function showMenu() { document.getElementById('showMenuItem').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('hideMenuItem').style.display = ''; $("#editorMenu").slideDown('medium'); } function hideMenu() { $("#editorMenu").slideUp('medium'); document.getElementById('showMenuItem').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('hideMenuItem').style.display = 'none'; } /************************************************* * editors/queue * *************************************************/ //Expand/collapse the filter box function toggleFilters() { var div = document.getElementById('filterTable'); if ( == 'none') { = ''; } else { = 'none'; } } /************************************************* * editors/review * *************************************************/ //Array of possible actions var actions = ['public', 'sandbox', 'superreview']; //Simulate radio button group for action icons function selectAction(action) { var actionField = document.getElementById('actionField'); actionField.value = action; //Select action and deselect other actions for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { if (actions[i] == action) { color(actions[i]); document.getElementById('details-' + actions[i]).style.display = ''; } else { bw(actions[i]); document.getElementById('details-' + actions[i]).style.display = 'none'; } } $('#subform').show('medium'); } //Turn an icon colored function color(action) { var icon = document.getElementById(action + 'Icon'); var span = document.getElementById(action); icon.src = '../../../../img/developers/' + action + '-color.png'; span.className = 'action_color'; } //Turn an icon bw function bw(action) { var icon = document.getElementById(action + 'Icon'); var span = document.getElementById(action); icon.src = '../../../../img/developers/' + action + '-bw.png'; span.className = 'action_bw'; } //Get number of selected files function selectedFileCount() { var filesSelected = 0; var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].className == 'fileCheckbox' && elements[i].disabled == false) { if (elements[i].checked == true) { filesSelected++; } } } return filesSelected; } //Show notice if more than one file selected function selectedFile() { var filesSelected = selectedFileCount(); if (filesSelected > 1) { document.getElementById('multipleNotice').style.display = ''; } else { document.getElementById('multipleNotice').style.display = 'none'; } } //Validate review form function validateReview(type) { if (type == 'pending') { //Make sure at least one file is selected var filesSelected = selectedFileCount(); if (filesSelected == 0) { alert(localized['files']); return false; } } var errors = ''; //Make sure an action was selected if (document.getElementById('actionField').value == '') { errors += '- ' + localized['action'] + '\n'; } //Make sure comments were entered if (document.getElementById('comments').value == '') { errors += '- ' + localized['comments'] + '\n'; } if (type == 'pending') { //Make sure tested operating system was entered if (document.getElementById('ApprovalOs').value == '') { errors += '- ' + localized['os'] + '\n'; } //Make sure tested application was entered if (document.getElementById('ApprovalApplications').value == '') { errors += '- ' + localized['applications'] + '\n'; } } if (errors != '') { alert(localized['errors'] + '\n' + errors); return false; } else { return true; } } /************************************************* * editors/reviewlog * *************************************************/ //Show a review entry's comments function showComments(id) { document.getElementById('reviewComment_' + id).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('reviewShow_' + id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('reviewHide_' + id).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('reviewEntry_' + id).className = 'reviewEntryActive'; } //Hide a review entry's comments function hideComments(id) { document.getElementById('reviewComment_' + id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('reviewShow_' + id).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('reviewHide_' + id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('reviewEntry_' + id).className = ''; } function clearInput(input) { if (input.value == 'YYYY-MM-DD') { input.value = ''; } } /************************************************* * editors/featured * *************************************************/ /* Creates new autocomplete object for whichever input that just recieved focus. Most likely done on focus to reduce # of objects instantiated on page load */ function prepAutocomplete(tagid) { $('#new-addon-id-' + tagid).autocomplete(autocompleteurl, {minChars:4, formatItem: formatResult, formatValue: formatData }); $('#new-addon-id-' + tagid).focus(); } //Formatting functions for autocomplete results returned from server function formatResult(row) { return '' + row[0] + '
