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path: root/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_selector.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/js/value_selector/value_selector.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_selector.js b/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_selector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b3381b3..0000000
--- a/apps/system/js/value_selector/value_selector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: js; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /
-/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
-'use strict';
-var ValueSelector = {
- _containers: {},
- _popups: {},
- _buttons: {},
- _datePicker: null,
- debug: function(msg) {
- var debugFlag = false;
- if (debugFlag) {
- console.log('[ValueSelector] ', msg);
- }
- },
- init: function vs_init() {
- var self = this;
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.onfocuschange = function onfocuschange(evt) {
- var typeToHandle = ['select-one', 'select-multiple', 'date',
- 'time', 'datetime', 'datetime-local', 'blur'];
- var type = evt.detail.type;
- // handle the <select> element and inputs with type of date/time
- // in system app for now
- if (typeToHandle.indexOf(type) == -1)
- return;
- var currentValue = evt.detail.value;
- switch (evt.detail.type) {
- case 'select-one':
- case 'select-multiple':
- self.debug('select triggered' + JSON.stringify(evt.detail));
- self._currentPickerType = evt.detail.type;
- self.showOptions(evt.detail);
- break;
- case 'date':
- self.showDatePicker(currentValue);
- break;
- case 'time':
- self.showTimePicker(currentValue);
- break;
- case 'datetime':
- case 'datetime-local':
- // TODO
- break;
- case 'blur':
- self.hide();
- break;
- }
- };
- this._element = document.getElementById('value-selector');
- this._element.addEventListener('mousedown', this);
- this._containers['select'] =
- document.getElementById('value-selector-container');
- this._containers['select'].addEventListener('click', this);
- ActiveEffectHelper.enableActive(this._containers['select']);
- this._popups['select'] =
- document.getElementById('select-option-popup');
- this._popups['select'].addEventListener('submit', this);
- this._popups['time'] =
- document.getElementById('time-picker-popup');
- this._popups['date'] =
- document.getElementById('spin-date-picker-popup');
- this._buttons['select'] = document.getElementById('select-options-buttons');
- this._buttons['select'].addEventListener('click', this);
- this._buttons['time'] = document.getElementById('time-picker-buttons');
- this._buttons['time'].addEventListener('click', this);
- this._buttons['date'] = document.getElementById('spin-date-picker-buttons');
- this._buttons['date'].addEventListener('click', this);
- this._containers['time'] = document.getElementById('picker-bar');
- this._containers['date'] = document.getElementById('spin-date-picker');
- ActiveEffectHelper.enableActive(this._buttons['select']);
- ActiveEffectHelper.enableActive(this._buttons['time']);
- ActiveEffectHelper.enableActive(this._buttons['date']);
- // Prevent focus being taken away by us for time picker.
- // The event listener on outer box will not be triggered cause
- // there is a evt.stopPropagation() in value_picker.js
- var pickerElements = ['value-picker-hours', 'value-picker-minutes',
- 'value-picker-hour24-state'];
- pickerElements.forEach((function pickerElements_forEach(id) {
- var element = document.getElementById(id);
- element.addEventListener('mousedown', this);
- }).bind(this));
- window.addEventListener('appopen', this);
- window.addEventListener('appwillclose', this);
- // invalidate the current spin date picker when language setting changes
- navigator.mozSettings.addObserver('language.current',
- (function language_change(e) {
- if (this._datePicker) {
- this._datePicker.uninit();
- this._datePicker = null;
- }}).bind(this));
- },
- handleEvent: function vs_handleEvent(evt) {
- switch (evt.type) {
- case 'appopen':
- case 'appwillclose':
- this.hide();
- break;
- case 'click':
- var currentTarget = evt.currentTarget;
- switch (currentTarget) {
- case this._buttons['select']:
- case this._buttons['time']:
- case this._buttons['date']:
- var target = evt.target;
- if (target.dataset.type == 'cancel') {
- this.cancel();
- } else if (target.dataset.type == 'ok') {
- this.confirm();
- }
- break;
- case this._containers['select']:
- this.handleSelect(evt.target);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'submit':
- // Prevent the form from submit.
- case 'mousedown':
- // Prevent focus being taken away by us.
- evt.preventDefault();
- break;
- default:
- this.debug('no event handler defined for' + evt.type);
- break;
- }
- },
- handleSelect: function vs_handleSelect(target) {
- if (target.dataset === undefined ||
- (target.dataset.optionIndex === undefined &&
- target.dataset.optionValue === undefined))
- return;
- if (this._currentPickerType === 'select-one') {
- var selectee = this._containers['select'].
