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path: root/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
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authorDaniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
committer Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez@gmail.com>2013-02-06 16:36:20 (GMT)
commit66dae0ccbc23f4df612711a2e61fadd9b15feb91 (patch)
treea069ef55f4d97b6419f38d8ce86eb19f5cc1f1e7 /apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
parentb5b9e95e2f4c8ab19cef000c82fcfc0625c52666 (diff)
Empty the system pluginHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1036 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js b/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e235e5..0000000
--- a/apps/system/test/unit/app_install_manager_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1036 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var mocksForAppInstallManager = [
- 'StatusBar',
- 'SystemBanner',
- 'NotificationScreen',
- 'Applications',
- 'UtilityTray',
- 'ModalDialog',
- 'ManifestHelper'
-mocksForAppInstallManager.forEach(function(mockName) {
- if (! window[mockName]) {
- window[mockName] = null;
- }
-suite('system/AppInstallManager >', function() {
- var realL10n;
- var realDispatchResponse;
- var realRequestWakeLock;
- var fakeDialog, fakeNotif;
- var fakeInstallCancelDialog, fakeDownloadCancelDialog;
- var lastL10nParams = null;
- var lastDispatchedResponse = null;
- var mocksHelper;
- suiteSetup(function() {
- realL10n = navigator.mozL10n;
- navigator.mozL10n = {
- get: function get(key, params) {
- lastL10nParams = params;
- if (params) {
- return key + JSON.stringify(params);
- }
- return key;
- }
- };
- realDispatchResponse = AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse;
- AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse = function fakeDispatch(id, type) {
- lastDispatchedResponse = {
- id: id,
- type: type
- };
- };
- realRequestWakeLock = navigator.requestWakeLock;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = MockNavigatorWakeLock.requestWakeLock;
- mocksHelper = new MocksHelper(mocksForAppInstallManager);
- mocksHelper.suiteSetup();
- });
- suiteTeardown(function() {
- AppInstallManager.dialog = null;
- AppInstallManager.msg = null;
- AppInstallManager.size = null;
- AppInstallManager.authorName = null;
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl = null;
- AppInstallManager.installButton = null;
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton = null;
- AppInstallManager.installCallback = null;
- AppInstallManager.cancelCallback = null;
- navigator.mozL10n = realL10n;
- AppInstallManager.dispatchResponse = realDispatchResponse;
- navigator.requestWakeLock = realRequestWakeLock;
- realRequestWakeLock = null;
- mocksHelper.suiteTeardown();
- });
- setup(function() {
- fakeDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeDialog.id = 'app-install-dialog';
- fakeDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1 id="app-install-message"></h1>',
- '<table>',
- '<tr>',
- '<th data-l10n-id="size">Size</th>',
- '<td id="app-install-size"></td>',
- '</tr>',
- '<tr>',
- '<th data-l10n-id="author">Author</th>',
- '<td>',
- '<span id="app-install-author-name"></span>',
- '<br /><span id="app-install-author-url"></span>',
- '</td>',
- '</tr>',
- '</table>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-install-cancel-button" type="reset"' +
- ' data-l10n-id="cancel">Cancel</button>',
- '<button id="app-install-install-button" type="submit"' +
- ' data-l10n-id="install">Install</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeInstallCancelDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.id = 'app-install-cancel-dialog';
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1 data-l10n-id="cancel-install">Cancel Install</h1>',
- '<p>',
- '<small data-l10n-id="cancelling-will-not-refund">Cancelling ' +
- 'will not refund a purchase. Refunds for paid content are ' +
- 'provided by the original seller.</small>',
- '<small data-l10n-id="apps-can-be-installed-later">Apps can be ' +
- 'installed later from the original installation source.</small>',
- '</p>',
- '<p data-l10n-id="are-you-sure-you-want-to-cancel">' +
- 'Are you sure you want to cancel this install?</p>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-install-confirm-cancel-button" type="reset" ' +
- 'data-l10n-id="cancel-install">Cancel Install</button>',
- '<button id="app-install-resume-button" type="submit" ' +
- 'data-l10n-id="resume">Resume</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog = document.createElement('form');
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.id = 'app-download-cancel-dialog';
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.innerHTML = [
- '<section>',
- '<h1></h1>',
- '<p data-l10n-id="app-download-can-be-restarted">' +
- 'The download can be restarted later.</p>',
- '<menu>',
- '<button id="app-download-stop-button" class="danger confirm" ',
- 'data-l10n-id="app-download-stop-button">Stop Download</button>',
- '<button id="app-download-continue-button" class="cancel" ',
- 'type="reset" data-l10n-id="continue">Continue</button>',
- '</menu>',
- '</section>'
- ].join('');
- fakeNotif = document.createElement('div');
- fakeNotif.id = 'install-manager-notification-container';
- document.body.appendChild(fakeDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeInstallCancelDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeDownloadCancelDialog);
- document.body.appendChild(fakeNotif);
- mocksHelper.setup();
- AppInstallManager.init();
- });
- teardown(function() {
- fakeDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeDialog);
- fakeInstallCancelDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeInstallCancelDialog);
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.parentNode.removeChild(fakeDownloadCancelDialog);
- fakeNotif.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNotif);
- lastDispatchedResponse = null;
- lastL10nParams = null;
- mocksHelper.teardown();
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mTeardown();
- });
- suite('init >', function() {
- test('should bind dom elements', function() {
- assert.equal('app-install-dialog', AppInstallManager.dialog.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-message', AppInstallManager.msg.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-size', AppInstallManager.size.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-author-name', AppInstallManager.authorName.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-author-url', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-install-button',
