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path: root/shared/js/phoneNumberJS/PhoneNumber.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'shared/js/phoneNumberJS/PhoneNumber.js')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shared/js/phoneNumberJS/PhoneNumber.js b/shared/js/phoneNumberJS/PhoneNumber.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16f9e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/js/phoneNumberJS/PhoneNumber.js
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
+var PhoneNumber = (function (dataBase) {
+ // Use strict in our context only - users might not want it
+ 'use strict';
+ const UNICODE_DIGITS = /[\uFF10-\uFF19\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9]/g;
+ const ALPHA_CHARS = /[a-zA-Z]/g;
+ const NON_ALPHA_CHARS = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;
+ const NON_DIALABLE_CHARS = /[^+\*\d]/g;
+ const PLUS_CHARS = /^[+\uFF0B]+/;
+ const BACKSLASH = /\\/g;
+ const COMMACOMMA = /,,/g;
+ const COMMABRACKET = /,]/g;
+ const SPLIT_FIRST_GROUP = /^(\d+)(.*)$/;
+ // Format of the string encoded meta data. If the name contains "^" or "$"
+ // we will generate a regular expression from the value, with those special
+ // characters as prefix/suffix.
+ const META_DATA_ENCODING = ["region",
+ "^internationalPrefix",
+ "nationalPrefix",
+ "^nationalPrefixForParsing",
+ "nationalPrefixTransformRule",
+ "nationalPrefixFormattingRule",
+ "^possiblePattern$",
+ "^nationalPattern$",
+ "formats"];
+ const FORMAT_ENCODING = ["^pattern$",
+ "nationalFormat",
+ "^leadingDigits",
+ "nationalPrefixFormattingRule",
+ "internationalFormat"];
+ var regionCache = Object.create(null);
+ // Parse an array of strings into a convenient object. We store meta
+ // data as arrays since thats much more compact than JSON.
+ function ParseArray(array, encoding, obj) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < encoding.length; ++n) {
+ var value = array[n];
+ if (!value)
+ continue;
+ var field = encoding[n];
+ var fieldAlpha = field.replace(NON_ALPHA_CHARS, "");
+ if (field != fieldAlpha)
+ value = new RegExp(field.replace(fieldAlpha, value));
+ obj[fieldAlpha] = value;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // Parse string encoded meta data into a convenient object
+ // representation.
+ function ParseMetaData(countryCode, md) {
+ var array = JSON.parse(md.replace(BACKSLASH, "\\\\").replace(COMMACOMMA, ', null,').replace(COMMACOMMA, ', null,').replace(COMMABRACKET, ', null]'));
+ md = ParseArray(array,
+ { countryCode: countryCode });
+ regionCache[md.region] = md;
+ return md;
+ }
+ // Parse string encoded format data into a convenient object
+ // representation.
+ function ParseFormat(md) {
+ var formats = md.formats;
+ // Bail if we already parsed the format definitions.
+ if (!(Array.isArray(formats[0])))
+ return;
+ for (var n = 0; n < formats.length; ++n) {
+ formats[n] = ParseArray(formats[n],
+ {});
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for the meta data associated with a region identifier ("US") in
+ // our database, which is indexed by country code ("1"). Since we have
+ // to walk the entire database for this, we cache the result of the lookup
+ // for future reference.
+ function FindMetaDataForRegion(region) {
+ // Check in the region cache first. This will find all entries we have
+ // already resolved (parsed from a string encoding).
+ var md = regionCache[region];
+ if (md)
+ return md;
+ for (var countryCode in dataBase) {
+ var entry = dataBase[countryCode];
+ // Each entry is a string encoded object of the form '["US..', or
+ // an array of strings. We don't want to parse the string here
+ // to save memory, so we just substring the region identifier
+ // and compare it. For arrays, we compare against all region
+ // identifiers with that country code. We skip entries that are
+ // of type object, because they were already resolved (parsed into
+ // an object), and their country code should have been in the cache.
