var Plots = { timeplot_id: '', timeplotCount: 0, timeplot: null, availableFields: [], currentCSV: '', determinePlot: function() { var selected = plotSelection.dropdowns['plot-selector'].selectedItem.value; var group_by = plotSelection.getGroupByValue(); // Remove current plot selections plotSelection.removeAll(); // Make sure summary-specific options are shown or hidden as approp. this.summary.updateOptionsVisibility(); if (selected == 'summary') this.summary.initialize(); else if (selected == 'custom') Plots.customPlot(); else Plots.defined.initialize(); }, newTimeplot: function() { if (this.timeplot_id != '') { $('#' + this.timeplot_id).remove(); this.timeplot = null; } this.timeplotCount++; $('#not-enough-data').hide(); this.timeplot_id = 'timeplot' + this.timeplotCount; $('#timeplot-container').append('
'); }, summary: { dataSources: {}, timeGeometry: {}, valueGeometry: {}, plotInfo: {}, zoomLevel: 0, initialize: function() { this.dataSources = { 'downloads': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource(), 'updatepings': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource() }; PlotsTables.addListeners('summary', this.dataSources); this.valueGeometry = { 'downloads': { 'gridColor': '#000000', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'left' }, 'updatepings': { 'gridColor': '#9966CC', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'right' } }; this.timeGeometry = { 'gridColor': '#000000', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'bottom', 'min': this.getInitialMinDate() }; this.plotInfo = { 'downloads': { 'id': 'downloads', 'dataSource': new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['downloads'], 1), 'valueGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultValueGeometry(this.valueGeometry['downloads']), 'showValues': true, 'dotColor': '#33AAFF', 'dotRadius': 3.0, 'lineColor': '#33AAFF', 'lineWidth': 3.0 }, 'updatepings': { 'id': 'updatepings', 'dataSource': new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['updatepings'], 1), 'valueGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultValueGeometry(this.valueGeometry['updatepings']), 'showValues': true, 'dotColor': '#EE3322', 'dotRadius': 3.0, 'lineColor': '#EE3322', 'lineWidth': 3.0 } }; this.plot(); this.zoomLevel = 0; this.updateButtonVisibility(); }, plot: function() { var timeGeometry = new Timeplot.DefaultTimeGeometry(this.timeGeometry); this.plotInfo['downloads'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; this.plotInfo['updatepings'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; var plotInfo = [ Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo['downloads']), Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo['updatepings']) ]; Plots.newTimeplot(); Plots.timeplot = Timeplot.create(document.getElementById(Plots.timeplot_id), plotInfo); Plots.timeplot.loadText(statsURL + 'csv/' + addonID + '/downloads', ",", this.dataSources['downloads']); Plots.timeplot.loadText(statsURL + 'csv/' + addonID + '/updatepings', ",", this.dataSources['updatepings']); }, zoomIn: function() { this.zoomLevel++; this.updateButtonVisibility(); var date = this.timeGeometry.min; var matches = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/.exec(date); if (matches[2] != 12) var newDate = matches[1] + '-' + this.leadingZero(parseInt(matches[2]) + 1) + '-01'; else var newDate = (parseInt(matches[1]) + 1) + '-01-01' this.timeGeometry.min = newDate; this.plot(); }, zoomOut: function() { this.zoomLevel--; this.updateButtonVisibility(); var date = this.timeGeometry.min; var matches = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/.exec(date); if (matches[2] != 1) var newDate = matches[1] + '-' + this.leadingZero(parseInt(matches[2]) - 1) + '-01'; else var newDate = (parseInt(matches[1]) - 1) + '-12-01' this.timeGeometry.min = newDate; this.updateDotRadius(); this.plot(); }, updateOptionsVisibility: function() { var plotType = plotSelection.dropdowns['plot-selector'].selectedItem.value; if (plotType == 'summary') { $('#weeks-legend').hide(); $('#summary-legend').show(); $('#summary-options').show(); $('#group-by-selector').hide(); } else { $('#weeks-legend').hide(); $('#summary-legend').hide(); $('#summary-options').hide(); $('#group-by-selector').show(); } }, updateButtonVisibility: function() { if (this.zoomLevel >= 0) $('#zoom-in').addClass('disabled'); else $('#zoom-in').removeClass('disabled'); }, updateDotRadius: function() { if (this.zoomLevel >= -1 && this.zoomLevel <= 1) { this.plotInfo['downloads'].dotRadius = 3.0; this.plotInfo['updatepings'].dotRadius = 3.0; } else if (this.zoomLevel >= -3 && this.zoomLevel <= 3) { this.plotInfo['downloads'].dotRadius = 2.0; this.plotInfo['updatepings'].dotRadius = 2.0; } else { this.plotInfo['downloads'].dotRadius = 1.0; this.plotInfo['updatepings'].dotRadius = 1.0; } }, getInitialMinDate: function() { var currentTime = new Date(); var year = currentTime.getFullYear(); var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1; var day = currentTime.getDate(); if (day < 15) { if (month == 1) { month = 12; year--; } else month--; day = 15; } else if (day >= 15) { day = 1; } var date = year + '-' + this.leadingZero(month) + '-' + this.leadingZero(day); return date; }, leadingZero: function(number) { return (number < 10 ? '0' + number : number); } }, defined: { dataSources: {}, timeGeometry: {}, valueGeometry: {}, plotInfo: {}, initialize: function() { var type = plotSelection.dropdowns['plot-selector'].selectedItem.value; Plots.currentCSV = statsURL + 'csv/' + addonID + '/' + type; // If there's a value for the group-by selector, add it as a // parameter to the CSV URL to invoke it server-side. var group_by = plotSelection.getGroupByValue(); if ('week_over_week' == group_by) { if ('updatepings' == type || 'downloads' == type) { $('#weeks-legend').show(); return this.plotWeekOverWeek(); } else { // HACK: Until I can figure out how to disable the Compare // by: Week option for views not supported for it group_by = 'week'; } } $('#weeks-legend').hide(); if (group_by) Plots.currentCSV += '?group_by=' + group_by; this.dataSources = { 'count': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource(), 'events-firefox': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource(), 'events-addon': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource() }; PlotsTables.addListeners('defined', this.dataSources); this.valueGeometry = { 'gridColor': '#000000', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'left', 'min': 0 }; var min = '2007-07-01'; if (type == 'downloads' && plotSelection.summary.downloads.availableDates) min = plotSelection.summary.downloads.availableDates[0]; else if (plotSelection.summary.updatepings.availableDates) min = plotSelection.summary.updatepings.availableDates[0]; this.timeGeometry = { 'gridColor': '#000000', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'top', 'min': min }; this.plotInfo = { 'count': { 'id': 'count', 'dataSource': new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['count'], 1), 'showValues': true, 'dotColor': '#000000', 'lineColor': '#000000', 'fillColor': '#000000' }, 'events-firefox': { 'id': 'events-firefox', 'eventSource': this.dataSources['events-firefox'], 'lineColor': '#000000' }, 'events-addon': { 'id': 'events-addon', 'eventSource': this.dataSources['events-addon'], 'lineColor': '#000000' }, 'default': { 'showValues': true } }; if (type == 'downloads' || type == 'updatepings') { if (type == 'downloads') { var dark = '#3366CC'; var light = '#3399CC'; } else if (type == 'updatepings') { var dark = '#9966CC'; var light = '#CC99CC'; } this.plotInfo['count'].fillColor = dark; this.plotInfo['count'].dotColor = null; this.plotInfo['count'].fillGradient = false; this.plotInfo['events-firefox'].lineColor = light; this.plotInfo['events-addon'].lineColor = light; } this.plot(); }, plot: function() { var timeGeometry = new Timeplot.DefaultTimeGeometry(this.timeGeometry); var valueGeometry = new Timeplot.DefaultValueGeometry(this.valueGeometry); this.plotInfo['count'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; this.plotInfo['count'].valueGeometry = valueGeometry; this.plotInfo['events-firefox'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; this.plotInfo['events-addon'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; this.plotInfo['default'].timeGeometry = timeGeometry; this.plotInfo['default'].valueGeometry = valueGeometry; var plotInfo = [ Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo['count']), Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo['events-firefox']), Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo['events-addon']) ]; Plots.newTimeplot(); Plots.timeplot = Timeplot.create(document.getElementById(Plots.timeplot_id), plotInfo); Plots.timeplot.loadText(Plots.currentCSV, ",", this.dataSources['count'], parseFields); Plots.timeplot.loadXML(statsURL + 'xml/events/firefox', this.dataSources['events-firefox']); Plots.timeplot.loadXML(statsURL + 'xml/events/addon/' + addonID, this.dataSources['events-addon']); }, /** * Construct a plot consisting of 2 different weeks' data overlaid on * the same graph. */ plotWeekOverWeek: function() { var type = plotSelection.dropdowns['plot-selector'].selectedItem.value; Plots.currentCSV = statsURL + 'csv/' + addonID + '/' + type; this.dataSources = { 'count': new Timeplot.DefaultEventSource(), }; PlotsTables.addListeners('week_over_week', this.dataSources); var date_parser = Timeline.NativeDateUnit.getParser('iso8601'); // Collect Mondays from the set of available dates. var available_dates = plotSelection .summary[ (type=='downloads') ? 'downloads' : 'updatepings' ] .availableDates; var dates = []; var DAY_MONDAY = 1; for (idx in available_dates) { // The available dates data is a little weird - it's an object // with numerical properties, instead of an array. if (available_dates.