- AppInstallManager.installButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-cancel-button',
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-cancel-dialog',
- AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-confirm-cancel-button',
- AppInstallManager.confirmCancelButton.id);
- assert.equal('app-install-resume-button',
- AppInstallManager.resumeButton.id);
- });
- test('should bind to the click event', function() {
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.handleInstall.name,
- AppInstallManager.installButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.showInstallCancelDialog.name,
- AppInstallManager.cancelButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.handleInstallCancel.name,
- AppInstallManager.confirmCancelButton.onclick.name);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.hideInstallCancelDialog.name,
- AppInstallManager.resumeButton.onclick.name);
- });
- });
- suite('events >', function() {
- suite('webapps-ask-install >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- manifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- });
- test('should display the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('visible', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- test('should fill the message with app name', function() {
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.msg.textContent,
- 'install-app{"name":"Fake app"}');
- });
- test('should use the mini manifest if no manifest', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal(AppInstallManager.msg.textContent,
- 'install-app{"name":"Fake app"}');
- });
- suite('developer infos >', function() {
- test('should fill the developer infos', function() {
- assert.equal('Fake dev', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('http://fakesoftware.com',
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the developer is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should handle empty developer object properly', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {}
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the developer name is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- url: 'http://example.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('http://example.com',
- AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- test('the developer url should default to blank', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- updateManifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('Fake dev', AppInstallManager.authorName.textContent);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.authorUrl.textContent);
- });
- });
- suite('install size >', function() {
- test('should display the package size', function() {
- assert.equal('5.00 MB', AppInstallManager.size.textContent);
- });
- test('should tell if the size is unknown', function() {
- var evt = new MockChromeEvent({
- type: 'webapps-ask-install',
- id: 42,
- app: {
- manifest: {
- name: 'Fake app',
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- AppInstallManager.handleAppInstallPrompt(evt.detail);
- assert.equal('unknown', AppInstallManager.size.textContent);
- });
- });
- suite('callbacks >', function() {
- suite('install >', function() {
- var defaultPrevented = false;
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.handleInstall({preventDefault: function() {
- defaultPrevented = true;
- }});
- });
- test('should dispatch a webapps-install-granted with the right id',
- function() {
- assert.equal(42, lastDispatchedResponse.id);
- assert.equal('webapps-install-granted',
- lastDispatchedResponse.type);
- });
- test('should prevent the default to avoid form submission',
- function() {
- assert.isTrue(defaultPrevented);
- });
- test('should hide the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- test('should remove the callback', function() {
- assert.equal(null, AppInstallManager.installCallback);
- });
- });
- suite('show cancel dialog >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.showInstallCancelDialog();
- });
- test('should show cancel dialog and hide dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('visible',
- AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- });
- suite('hide cancel dialog >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.hideInstallCancelDialog();
- });
- test('should hide cancel dialog and show dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- assert.equal('visible', AppInstallManager.dialog.className);
- });
- });
- suite('confirm cancel >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- AppInstallManager.handleInstallCancel();
- });
- test('should dispatch a webapps-install-denied', function() {
- assert.equal(42, lastDispatchedResponse.id);
- assert.equal('webapps-install-denied', lastDispatchedResponse.type);
- });
- test('should hide the dialog', function() {
- assert.equal('', AppInstallManager.installCancelDialog.className);
- });
- test('should remove the callback', function() {
- assert.equal(null, AppInstallManager.installCancelCallback);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- suite('duringInstall >', function() {
- var mockApp, mockAppName;
- function dispatchEvent() {
- var e = new CustomEvent('applicationinstall', {
- detail: { application: mockApp }
- });
- window.dispatchEvent(e);
- }
- suite('hosted app without cache >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake hosted app';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'installed'
- });
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- test('should not show the icon', function() {
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled['incSystemDownloads']);
- });
- test('should not add a notification', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- test('should display a confirmation', function() {
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- });
- function beforeFirstProgressSuite() {
- suite('before first progress >', function() {
- test('should not show the icon', function() {
- var method = 'incSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not add a notification', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only one call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should not remove a notification', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not remove the download icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should display a confirmation', function() {
