= Master and slaves management = Let's start with an example. First create all the slaves fab slave.create Then create the master fab master.create Finally run the master and the slaves fab master.run slave.run All done! For more advanced usage see the fabric documentation http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.5/usage/fab.html = Slave requirements = * buildbot user with passwordless, ttyless sudo access. * ssh access with public key authentication * git, virtualenv, gcc, make = Creating a kvm slave = You can create an image with something like this: virt-install \ --name buildslave-foo --ram 512 --disk \ path=/srv/images/buildslave-foo.img,bus=virtio,size=10 \ -network network:default \ --location "http://mirror.foo.com/..." \ --extra-args="text serial console=ttyS0,115200" = Bug reports = Send bug reports to Daniel Narvaez .