- querySelectorAll('[aria-checked="true"]');
- for (var i = 0; i < selectee.length; i++) {
- selectee[i].removeAttribute('aria-checked');
- }
- target.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true');
- } else if (target.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true') {
- target.removeAttribute('aria-checked');
- } else {
- target.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true');
- }
- // setValue here to trigger change event
- var singleOptionIndex;
- var optionIndices = [];
- var selectee = this._containers['select'].
- querySelectorAll('[aria-checked="true"]');
- if (this._currentPickerType === 'select-one') {
- if (selectee.length > 0)
- singleOptionIndex = selectee[0].dataset.optionIndex;
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.setSelectedOption(singleOptionIndex);
- } else if (this._currentPickerType === 'select-multiple') {
- // Multiple select case
- for (var i = 0; i < selectee.length; i++) {
- var index = parseInt(selectee[i].dataset.optionIndex);
- optionIndices.push(index);
- }
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.setSelectedOptions(optionIndices);
- }
- },
- show: function vs_show(detail) {
- this._element.hidden = false;
- },
- showPanel: function vs_showPanel(type) {
- for (var p in this._containers) {
- if (p === type) {
- this._popups[p].hidden = false;
- } else {
- this._popups[p].hidden = true;
- }
- }
- },
- hide: function vs_hide() {
- this._element.hidden = true;
- },
- cancel: function vs_cancel() {
- this.debug('cancel invoked');
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.removeFocus();
- this.hide();
- },
- confirm: function vs_confirm() {
- if (this._currentPickerType === 'time') {
- var timeValue = TimePicker.getTimeValue();
- this.debug('output value: ' + timeValue);
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.setValue(timeValue);
- } else if (this._currentPickerType === 'date') {
- var dateValue = this._datePicker.value;
- // The format should be 2012-09-19
- dateValue = dateValue.toLocaleFormat('%Y-%m-%d');
- this.debug('output value: ' + dateValue);
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.setValue(dateValue);
- }
- window.navigator.mozKeyboard.removeFocus();
- this.hide();
- },
- showOptions: function vs_showOptions(detail) {
- var options = null;
- if (detail.choices && detail.choices.choices)
- options = detail.choices.choices;
- if (options)
- this.buildOptions(options);
- this.show();
- this.showPanel('select');
- },
- buildOptions: function(options) {
- var optionHTML = '';
- function escapeHTML(str) {
- var span = document.createElement('span');
- span.textContent = str;
- return span.innerHTML;
- }
- for (var i = 0, n = options.length; i < n; i++) {
- var checked = options[i].selected ? ' aria-checked="true"' : '';
- // This for attribute is created only to avoid applying
- // a general rule in building block
- var forAttribute = ' for="gaia-option-' + options[i].optionIndex + '"';
- optionHTML += '<li data-option-index="' + options[i].optionIndex + '"' +
- checked + '>' +
- '<label' + forAttribute + '> <span>' +
- escapeHTML(options[i].text) +
- '</span></label>' +
- '</li>';
- }
- var optionsContainer = document.querySelector(
- '#value-selector-container ol');
- if (!optionsContainer)
- return;
- optionsContainer.innerHTML = optionHTML;
- // Apply different style when the options are more than 1 page
- if (options.length > 5) {
- this._containers['select'].classList.add('scrollable');
- } else {
- this._containers['select'].classList.remove('scrollable');
- }
- // Change the title for multiple select
- var titleL10nId = 'choose-options';
- if (this._currentPickerType === 'select-one')
- titleL10nId = 'choose-option';
- var optionsTitle = document.querySelector(
- '#value-selector-container h1');
- if (optionsTitle) {
- optionsTitle.dataset.l10nId = titleL10nId;
- optionsTitle.textContent = navigator.mozL10n.get(titleL10nId);
- }
- },
- showTimePicker: function vs_showTimePicker(currentValue) {
- this._currentPickerType = 'time';
- this.show();
- this.showPanel('time');
- if (!this._timePickerInitialized) {
- TimePicker.initTimePicker();
- this._timePickerInitialized = true;
- }
- var time;
- if (!currentValue) {
- var now = new Date();
- time = {
- hours: now.getHours(),
- minutes: now.getMinutes()
- };
- } else {
- var inputParser = ValueSelector.InputParser;
- if (!inputParser)
- console.error('Cannot get input parser for value selector');
- time = inputParser.importTime(currentValue);
- }
- var timePicker = TimePicker.timePicker;
- // Set the value of time picker according to the current value