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- });
- suite('on downloaderror >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only one call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError();
- });
- test('should not remove a notification', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not remove the download icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.isUndefined(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- function downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite) {
- suite('on downloadError >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we only want to test the
- // following call
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- MockModalDialog.mTeardown();
- });
- function downloadErrorTests(errorName) {
- test('should display an error', function() {
- var expectedErrorMsg = knownErrors[errorName] +
- '{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}';
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage, expectedErrorMsg);
- });
- test('should not display the error dialog', function() {
- assert.isFalse(MockModalDialog.alert.mWasCalled);
- });
- }
- function specificDownloadErrorSuite(errorName) {
- suite(errorName + ' >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError(errorName);
- });
- downloadErrorTests(errorName);
- });
- }
- var knownErrors = {
- 'FALLBACK_ERROR': 'app-install-generic-error',
- 'NETWORK_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed',
- 'DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed',
- 'MISSING_MANIFEST': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_MANIFEST': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INSTALL_FROM_DENIED': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_SECURITY_LEVEL': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'INVALID_PACKAGE': 'app-install-install-failed',
- 'APP_CACHE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR': 'app-install-download-failed'
- };
- Object.keys(knownErrors).forEach(specificDownloadErrorSuite);
- suite('GENERIC_ERROR >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError('GENERIC_ERROR');
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- });
- test('should remove the icon', function() {
- var method = 'decSystemDownloads';
- assert.ok(MockStatusBar.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ true);
- });
- });
- }
- suite('hosted app with cache >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake hosted app with cache';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- function downloadEventsSuite(afterError) {
- var suiteName = 'on first progress';
- if (afterError) {
- suiteName += ' after error';
- }
- suiteName += ' >';
- suite(suiteName, function() {
- setup(function() {
- // reseting these mocks as we want to test only the following
- // calls
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockStatusBar.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- });
- test('should add a notification', function() {
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('notification should have a message', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('.message').textContent,
- 'downloadingAppMessage{"appName":"Fake hosted app with cache"}');
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- test('notification progress should be indeterminate', function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').position, -1);
- });
- test('should request wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should release the wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isTrue(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should remove only its progress handler',
- function() {
- var onprogressCalled = false;
- mockApp.onprogress = function() {
- onprogressCalled = true;
- };
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- assert.isTrue(onprogressCalled);
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should display a confirmation',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- suite('on indeterminate progress >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- });
- test('should keep the progress indeterminate', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, -1);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- });
- suite('on quantified progress >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- });
- test('should have a quantified progress', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, -1);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressNoMax{"progress":"10.00 bytes"}');
- });
- });
- if (!afterError) {
- downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite);
- }
- });
- }
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ false);
- });
- suite('packaged app >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockAppName = 'Fake packaged app';
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- manifest: null,
- updateManifest: {
- name: mockAppName,
- size: 5245678,
- developer: {
- name: 'Fake dev',
- url: 'http://fakesoftware.com'
- }
- },
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- dispatchEvent();
- });
- function downloadEventsSuite(afterError) {
- var suiteName = 'on first progress';
- if (afterError) {
- suiteName += ' after error';
- }
- suiteName += ' >';
- suite(suiteName, function() {
- var newprogress = 5;
- setup(function() {
- // resetting this mock because we want to test only the
- // following call
- MockNotificationScreen.mTeardown();
- MockSystemBanner.mTeardown();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(newprogress);
- });
- test('should add a notification', function() {
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('notification should have a message', function() {
- var expectedText = 'downloadingAppMessage{"appName":"' +
- mockAppName + '"}';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('.message').textContent,
- expectedText);
- });
- test('notification progress should have a max and a value',
- function() {
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').max,
- mockApp.updateManifest.size);
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').value,
- newprogress);
- });
- test('notification progress should not be indeterminate',
- function() {
- assert.notEqual(fakeNotif.querySelector('progress').position, -1);
- });
