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path: root/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_picker.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/js/value_selector/value_picker.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_picker.js b/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_picker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e686f..0000000
--- a/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_picker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-var ValuePicker = (function() {
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- function VP(e, unitStyle) {
- this.element = e;
- this._valueDisplayedText = unitStyle.valueDisplayedText;
- this._unitClassName = unitStyle.className;
- this._lower = 0;
- this._upper = unitStyle.valueDisplayedText.length - 1;
- this._range = unitStyle.valueDisplayedText.length;
- this._currentIndex = 0;
- this.init();
- }
- //
- // Public methods
- //
- VP.prototype.getSelectedIndex = function() {
- var selectedIndex = this._currentIndex;
- return selectedIndex;
- };
- VP.prototype.getSelectedDisplayedText = function() {
- var displayedText = this._valueDisplayedText[this._currentIndex];
- return displayedText;
- };
- VP.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function(tunedIndex, ignorePicker) {
- if ((tunedIndex % 1) > 0.5) {
- tunedIndex = Math.floor(tunedIndex) + 1;
- } else {
- tunedIndex = Math.floor(tunedIndex);
- }
- if (tunedIndex < this._lower) {
- tunedIndex = this._lower;
- }
- if (tunedIndex > this._upper) {
- tunedIndex = this._upper;
- }
- if (this._currentIndex != tunedIndex) {
- this._currentIndex = tunedIndex;
- this.onselectedindexchange(this._currentIndex);
- }
- this.updateUI(tunedIndex, ignorePicker);
- return tunedIndex;
- };
- VP.prototype.setSelectedIndexByDisplayedText = function(displayedText) {
- var newIndex = this._valueDisplayedText.indexOf(displayedText);
- if (newIndex != -1) {
- if (this._currentIndex != newIndex) {
- this._currentIndex = newIndex;
- this.onselectedindexchange(this._currentIndex);
- }
- this.updateUI(newIndex);
- }
- };
- //
- // Internal methods
- //
- VP.prototype.init = function() {
- this.initUI();
- this.setSelectedIndex(0); // Default Index is zero
- this.mousedonwHandler = vp_mousedown.bind(this);
- this.mousemoveHandler = vp_mousemove.bind(this);
- this.mouseupHandler = vp_mouseup.bind(this);
- this.addEventListeners();
- };
- VP.prototype.initUI = function() {
- var lower = this._lower;
- var upper = this._upper;
- var unitCount = this._valueDisplayedText.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < unitCount; ++i) {
- this.addPickerUnit(i);
- }
- // cache the size of picker
- this._pickerUnits = this.element.children;
- this._pickerUnitsHeight = this._pickerUnits[0].clientHeight;
- this._pickerHeight = this._pickerUnits[0].clientHeight *
- this._pickerUnits.length;
- this._space = this._pickerHeight / this._range;
- };
- VP.prototype.addPickerUnit = function(index) {
- var html = this._valueDisplayedText[index];
- var unit = document.createElement('div');
- unit.className = this._unitClassName;
- unit.innerHTML = html;
- this.element.appendChild(unit);
- };
- VP.prototype.updateUI = function(index, ignorePicker) {
- if (true !== ignorePicker) {
- this.element.style.top =
- (this._lower - index) * this._space + 'px';
- }
- };
- VP.prototype.addEventListeners = function() {
- this.element.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedonwHandler, false);
- };
- VP.prototype.removeEventListeners = function() {
- this.element.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler, false);
- this.element.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mousemoveHandler, false);
- };
- VP.prototype.uninit = function() {
- this.element.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedonwHandler, false);
- this.element.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler, false);
- this.element.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mousemoveHandler, false);
- this.element.style.top = '0px';
- this.onselectedindexchange = null;
- empty(this.element);
- };
- VP.prototype.onselectedindexchange = function(index) {};
- function cloneEvent(evt) {
- if ('touches' in evt) {
- evt = evt.touches[0];
- }
- return { x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY, timestamp: evt.timeStamp };
- }
- function empty(element) {
- while (element.hasChildNodes())
- element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
- element.innerHTML = '';
- }
- //
- // Tuneable parameters
- //
- var SPEED_THRESHOLD = 0.1;
- var currentEvent, startEvent, currentSpeed;
- var tunedIndex = 0;
- function toFixed(value) {
- return parseFloat(value.toFixed(1));
- }
- function calcSpeed() {
- var movingSpace = startEvent.y - currentEvent.y;
- var deltaTime = currentEvent.timestamp - startEvent.timestamp;
- var speed = movingSpace / deltaTime;
- currentSpeed = parseFloat(speed.toFixed(2));
- }
- function calcTargetIndex(space) {
- return tunedIndex - getMovingSpace() / space;
- }
- // If the user swap really slow, narrow down the moving space
- // So the user can fine tune value.
- function getMovingSpace() {
- var movingSpace = currentEvent.y - startEvent.y;
- var reValue = Math.abs(currentSpeed) > SPEED_THRESHOLD ?
- movingSpace : movingSpace / 4;
- return reValue;
- }
- function vp_mousemove(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- event.target.setCapture(true);
- currentEvent = cloneEvent(event);
- calcSpeed();
- // move selected index
- this.element.style.top = parseFloat(this.element.style.top) +
- getMovingSpace() + 'px';
- tunedIndex = calcTargetIndex(this._space);
- var roundedIndex = Math.round(tunedIndex * 10) / 10;
- if (roundedIndex != this._currentIndex) {
- this.setSelectedIndex(toFixed(roundedIndex), true);
- }
- startEvent = currentEvent;
- }
- function vp_mouseup(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- this.removeEventListeners();
- // Add animation back
- this.element.classList.add('animation-on');
- // Add momentum if speed is higher than a given threshold.
- if (Math.abs(currentSpeed) > SPEED_THRESHOLD) {
- var direction = currentSpeed > 0 ? 1 : -1;
- tunedIndex += Math.min(Math.abs(currentSpeed) * 5, 5) * direction;
- }
- tunedIndex = this.setSelectedIndex(toFixed(tunedIndex));
- currentSpeed = 0;
- }
- function vp_mousedown(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- // Stop animation
- this.element.classList.remove('animation-on');
- startEvent = currentEvent = cloneEvent(event);
- tunedIndex = this._currentIndex;
- this.removeEventListeners();
- this.element.addEventListener('mousemove', this.mousemoveHandler, false);
- this.element.addEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler, false);
- }
- return VP;