* Copyright (c) 2006, Larry E. Masters Shorewood, IL. 60431 * Author(s): Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut * Justin Scott aka fligtar * * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @filesource * @author Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, Larry E. Masters Shorewood, IL. 60431 * @link http://www.phpnut.com/projects/ * @package cake * @subpackage cake.app.controllers * @since CakePHP Test Suite v * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * @modifiedby $LastChangedBy: phpnut $ * @lastmodified $Date: 2006/08/16 07:10:51 $ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License */ /** * Short description for class. * * Long description for class * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.app.controllers */ vendor('simpletest/reporter'); vendor('simpletest'.DS.'unit_tester', 'simpletest'.DS.'web_tester', 'simpletest'.DS.'mock_objects', 'simpletest'.DS.'xml', 'simpletest'.DS.'remote'); require_once(TESTS.'test_manager.php'); require_once(TESTS.'groups.php'); require_once(TESTS.'cake_reporter.php'); require_once(TESTS.'bot_reporter.php'); require_once(TESTS.'test_helper_unit.php'); require_once(TESTS.'test_helper_web.php'); define('TEST_DATA', TESTS.'data'); /* XXX Copied from test_helper_web.php, shoot me. */ function hostPrefix() { $http = (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_MOZ_REQ_METHOD"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_MOZ_REQ_METHOD"] == 'HTTPS') ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $uriBase = $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; return $uriBase; } function actionPath($action) { return preg_replace('/\/tests.*/', $action, setUri()); } /* end copying shame */ class TestsController extends AppController { var $uses = array('Addon', 'Addontype', 'Application', 'Approval', 'Appversion', 'Cannedresponse', 'Favorite', 'Feature', 'File', 'Platform', 'Preview', 'Review', 'Reviewrating', 'Tag', 'Translation', 'User', 'Version'); var $helpers = array('Html', 'Ajax', 'Javascript'); var $aclExceptions = array('bot'); // Disable permissions if we're in a DEV sandbox. function beforeFilter() { if (DEV == true) { $this->SimpleAcl->enabled = false; $this->SimpleAuth->enabled = false; } // disable query caching so devcp changes are visible immediately foreach ($this->uses as $_model) { $this->$_model->caching = false; } } function constructClasses() { global $TestController; $TestController = $this; parent::constructClasses(); } function index() { if (!empty($_GET['case'])) { $this->_case($_GET['case']); } elseif (!empty($_GET['directory'])) { $this->_directory($_GET['directory']); } else { $this->render('index', 'tests'); } } function split_all() { function get_directory($path) { $split = explode('/', $path, 2); return $split[0]; } $testlist = TestManager::getTestCaseList(); $dirlist = array_unique(array_map('get_directory', $testlist)); $test =& new GroupTest('All Test Cases (split)'); $baseurl = hostPrefix() . actionPath("/tests/xml?"); foreach ($dirlist as $dir) { $testurl = $baseurl; if (strpos($dir, '.') === false) { $testurl .= 'directory='; } else { $testurl .= 'case='; } $testurl .= urlencode($dir); $test->addTestCase(new RemoteTestCase($testurl, $testurl . '&dry=1')); } $reporter = new CakeHtmlReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); $test->run($reporter); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('group', 'tests'); } function xml() { $reporter = new XmlReporter(); /* in lieu of $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); */ if (! headers_sent()) { header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } if (!empty($_GET['dry'])) { $reporter->makeDry(); } if (!empty($_GET['case'])) { TestManager::runTestCase($_GET['case'], $reporter); } elseif (!empty($_GET['directory'])) { TestManager::runDirectory($_GET['directory'], $reporter); } elseif (!empty($_GET['group'])) { TestManager::runGroup($_GET['groups'][$_GET['group']], $reporter); } exit(); } function _case($case) { $reporter = new CakeHtmlReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); TestManager::runTestCase($case, $reporter); $this->set('svn', $reporter->SVNLink()); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('case', 'tests'); } function group($group) { $reporter = new CakeHtmlReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); TestManager::runGroup($_GET['groups'][$group], $reporter); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('group', 'tests'); } function _directory($directory) { $reporter = new CakeHtmlReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); TestManager::runDirectory($directory, $reporter); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('group', 'tests'); } function all() { $reporter = new CakeHtmlReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); TestManager::runAllTests($reporter); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('group', 'tests'); } function bot() { $reporter = new BotReporter(); $reporter->sendNoCacheHeaders(); ob_start(); TestManager::runAllTests($reporter); $this->set('output', $reporter->output); $this->render('case', 'ajax'); } function search() { $text = $_REQUEST['q']; $tests = TestManager::getTestCaseList(); sort($tests); foreach ($tests as $test) { if (strpos($test, $text) !== false) { $results[] = $test; } } $this->set('results', $results); $this->render('search', 'ajax'); } function passes($mode) { if ($mode == 'on') { $data = array('Passes' => true); } elseif ($mode == 'off') { $data = array('Passes' => false); } $this->Session->write('Tests', $data); $referer = str_replace('&', '?', $_GET['r']); $this->redirect($referer); } } ?>