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { var date = date_parser(available_dates[idx]); if (date.getDay() == DAY_MONDAY) dates.push(available_dates[idx]); } } // Set up empty ranges set. var ranges = { week1: { min: '', max: '' }, week2: { min: '', max: '' } }; var WEEK = ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ); if ( $('#weeks-legend .template').length ) { // The date selection dropdowns still contain unpopulated // templates, so set up the defaults and populate the dropdowns ranges['week2']['min'] = date_parser(dates[dates.length - 1]); ranges['week2']['max'] = new Date(ranges['week2']['min'].getTime() + WEEK); ranges['week1']['min'] = date_parser(dates[dates.length - 2]); ranges['week1']['max'] = new Date(ranges['week1']['min'].getTime() + WEEK); var weeks = ['week1', 'week2']; for (var i=0, week; week=weeks[i]; i++) { // Convert the selection template into a concrete element var tmpl = $('#'+week+'-selection select.template'); if (!tmpl.length) continue; tmpl.remove().removeClass('template'); // Convert the current min date to string for comparison. var min_str = ranges[week]['min'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); // Now populate the selection element with options cloned // and populated from available dates. var t_opt = tmpl.find('option').remove(); for (var j=0,date; date=dates[j]; j++) { var opt = t_opt.clone(); var dp = date.split('-'); opt.text([dp[1], dp[2], dp[0]].join('/')) .attr('value', date) .appendTo(tmpl); if (date == min_str) opt.attr('selected', 'selected'); } // Finally inject the populated selector into the DOM and // wire up an onChange handler to reload the plot. tmpl.appendTo('#'+week+'-selection') .change(function() { Plots.determinePlot() }); } } else { // The date selection dropdowns are populated, so set ranges // from the selected values. var weeks = ['week1', 'week2']; for (var i=0, week; week=weeks[i]; i++) { var opt = $('#'+week+'-selection select')[0]; var date = opt.options[opt.selectedIndex].value; ranges[week]['min'] = date_parser(date); ranges[week]['max'] = new Date(ranges[week]['min'].getTime() + WEEK); } } // Assemble the time geometries from the selected time ranges. this.timeGeometries = { 'week1': { 'min': ranges['week1']['min'], 'max': ranges['week1']['max'], 'gridColor': '#CC6666', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'bottom' }, 'week2': { 'min': ranges['week2']['min'], 'max': ranges['week2']['max'], 'gridColor': '#6666CC', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'top' } }; // Both time ranges share the same value geometry this.valueGeometry = { 'gridColor': '#000000', 'axisLabelsPlacement': 'left', 'min': 0 }; // Construct the plot info structures for each of the overlaid sets. Plots.newTimeplot(); Plots.timeplot = Timeplot.create(document.getElementById(Plots.timeplot_id), [ Timeplot.createPlotInfo({ 'id': 'week1-plot', 'dataSource': new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['count'], 1), 'timeGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultTimeGeometry(this.timeGeometries['week1']), 'valueGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultValueGeometry(this.valueGeometry), 'showValues': true, 'dotColor': '#CC6666', 'dotRadius': 3.0, 'lineColor': '#CC6666', 'lineWidth': 3.0, 'fillColor': false }), Timeplot.createPlotInfo({ 'id': 'week2-plot', 'dataSource': new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['count'], 1), 'timeGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultTimeGeometry(this.timeGeometries['week2']), 'valueGeometry': new Timeplot.DefaultValueGeometry(this.valueGeometry), 'showValues': true, 'dotColor': '#6666CC', 'dotRadius': 3.0, 'lineColor': '#6666CC', 'lineWidth': 3.0, 'fillColor': false }) ]); // Finally, queue up a load for the plot data. Plots.timeplot.loadText( Plots.currentCSV, ",", this.dataSources['count'], parseFields ); }, addPlot: function(plotName, column, color) { if (plotName in this.plotInfo) var plotInfo = this.plotInfo[plotName]; else { var plotInfo = this.plotInfo['default']; = plotName; plotInfo.dataSource = new Timeplot.ColumnSource(this.dataSources['count'], column); plotInfo.dotColor = color; plotInfo.lineColor = color; plotInfo.fillColor = color; } return Plots.timeplot.addPlot(Timeplot.createPlotInfo(plotInfo), true); }, addEventPlot: function(plotName) { return Plots.timeplot.addPlot(Timeplot.createPlotInfo(this.plotInfo[plotName]), true); }, removePlot: function(plotName) { return Plots.timeplot.removePlot(plotName); } }, customPlot: function() { plotSelection.addCustomDropdown(); }, resizePlot: function(newHeight) { $('#' + Plots.timeplot_id).height(newHeight); Plots.timeplot.repaint(); } }; function parseFields(data) { if (data != '') { var lineCount = (data.split("\n").length - 9); if (lineCount > 1) { // Enough data $('#not-enough-data').hide(); var start = data.indexOf('Fields: ['); var end = data.indexOf(']', start); var fields = data.substring(start + 9, end); var fieldArray = fields.split(';'); Plots.availableFields = []; for (var i = 0; i < fieldArray.length; i++) { Plots.availableFields[i] = fieldArray[i]; } plotSelection.addDefinedDropdowns(); } else { // Not enough data $('#not-enough-data').show(); if (Plots.timeplot_id != '') { $('#' + Plots.timeplot_id).remove(); Plots.timeplot = null; } } } return data; }