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path: root/apps/system/js/trusted_ui.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/js/trusted_ui.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/js/trusted_ui.js b/apps/system/js/trusted_ui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43bea21..0000000
--- a/apps/system/js/trusted_ui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-/* vim: set ft=javascript sw=2 ts=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-'use strict';
-var TrustedUIManager = {
- get currentStack() {
- if (!this._dialogStacks[this._lastDisplayedApp]) {
- this._dialogStacks[this._lastDisplayedApp] = [];
- }
- return this._dialogStacks[this._lastDisplayedApp];
- },
- _dialogStacks: {},
- _lastDisplayedApp: null,
- overlay: document.getElementById('dialog-overlay'),
- popupContainer: document.getElementById('trustedui-container'),
- popupContainerInner: document.getElementById('trustedui-inner'),
- container: document.getElementById('trustedui-frame-container'),
- dialogTitle: document.getElementById('trustedui-title'),
- screen: document.getElementById('screen'),
- loadingIcon: document.getElementById('statusbar-loading'),
- throbber: document.getElementById('trustedui-throbber'),
- closeButton: document.getElementById('trustedui-close'),
- hasTrustedUI: function trui_hasTrustedUI(origin) {
- return (this._dialogStacks[origin] && this._dialogStacks[origin].length);
- },
- getDialogFromOrigin: function trui_getDialogFromOrigin(origin) {
- if (!origin || !this.hasTrustedUI(origin))
- return false;
- var stack = this._dialogStacks[origin];
- return stack[stack.length - 1];
- },
- init: function trui_init() {
- window.addEventListener('home', this);
- window.addEventListener('holdhome', this);
- window.addEventListener('appwillopen', this);
- window.addEventListener('appopen', this);
- window.addEventListener('appwillclose', this);
- window.addEventListener('appterminated', this);
- window.addEventListener('keyboardhide', this);
- window.addEventListener('keyboardchange', this);
- window.addEventListener('mozbrowserloadstart', this);
- window.addEventListener('mozbrowserloadend', this);
- this.closeButton.addEventListener('click', this);
- },
- hideTrustedApp: function trui_hideTrustedApp() {
- var self = this;
- this.popupContainer.classList.add('closing');
- this.popupContainer.addEventListener('transitionend', function hide() {
- this.removeEventListener('transitionend', hide);
- self.hide();
- });
- },
- reopenTrustedApp: function trui_reopenTrustedApp() {
- this._hideAllFrames();
- var dialog = this._getTopDialog();
- this._makeDialogVisible(dialog);
- this.popupContainer.classList.add('closing');
- this.show();
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('closing');
- },
- open: function trui_open(name, frame, chromeEventId, onCancelCB) {
- screen.mozLockOrientation('portrait');
- this._hideAllFrames();
- if (this.currentStack.length) {
- this._makeDialogHidden(this._getTopDialog());
- this._pushNewDialog(name, frame, chromeEventId, onCancelCB);
- } else {
- // first time, spin back to home screen first
- this.popupContainer.classList.add('up');
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('closing');
- WindowManager.hideCurrentApp(function openTrustedUI() {
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('up');
- this._pushNewDialog(name, frame, chromeEventId, onCancelCB);
- }.bind(this));
- }
- },
- close: function trui_close(chromeEventId, callback) {
- var stackSize = this.currentStack.length;
- this._restoreOrientation();
- if (callback)
- callback();
- if (stackSize === 0) {
- // nothing to close. what are you doing?
- return;
- } else if (stackSize === 1) {
- // only one dialog, so transition back to main app
- var self = this;
- var container = this.popupContainer;
- if (!CardsView.cardSwitcherIsShown()) {
- WindowManager.restoreCurrentApp();
- container.addEventListener('transitionend', function wait(event) {
- this.removeEventListener('transitionend', wait);
- self._closeDialog(chromeEventId);
- });
- } else {
- WindowManager.restoreCurrentApp(this._lastDisplayedApp);
- this._closeDialog(chromeEventId);
- }
- // The css transition caused by the removal of the trustedui
- // class by the hide() method will trigger a 'transitionend'
- // event ultimately to be fired.
