HTML activities - Draft 1


XXX Improve the Sugar OS developer experience

XXX Cross platform sugar activities -> future

XXX What is Sugar.


The framework is composed of various libraries, initially

Interface description

Each module provides one or more interface descriptions which are language independent. A subset of object-oriented languages should be chosen, so that it's possible to implement these from all the languages we are interested to support. The description uses the Java syntax because unlike, for example, python and JavaScript it's explicit about types.

For example, the datastore interface could look like

class Datastore {
    DatastoreObject load();
    void save(DatastoreObject object);

XXX The interface is totally made up!

XXX What about IDL? Even if we don't use them initially the tools might be useful at some point.


The implementation should be written as much as possible using web languages. But of course we will have the necessity to interact with native system components. The multi language nature of the interfaces will be useful here because it will allow to provide system specific implementation of certain interfaces and generically bridge to them from JavaScript. All the modules should provide a web fallback, which will allow to run the activity everywhere even if with degraded functionality.

Code style

View source is a core part of the sugar experience, so any kind of code obfuscation should be avoided. This includes languages that compiles to JavaScript, like CoffeeScript.

Namespacing and package management

We are using volo for namespacing and package management, both in the libraries and in the documentation.


Activities are open web apps, their only specificity is that can make use of our libraries framework. On some platforms (Sugar OS for example) it might be necessary to generate boilerplate code, configuration or to package the app in a certain way to have it integrate with the system flawlessly. We will provide scripts to fully automate those tasks.

Implementation notes

Sugar OS