#!/usr/bin/env python '''Utility functions module. ''' import constants import re import os def get_unicode(data): if not isinstance(data, unicode): return unicode(data, "utf-8") return data def create_board(size): board = [] for i in range(0, size): row = [] for j in range(0, size): row.append("") board.append(row) return board def get_letters_from_file(lenguage = constants.DEFAULT_LENGUAGE): letters = {} letters_path = os.path.join(constans.LENGUAGES_PATH, lenguage, "letters.txt") letters_path = os.sep + letters_path file = open(letters_path, "r") list = file.readlines() # format "Letter": (count, score) pattern = re.compile(r".(?P[\w\s]+).: .(?P\d+),(?P\d+).") for i in list: m = pattern.match(i) if m: info = (m.group('count') , m.group('score')) letters[m.group('letter')] = (int(info[0]) , int(info[1])) return letters def get_dictionary(lenguage = constants.DEFAULT_LENGUAGE): ''' Get the dictionary used in the Game @param lenguage: the lenguage. @return: a list containing the dictionary. ''' file_name = "dict-" + lenguage + ".txt" dict_path = os.path.join(constants.DICTIONARIES_PATH, file_name) dict_path = os.sep + dict_path file = open(dict_path, "r") dict = file.readlines() return dict def search_word(lenguage = constants.DEFAULT_LENGUAGE, word, dict): ''' Look for the specified word in the dictionary @param lenguage: the lenguage. @param word: word to look for @param dict: the dictionary. @return: True or False ''' l2 = filter(lambda n: re.match(word, n), dict) if not l2: return False return True def can_form_a_word(board, letters,letter, posx, posy): ''' Check if the given letter can be used to form a new word on the board. @param board: the gameboard @param letters: the list of letters to use. @param letter: the letter at [row][column] on the board @param posx: x-possition [row] @param posy: y-possition [column] @return: A tuple containing a regular expresion to use as a pattern to search in the dictionary and the type of the given letter. The possible types are: - First letter of the word - Middle letter. - Last letter. ''' # implementar... def search_words_that_match(criterion): ''' Look for words in the dictionary that match with the given pattern @param criterion: the pattern @param dict: the dictionary @return: the list of words that matched ''' #implementar...