- if (timePicker.is12hFormat) {
- var hour = (time.hours % 12);
- hour = (hour == 0) ? 12 : hour;
- // 24-hour state value selector: AM = 0, PM = 1
- var hour24State = (time.hours >= 12) ? 1 : 0;
- timePicker.hour.setSelectedIndexByDisplayedText(hour);
- timePicker.hour24State.setSelectedIndex(hour24State);
- } else {
- timePicker.hour.setSelectedIndex(time.hours);
- }
- timePicker.minute.setSelectedIndex(time.minutes);
- },
- showDatePicker: function vs_showDatePicker(currentValue) {
- this._currentPickerType = 'date';
- this.show();
- this.showPanel('date');
- if (!this._datePicker) {
- this._datePicker = new SpinDatePicker(this._containers['date']);
- }
- // Show current date as default value
- var date = new Date();
- if (currentValue) {
- var inputParser = ValueSelector.InputParser;
- if (!inputParser)
- console.error('Cannot get input parser for value selector');
- date = inputParser.formatInputDate(currentValue, '');
- }
- this._datePicker.value = date;
- }
-var TimePicker = {
- timePicker: {
- hour: null,
- minute: null,
- hour24State: null,
- is12hFormat: false
- },
- get hourSelector() {
- delete this.hourSelector;
- return this.hourSelector =
- document.getElementById('value-picker-hours');
- },
- get minuteSelector() {
- delete this.minuteSelector;
- return this.minuteSelector =
- document.getElementById('value-picker-minutes');
- },
- get hour24StateSelector() {
- delete this.hour24StateSelector;
- return this.hour24StateSelector =
- document.getElementById('value-picker-hour24-state');
- },
- initTimePicker: function tp_initTimePicker() {
- var localeTimeFormat = navigator.mozL10n.get('dateTimeFormat_%X');
- var is12hFormat = (localeTimeFormat.indexOf('%p') >= 0);
- this.timePicker.is12hFormat = is12hFormat;
- this.setTimePickerStyle();
- var startHour = is12hFormat ? 1 : 0;
- var endHour = is12hFormat ? (startHour + 12) : (startHour + 12 * 2);
- var unitClassName = 'picker-unit';
- var hourDisplayedText = [];
- for (var i = startHour; i < endHour; i++) {
- var value = i;
- hourDisplayedText.push(value);
- }
- var hourUnitStyle = {
- valueDisplayedText: hourDisplayedText,
- className: unitClassName
- };
- this.timePicker.hour = new ValuePicker(this.hourSelector, hourUnitStyle);
- var minuteDisplayedText = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
- var value = (i < 10) ? '0' + i : i;
- minuteDisplayedText.push(value);
- }
- var minuteUnitStyle = {
- valueDisplayedText: minuteDisplayedText,
- className: unitClassName
- };
- this.timePicker.minute =
- new ValuePicker(this.minuteSelector, minuteUnitStyle);
- if (is12hFormat) {
- var hour24StateUnitStyle = {
- valueDisplayedText: ['AM', 'PM'],
- className: unitClassName
- };
- this.timePicker.hour24State =
- new ValuePicker(this.hour24StateSelector, hour24StateUnitStyle);
- }
- },
- setTimePickerStyle: function tp_setTimePickerStyle() {
- var style = (this.timePicker.is12hFormat) ? 'format12h' : 'format24h';
- document.getElementById('picker-bar').classList.add(style);
- },
- // return a string for the time value, format: "16:37"
- getTimeValue: function tp_getTimeValue() {
- var hour = 0;
- if (this.timePicker.is12hFormat) {
- var hour24Offset = 12 * this.timePicker.hour24State.getSelectedIndex();
- hour = this.timePicker.hour.getSelectedDisplayedText();
- hour = (hour == 12) ? 0 : hour;
- hour = hour + hour24Offset;
- } else {
- hour = this.timePicker.hour.getSelectedIndex();
- }
- var minute = this.timePicker.minute.getSelectedDisplayedText();
- return hour + ':' + minute;
- }
-var ActiveEffectHelper = (function() {
- var lastActiveElement = null;
- function _setActive(element, isActive) {
- if (isActive) {
- element.classList.add('active');
- lastActiveElement = element;
- } else {
- element.classList.remove('active');
- if (lastActiveElement) {
- lastActiveElement.classList.remove('active');
- lastActiveElement = null;
- }
- }
- }
- function _onMouseDown(evt) {
- var target = evt.target;
- _setActive(target, true);
- target.addEventListener('mouseleave', _onMouseLeave);
- }
- function _onMouseUp(evt) {
- var target = evt.target;
- _setActive(target, false);
- target.removeEventListener('mouseleave', _onMouseLeave);
- }
- function _onMouseLeave(evt) {
- var target = evt.target;
- _setActive(target, false);
- target.removeEventListener('mouseleave', _onMouseLeave);
- }
- var _events = {
- 'mousedown': _onMouseDown,
- 'mouseup': _onMouseUp
- };
- function _enableActive(element) {
- // Attach event listeners
- for (var event in _events) {
- var callback = _events[event] || null;
- if (callback)
- element.addEventListener(event, callback);
- }
- }
- return {
- enableActive: _enableActive
- };