- test('should request wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isFalse(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- suite('on downloadsuccess >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- });
- test('should remove the notif', function() {
- var method = 'decExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should release the wifi wake lock', function() {
- assert.equal('wifi', MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.topic);
- assert.isTrue(MockNavigatorWakeLock.mLastWakeLock.released);
- });
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > ' +
- 'should not break if wifi unlock throws an exception',
- function() {
- MockNavigatorWakeLock.mThrowAtNextUnlock();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.ok(true);
- });
- test('on downloadsuccess > should display a confirmation',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadSuccess();
- assert.equal(MockSystemBanner.mMessage,
- 'app-install-success{"appName":"' + mockAppName + '"}');
- });
- test('on indeterminate progress > ' +
- 'should update the progress text content',
- function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(NaN);
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate');
- });
- suite('on progress >', function() {
- var size, ratio;
- var newprogress = 10;
- setup(function() {
- size = mockApp.updateManifest.size;
- ratio = newprogress / size;
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(newprogress);
- });
- test('should update the progress notification', function() {
- var progressNode = fakeNotif.querySelector('progress');
- assert.equal(progressNode.position, ratio);
- assert.equal(progressNode.textContent,
- 'downloadingAppProgress{"progress":"10.00 bytes",' +
- '"max":"5.00 MB"}');
- });
- });
- if (!afterError) {
- downloadErrorSuite(downloadEventsSuite);
- }
- });
- }
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ false);
- suite('on INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE downloaderror >', function() {
- test('should display an alert', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadError('INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE');
- assert.isNull(MockSystemBanner.mMessage);
- assert.isTrue(MockModalDialog.alert.mWasCalled);
- var args = MockModalDialog.alert.mArgs;
- assert.equal(args[0], 'not-enough-space');
- assert.equal(args[1], 'not-enough-space-message');
- assert.deepEqual(args[2], { title: 'ok' });
- });
- beforeFirstProgressSuite();
- downloadEventsSuite(/*afterError*/ true);
- });
- });
- suite('cancelling a download >', function() {
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp({ installState: 'pending' });
- MockApplications.mRegisterMockApp(mockApp);
- dispatchEvent();
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(10);
- });
- test('tapping the notification should display the dialog', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.isTrue(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('tapping the container should not display the dialog', function() {
- fakeNotif.click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- });
- test('should set the title with the app name', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- var title = fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('h1');
- assert.equal(title.textContent, 'stopDownloading{"app":"Mock app"}');
- });
- test('should add the manifest url in data set', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.equal(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.dataset.manifest,
- mockApp.manifestURL);
- });
- test('should hide the notification tray', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- assert.isFalse(MockUtilityTray.mShown);
- });
- test('cancelling should hide the dialog only', function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.cancel').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.isFalse(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('accepting should hide the dialog and call cancelDownload on app',
- function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.confirm').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.ok(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- test('accepting should hide the dialog but not call cancelDownload ' +
- 'if app is uninstalled',
- function() {
- fakeNotif.querySelector('.fake-notification').click();
- MockApplications.mUnregisterMockApp(mockApp);
- fakeDownloadCancelDialog.querySelector('.confirm').click();
- assert.isFalse(fakeDownloadCancelDialog.classList.contains('visible'));
- assert.isFalse(mockApp.mCancelCalled);
- });
- });
- });
- suite('restarting after reboot >', function() {
- var mockApp, installedMockApp;
- setup(function() {
- mockApp = new MockApp({
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'pending'
- });
- installedMockApp = new MockApp({
- updateManifest: null,
- installState: 'installed'
- });
- var e = new CustomEvent('applicationready', {
- detail: { applications: {} }
- });
- e.detail.applications[mockApp.manifestURL] = mockApp;
- e.detail.applications[installedMockApp.manifestURL] = installedMockApp;
- window.dispatchEvent(e);
- });
- test('should add a notification for the pending app', function() {
- mockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(50);
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 1);
- assert.ok(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- test('should not add a notification for the installed app', function() {
- installedMockApp.mTriggerDownloadProgress(50);
- var method = 'incExternalNotifications';
- assert.equal(fakeNotif.childElementCount, 0);
- assert.isUndefined(MockNotificationScreen.wasMethodCalled[method]);
- });
- });
- suite('humanizeSize >', function() {
- test('should handle bytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('42.00 bytes', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(42));
- });
- test('should handle kilobytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('1.00 kB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(1024));
- });
- test('should handle megabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('4.67 MB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(4901024));
- });
- test('should handle gigabytes size', function() {
- assert.equal('3.73 GB', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(4000901024));
- });
- test('should handle 0', function() {
- assert.equal('0.00 bytes', AppInstallManager.humanizeSize(0));
- });
- });