' + row[1] + ''; } function formatData(row) { return row[2]; } /* Parses input for addon id and name, then sends to server */ function addFeatureSubmit(tagid) { var addonid = document.getElementById('new-addon-id-' + tagid).value; addonname = addonid.substring(0, addonid.lastIndexOf('[')); addonid = addonid.substring(addonid.lastIndexOf('[')+1, addonid.lastIndexOf(']')); if (addonid.length == 0) { editFeatureMessage(tagid, featureaddfailure, false); return false; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: featuredurl + '/add/ajax', data: $('#feature-add-form-'+tagid).serialize(), success : function() { $('#new-addon-id-' + tagid).attr('value', ''); addNewFeatureRowBeforeElement($('#feature-add-tr-form-' + tagid), tagid, addonid, addonname); }, error : function() { editFeatureMessage(tagid, featureaddfailure, false); } }); return false; } /* After an addon is added to a featured list, it is added above the search box */ function addNewFeatureRowBeforeElement(sibling, tagid, addonid, addonname) { // Sure would be nice if we had a newer Prototype library :( var addonrow = document.createElement('tr'); addonrow.setAttribute('id', 'feature-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); // First var deletelink = document.createElement('a'); deletelink.setAttribute('href', featuredurl + '/remove/' + tagid + '/' + addonid); deletelink.setAttribute('id', 'delete-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); deletelink.setAttribute('onclick', 'removeFeature(' + tagid + ',' + addonid + '); return false;'); var deleteimage = document.createElement('img'); deleteimage.setAttribute('src', imageurl + '/developers/delete.png'); deleteimage.setAttribute('class', 'featureremove'); deletelink.appendChild(deleteimage); var addonlink = document.createElement('a'); addonlink.setAttribute('href', addonurl + '/' + addonid); addonlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(addonname)); var addontd1 = document.createElement('td'); addontd1.appendChild(deletelink); addontd1.appendChild(addonlink); // Second var addonform = document.createElement('form'); addonform.setAttribute('id', 'feature-edit-form-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); addonform.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'editFeatureSubmit(' + tagid + ',' + addonid + '); return false;'); addonform.setAttribute('action', featuredurl + '/edit'); addonform.setAttribute('method', 'post'); var addonforminputlocale = document.createElement('input'); addonforminputlocale.setAttribute('name', 'data[AddonTag][feature_locales]'); addonforminputlocale.setAttribute('id', 'edit-addon-locales-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); addonforminputlocale.setAttribute('size', '40'); addonforminputlocale.setAttribute('type', 'text'); addonform.appendChild(addonforminputlocale); var addonforminputsubmit = document.createElement('input'); addonforminputsubmit.setAttribute('id', 'edit-feature-submit-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); addonforminputsubmit.setAttribute('value', featureeditsubmit); addonforminputsubmit.setAttribute('type', 'submit'); addonforminputsubmit.setAttribute('value', featureeditsubmit); addonform.appendChild(addonforminputsubmit); var addonformfeaturemessage = document.createElement('span'); addonformfeaturemessage.setAttribute('id', 'edit-feature-message-' + tagid + '-' + addonid); addonform.appendChild(addonformfeaturemessage); var addontd2 = document.createElement('td'); addontd2.appendChild(addonform); addonrow.appendChild(addontd1); addonrow.appendChild(addontd2); sibling.before(addonrow); return true; } function editFeatureSubmit(tagid, addonid) { var locales = document.getElementById('edit-addon-locales-' + tagid + '-' + addonid).value; if (locales.match(/[^A-Za-z,-]/)) { editFeatureMessage(tagid, addedinvalidlocale, false); return false; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: featuredurl + '/edit/ajax', data: $('#feature-edit-form-'+tagid+'-'+addonid).serialize(), success : function(){ editFeatureMessage(tagid, featureeditsuccess, true); }, error : function(){ editFeatureMessage(tagid, featureeditfailure, false); } }); return false; } /* Shows a message when editing a featured addon, then hides after 5 seconds */ function editFeatureMessage(tagid, message, success) { var target = $('#edit-feature-message-' + tagid); if (success) { target.attr('class', 'success'); } else { target.attr('class', 'failure'); } target.html(message); var toclear = $('#edit-feature-message-' + tagid); setTimeout( function() {toclear.html('');} , 5000); } function removeFeature(tagid, addonid) { $.ajax({ url: featuredurl + '/remove/ajax', type: 'POST', data: $('#feature-remove-form-'+tagid+'-'+addonid).serialize(), success: function(){ $('#feature-' + tagid + '-' + addonid).fadeOut(); }, error : function(){ editFeatureMessage(tagid, featureremovefailure, false); } }); return false; }