addon_id Add-on's id */ function unhighlightOtherPreviews($addon_id) { $this->controller->Preview->execute("UPDATE previews SET highlight=0 WHERE addon_id='{$addon_id}'"); } function addPreview($addon_id, $data) { $previewData = array('addon_id' => $addon_id, 'filedata' => file_get_contents($data['File']['tmp_name']), 'filetype' => $data['File']['type'], 'highlight' => $data['highlight'], 'thumbtype' => 'image/png' ); //Check for allowed file extensions $allowedImage = array('.png', '.jpg', '.gif'); $extension = substr($data['File']['name'], strrpos($data['File']['name'], '.')); if (!in_array($extension, $allowedImage)) { $errors =& $this->controller->Error; $errors->addError(sprintf(_('devcp_error_preview_extension'), $extension, implode(', ', $allowedImage)), 'main'); return false; } list($sourceWidth, $sourceHeight) = getimagesize($data['File']['tmp_name']); //Generate thumbnail (200 x 150) if necessary if ($sourceHeight < 150 && $sourceWidth < 200) { $previewData['thumbdata'] = $previewData['filedata']; } else { $previewData['thumbdata'] = $this->resizeImage($previewData['filedata'], $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, 200, 150); } //Resize preview if too large (700 x 525) if ($sourceWidth > 700 || $sourceHeight > 525) { $previewData['filedata'] = $this->resizeImage($previewData['filedata'], $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, 700, 525); $previewData['filetype'] = 'image/png'; } /* //Debug preview adjustments $full = fopen(REPO_PATH.'/full.png', 'wb'); fwrite($full, $previewData['filedata']); fclose($full); $new = fopen(REPO_PATH.'/new.png', 'wb'); fwrite($new, $previewData['thumbdata']); fclose($new); echo ''; echo ''; //pr($previewData); */ return $previewData; } /** * Determine file status based on submission information * @param array $addon Addon informaiton * @return int $fileStatus the file status */ function determineFileStatus($addon) { //If a trusted public add-on, go to sandbox unless specified public if ($addon['trusted'] == 1 && $addon['status'] == STATUS_PUBLIC) { if (!empty($this->controller->data['File']['status'])) { if ($this->controller->data['File']['status'] == 'public') { $fileStatus = STATUS_PUBLIC; } else { $fileStatus = STATUS_SANDBOX; } } elseif ($version = $this->controller->Version->read()) { $fileStatus = $version['File'][0]['status']; } else { $fileStatus = STATUS_SANDBOX; } } //If an update to an untrusted public add-on, STATUS_PENDING elseif ($addon['status'] == STATUS_PUBLIC) { $fileStatus = STATUS_PENDING; } //In all other cases (new add-on and update to non-public add-on), STATUS_SANDBOX else { $fileStatus = STATUS_SANDBOX; } return $fileStatus; } function getAllowedAddonTypes($autoDetect, $isAdmin) { $addontypes = array( ADDON_EXTENSION => $this->controller->Addontype->getName(ADDON_EXTENSION), ADDON_THEME => $this->controller->Addontype->getName(ADDON_THEME), ADDON_DICT => $this->controller->Addontype->getName(ADDON_DICT), ADDON_LPAPP => $this->controller->Addontype->getName(ADDON_LPAPP) ); if ($autoDetect == true) { $addontypes[0] = _('devcp_additem_addontype_autodetect'); } if ($isAdmin == true) { $addontypes[ADDON_SEARCH] = $this->controller->Addontype->getName(ADDON_SEARCH); } ksort($addontypes); return $addontypes; } } ?>