- this.hide();
- window.focus();
- } else {
- this._closeDialog(chromeEventId);
- }
- },
- _dispatchCloseEvent: function dispatchCloseEvent(eventId) {
- var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
- if (!eventId)
- return;
- var event = document.createEvent('customEvent');
- var details = {
- id: eventId,
- type: 'cancel',
- errorMsg: _('dialog-closed')
- };
- event.initCustomEvent('mozContentEvent', true, true, details);
- window.dispatchEvent(event);
- },
- _getTopDialog: function trui_getTopDialog() {
- // get the topmost dialog for the _lastDisplayedApp or null
- return this.currentStack[this.currentStack.length - 1];
- },
- _pushNewDialog: function trui_PushNewDialog(name, frame, chromeEventId,
- onCancelCB) {
- // add some data attributes to the frame
- var dataset = frame.dataset;
- dataset.frameType = 'popup';
- dataset.frameName = frame.name;
- dataset.frameOrigin = this._lastDisplayedApp;
- // make a shiny new dialog object
- var dialog = {
- name: name,
- frame: frame,
- chromeEventId: chromeEventId,
- onCancelCB: onCancelCB
- };
- // push and show
- this.currentStack.push(dialog);
- this.dialogTitle.textContent = dialog.name;
- this.container.appendChild(dialog.frame);
- this._makeDialogVisible(dialog);
- },
- _makeDialogVisible: function trui_makeDialogVisible(dialog) {
- // make sure the trusty ui is visible
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('closing');
- this.show();
- // ensure the frame is visible and the dialog title is correct.
- dialog.frame.classList.add('selected');
- this.dialogTitle.textContent = dialog.name;
- },
- _makeDialogHidden: function trui_makeDialogHidden(dialog) {
- if (!dialog)
- return;
- this._restoreOrientation();
- dialog.frame.classList.remove('selected');
- },
- _restoreOrientation: function trui_restoreOrientation() {
- var app = WindowManager.getDisplayedApp();
- WindowManager.setOrientationForApp(app);
- },
- /**
- * close the dialog identified by the chromeEventId
- */
- _closeDialog: function trui_closeDialog(chromeEventId) {
- if (this.currentStack.length === 0)
- return;
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.currentStack.length; i++) {
- if (this.currentStack[i].chromeEventId === chromeEventId) {
- var dialog = this.currentStack.splice(i, 1)[0];
- this.container.removeChild(dialog.frame);
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found && this.currentStack.length) {
- this._makeDialogVisible(this._getTopDialog());
- }
- },
- hide: function trui_hide() {
- this.screen.classList.remove('trustedui');
- },
- show: function trui_show() {
- this.screen.classList.add('trustedui');
- },
- isVisible: function trui_show() {
- return this.screen.classList.contains('trustedui');
- },
- setHeight: function trui_setHeight(height) {
- this.overlay.style.height = height + 'px';
- },
- /*
- * _destroyDialog: internal method called when the dialog is closed
- * by user action (canceled), or when 'appterminated' is received.
- * In either case, notify the caller.
- */
- _destroyDialog: function trui_destroyDialog(origin) {
- var stack = this.currentStack;
- if (origin)
- stack = this._dialogStacks[origin];
- if (stack.length === 0)
- return;
- // If the user closed a trusty UI dialog, they probably meant
- // to close every dialog.
- for (var i = 0, toClose = stack.length; i < toClose; i++) {
- var dialog = this._getTopDialog();
- // First, send a chrome event saying we've been canceled
- this._dispatchCloseEvent(dialog.chromeEventId);
- // Now close and fire the cancel callback, if it exists
- this.close(dialog.chromeEventId, dialog.onCancelCB);
- }
- this.hide();
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('closing');
- },
- _hideAllFrames: function trui_hideAllFrames() {
- var selectedFrames = this.container.querySelectorAll('iframe.selected');
- for (var i = 0; i < selectedFrames.length; i++) {
- selectedFrames[i].classList.remove('selected');
- }
- },
- handleEvent: function trui_handleEvent(evt) {
- switch (evt.type) {
- case 'home':
- case 'holdhome':
- if (!this.isVisible())
- return;
- this.hideTrustedApp();
- break;
- case 'click':
- // Close-button clicked
- this._destroyDialog();
- break;
- case 'appterminated':
- this._destroyDialog(evt.detail.origin);
- break;
- case 'appwillopen':
- // Hiding trustedUI when coming from Activity
- if (this.isVisible())
- this.hideTrustedApp();
- // Ignore homescreen
- if (evt.target.classList.contains('homescreen'))
- return;
- this._lastDisplayedApp = evt.detail.origin;
- if (this.currentStack.length) {
- // Reopening an app with trustedUI
- this.popupContainer.classList.remove('up');
- this._makeDialogVisible(this._getTopDialog());
- WindowManager.hideCurrentApp();
- this.reopenTrustedApp();
- }
- break;
- case 'appopen':
- if (this.currentStack.length) {
- screen.mozLockOrientation('portrait');
- }
- break;
- case 'appwillclose':
- if (this.isVisible())
- return;
- var dialog = this._getTopDialog();
- this._makeDialogHidden(dialog);
- this.hide();
- break;
- case 'keyboardchange':
- this.setHeight(window.innerHeight -
- StatusBar.height - evt.detail.height);
- break;
- case 'keyboardhide':
- this.setHeight(window.innerHeight - StatusBar.height);
- break;
- case 'mozbrowserloadstart':
- this.throbber.classList.add('loading');
- break;
- case 'mozbrowserloadend':
- this.throbber.classList.remove('loading');
- break;
- }
- }