+ if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < entry.length; ++n) {
+ if (typeof entry[n] == "string" && entry[n].substr(2,2) == region)
+ return entry[n] = ParseMetaData(countryCode, entry[n]);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (typeof entry == "string" && entry.substr(2,2) == region)
+ return dataBase[countryCode] = ParseMetaData(countryCode, entry);
+ }
+ }
+ // Format a national number for a given region. The boolean flag "intl"
+ // indicates whether we want the national or international format.
+ function FormatNumber(regionMetaData, number, intl) {
+ // We lazily parse the format description in the meta data for the region,
+ // so make sure to parse it now if we haven't already done so.
+ ParseFormat(regionMetaData);
+ var formats = regionMetaData.formats;
+ for (var n = 0; n < formats.length; ++n) {
+ var format = formats[n];
+ // The leading digits field is optional. If we don't have it, just
+ // use the matching pattern to qualify numbers.
+ if (format.leadingDigits && !format.leadingDigits.test(number))
+ continue;
+ if (!format.pattern.test(number))
+ continue;
+ if (intl) {
+ // If there is no international format, just fall back to the national
+ // format.
+ var internationalFormat = format.internationalFormat;
+ if (!internationalFormat)
+ internationalFormat = format.nationalFormat;
+ // Some regions have numbers that can't be dialed from outside the
+ // country, indicated by "NA" for the international format of that
+ // number format pattern.
+ if (internationalFormat == "NA")
+ return null;
+ // Prepend "+" and the country code.
+ number = "+" + regionMetaData.countryCode + " " +
+ number.replace(format.pattern, internationalFormat);
+ } else {
+ number = number.replace(format.pattern, format.nationalFormat);
+ // The region has a national prefix formatting rule, and it can be overwritten
+ // by each actual number format rule.
+ var nationalPrefixFormattingRule = regionMetaData.nationalPrefixFormattingRule;
+ if (format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule)
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule = format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule;
+ if (nationalPrefixFormattingRule) {
+ // The prefix formatting rule contains two magic markers, "$NP" and "$FG".
+ // "$NP" will be replaced by the national prefix, and "$FG" with the
+ // first group of numbers.
+ var match = number.match(SPLIT_FIRST_GROUP);
+ var firstGroup = match[1];
+ var rest = match[2];
+ var prefix = nationalPrefixFormattingRule;
+ prefix = prefix.replace("$NP", regionMetaData.nationalPrefix);
+ prefix = prefix.replace("$FG", firstGroup);
+ number = prefix + rest;
+ }
+ }
+ return (number == "NA") ? null : number;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function NationalNumber(regionMetaData, number) {
+ this.region = regionMetaData.region;
+ this.regionMetaData = regionMetaData;
+ this.nationalNumber = number;
+ }
+ // NationalNumber represents the result of parsing a phone number. We have
+ // three getters on the prototype that format the number in national and
+ // international format. Once called, the getters put a direct property
+ // onto the object, caching the result.
+ NationalNumber.prototype = {
+ // +1 949-726-2896
+ get internationalFormat() {
+ var value = FormatNumber(this.regionMetaData, this.nationalNumber, true);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "internationalFormat", { value: value, enumerable: true });
+ return value;
+ },
+ // (949) 726-2896
+ get nationalFormat() {
+ var value = FormatNumber(this.regionMetaData, this.nationalNumber, false);
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "nationalFormat", { value: value, enumerable: true });
+ return value;
+ },
+ // +19497262896
+ get internationalNumber() {
+ var value = this.internationalFormat.replace(NON_DIALABLE_CHARS, "");
+ Object.defineProperty(this, "nationalNumber", { value: value, enumerable: true });
+ return value;
+ }
+ };
+ // Normalize a number by converting unicode numbers and symbols to their
+ // ASCII equivalents and removing all non-dialable characters.
+ function NormalizeNumber(number) {
+ number = number.replace(UNICODE_DIGITS,
+ function (ch) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(48 + (ch.charCodeAt(0) & 0xf));
+ });
+ number = number.replace(ALPHA_CHARS,
+ function (ch) {
+ return (ch.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 97)/3+2 | 0;
+ });
+ number = number.replace(PLUS_CHARS, "+");
+ number = number.replace(NON_DIALABLE_CHARS, "");
+ return number;
+ }
+ // Check whether the number is valid for the given region.
+ function IsValidNumber(number, md) {
+ return md.possiblePattern.test(number);
+ }
+ // Check whether the number is a valid national number for the given region.
+ function IsNationalNumber(number, md) {
+ return IsValidNumber(number, md) && md.nationalPattern.test(number);
+ }
+ // Determine the country code a number starts with, or return null if
+ // its not a valid country code.
+ function ParseCountryCode(number) {
+ for (var n = 1; n <= 3; ++n) {
+ var cc = number.substr(0,n);
+ if (dataBase[cc])
+ return cc;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Parse an international number that starts with the country code. Return
+ // null if the number is not a valid international number.
+ function ParseInternationalNumber(number) {
+ var ret;
+ // Parse and strip the country code.
+ var countryCode = ParseCountryCode(number);
+ if (!countryCode)
+ return null;
+ number = number.substr(countryCode.length);
+ // Lookup the meta data for the region (or regions) and if the rest of
+ // the number parses for that region, return the parsed number.
+ var entry = dataBase[countryCode];
+ if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < entry.length; ++n) {
+ if (typeof entry[n] == "string")
+ entry[n] = ParseMetaData(countryCode, entry[n]);
+ if (ret = ParseNationalNumber(number, entry[n]))
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (typeof entry == "string")
+ entry = dataBase[countryCode] = ParseMetaData(countryCode, entry);
+ return ParseNationalNumber(number, entry);
+ }
+ // Parse a national number for a specific region. Return null if the
+ // number is not a valid national number (it might still be a possible
+ // number for parts of that region).
+ function ParseNationalNumber(number, md) {
+ if (!md.possiblePattern.test(number) ||
+ !md.nationalPattern.test(number)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Success.
+ return new NationalNumber(md, number);
+ }
+ // Parse a number and transform it into the national format, removing any
+ // international dial prefixes and country codes.
+ function ParseNumber(number, defaultRegion) {
+ var ret;
+ // Remove formating characters and whitespace.
+ number = NormalizeNumber(number);
+ // Detect and strip leading '+'.
+ if (number[0] === '+')
+ return ParseInternationalNumber(number.replace(PLUS_CHARS, ""));
+ // Lookup the meta data for the given region.
+ var md = FindMetaDataForRegion(defaultRegion.toUpperCase());
+ // See if the number starts with an international prefix, and if the
+ // number resulting from stripping the code is valid, then remove the
+ // prefix and flag the number as international.
+ if (md.internationalPrefix.test(number)) {
+ var possibleNumber = number.replace(md.internationalPrefix, "");
+ if (ret = ParseInternationalNumber(possibleNumber))
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // This is not an international number. See if its a national one for
+ // the current region. National numbers can start with the national
+ // prefix, or without.
+ if (md.nationalPrefixForParsing) {
+ // Some regions have specific national prefix parse rules. Apply those.
+ var withoutPrefix = number.replace(md.nationalPrefixForParsing,
+ md.nationalPrefixTransformRule);
+ if (ret = ParseNationalNumber(withoutPrefix, md))
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ // If there is no specific national prefix rule, just strip off the
+ // national prefix from the beginning of the number (if there is one).
+ var nationalPrefix = md.nationalPrefix;
+ if (nationalPrefix && number.indexOf(nationalPrefix) == 0 &&
+ (ret = ParseNationalNumber(number.substr(nationalPrefix.length), md))) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret = ParseNationalNumber(number, md))
+ return ret;
+ // If the number matches the possible numbers of the current region,
+ // return it as a possible number.
+ if (md.possiblePattern.test(number))
+ return new NationalNumber(md, number);
+ // Now lets see if maybe its an international number after all, but
+ // without '+' or the international prefix.
+ if (ret = ParseInternationalNumber(number))
+ return ret;
+ // We couldn't parse the number at all.
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ Parse: ParseNumber
+ };