ok=OK back=Back cancel=Cancel close=Close # utility tray mobile states airplaneMode=Airplane mode searching=Searching… noNetwork=No network roaming={{operator}} (Roaming) emergencyCallsOnly = Emergency calls only emergencyCallsOnly-noSIM = (no SIM) emergencyCallsOnly-pinRequired = (SIM PIN required) emergencyCallsOnly-pukRequired = (SIM PUK required) emergencyCallsOnly-networkLocked = (network locked) enterPIN=Enter PIN # status bar text label statusbarLabel={{date}}, {{operator}} # see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html statusbarDateFormat=%b. %e # either 24-hour format (%H:%M) or 12-hour without AM/PM (%I:%M) statusbarTimeFormat=%I:%M # notifications notifications=Notifications clear-all=Clear all # voice mails newVoicemails={[ plural(n) ]} newVoicemails[zero] = No new voicemail newVoicemails[one] = One new voicemail newVoicemails[two] = {{n}} new voicemails newVoicemails[few] = {{n}} new voicemails newVoicemails[many] = {{n}} new voicemails newVoicemails[other] = {{n}} new voicemails newVoicemailsUnknown = New voicemail dialNumber = Dial {{number}} # sleep menu deviceMenu=Phone airplane=Turn on airplane mode airplaneOff=Turn off airplane mode silent=Silence incoming calls normal=Ring incoming calls restart=Restart power=Power off # permissions # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this is displayed in a permission request dialog box, # see shared/permissions/permissions.properties for more context. yes=Yes no=No deny=Don't allow allow=Allow remember-my-choice=Remember my choice # App install install-app=Install {{name}}? size=Size author=Author unknown=Unknown install=Install bytes=bytes kB=kB MB=MB GB=GB TB=TB PB=PB app-install-generic-error={{ appName }} download stopped app-install-download-failed={{ appName }} download failed app-install-install-failed={{ appName }} install failed cancelling-will-not-refund=Cancelling will not refund a purchase. Refunds for paid content are provided by the original seller. apps-can-be-installed-later=Apps can be installed later from the original installation source. are-you-sure-you-want-to-cancel=Are you sure you want to cancel this install? cancel-install=Cancel Install resume=Resume continue=Continue stopDownloading=Stop downloading {{ app }}? app-download-can-be-restarted=The download can be restarted later. app-download-stop-button=Stop Download not-enough-space=Not enough space not-enough-space-message=There is not enough space to install this app. Free up space by deleting old apps or media, and try installing again from the original source. app-install-success={{ appName }} installed # update manager later=Later download=Download wantToDownload=Download update now? wantToInstall=Install update now? installNow=Install Now notNow=Not Now # the element will be displayed when the download finishes downloadingUpdateMessage=Downloading updates… {{ progress }} downloaded. downloadingAppMessage=Downloading {{ appName }} downloadingAppProgressNoMax={{ progress }} downloaded downloadingAppProgressIndeterminate=Downloading downloadingAppProgress={{ progress }} / {{ max }} downloaded cancelAllDownloads=Cancel all downloads wantToCancelAll=Are you sure you want to cancel all downloads? downloadError=There was an error while downloading the updates. updateAvailableInfo={[ plural(n) ]} updateAvailableInfo[one]={{ n }} update available. Tap for more info. updateAvailableInfo[two]={{ n }} updates available. Tap for more info. updateAvailableInfo[few]={{ n }} updates available. Tap for more info. updateAvailableInfo[many]={{ n }} updates available. Tap for more info. updateAvailableInfo[other]={{ n }} updates available. Tap for more info. numberOfUpdates={[ plural(n) ]} numberOfUpdates[one]={{ n }} update available numberOfUpdates[two]={{ n }} updates available numberOfUpdates[few]={{ n }} updates available numberOfUpdates[many]={{ n }} updates available numberOfUpdates[other]={{ n }} updates available systemUpdate=System update systemUpdateReady=System Update Ready required=Required uncompressingMessage=Uncompressing… This can take a few minutes. downloadNoWifiWarning=Wi-Fi unavailable. Updating over current connection may incur additional charges. downloadOfflineWarning=Connection unavailable. Connect to a network to download updates. downloadDataConnectionWarning=Updates are downloaded via data connection when Wi-Fi is not available. Additional data charges may apply. downloadUpdatesViaDataConnection=Download updates via data connection? downloadUpdatesViaDataConnectionMessage=Updates are downloaded via data connection when Wi-Fi is not available. When using data connection, phone calls may be blocked and additional charges may also apply. # screenshots screenshotSaved = Screenshot saved to Gallery screenshotFailed = The screenshot could not be saved screenshotNoSDCard = No memory card found screenshotSDCardInUse = Memory card is in use screenshotSDCardLow = Not enough space on memory card # lock screen # Note: the space between "security" and "code" is non-break space in Unicode enter-security-code=Enter security code emergency-call-button=Emergency Call unlock-a11y-button.ariaLabel=Unlock camera-a11y-button.ariaLabel=Camera # see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html longDateFormat=%A, %B %e # system dialogs login=Sign in username=Username password=Password http-authentication-message=A username and password are being requested by {{host}}. The site says: “{{realm}}” error-message={{name}} is not loading properly error-title={{name}} is having problems airplane-is-on=Airplane mode is on airplane-is-turned-on={{name}} requires a network connection. Turn off airplane mode from Settings and connect to a Wi-Fi or mobile data network. network-connection-unavailable=Network connection unavailable network-error={{name}} requires a network connection. Try connecting to a Wi-Fi or mobile data network. try-again=Try again dialog-closed = Dialog closed by the user # value selector, time/date picker select-time=Select time choose-option=Select choose-options=Select select-day=Select day # system overlay battery-almost-empty=Battery almost empty # wrapper add-to-home-screen=Add to Home Screen # crash report dialog crash-dialog2-os={{brandShortName}} just recovered from a crash crash-dialog-app={{name}} just crashed crash-dialog-message=Would you like to send Mozilla a report about the crash to help us fix the problem? (Reports are sent over Wi-Fi only.) crash-info-link=What's in a crash report? crash-always-report=Always send Mozilla a report when a crash occurs. crash-dont-send=Don't Send crash-end=Send Report # "Crash Reports" information page crashReports=Crash Reports done=Done # Localization note (crash-reports-description-*): These strings are also included in settings.properties crash-reports-description-1=A crash report contains some details about the crash and your device, as well as a snapshot of the state of your device when it crashed. crash-reports-description-2=This may include things like open pages and apps, text typed into forms and the content of open messages, recent browsing history, or geolocation used by an open app. # Localization note (crash-reports-description-3-*): These strings are a paragraph, with a "privacy policy" # link in the middle. Include trailing spaces as needed. crash-reports-description-3-start=We use crash reports to try to fix problems and improve our products. We handle your information as we describe in our crash-reports-description-3-privacy=privacy policy crash-reports-description-3-end=. # crash notification banner crash-banner-os2={{brandShortName}} just crashed. crash-banner-app={{name}} just crashed. crash-banner-report=Report # bluetooth transfer bluetooth-sendingTitle=Sending Bluetooth transfer.. bluetooth-receivingTitle=Receiving Bluetooth transfer.. bluetooth-sending-progress=Sending Bluetooth transfer.. bluetooth-receiving-progress=Receiving Bluetooth transfer.. acceptFileTransfer=Accept Bluetooth file transfer? wantToReceiveFile={{deviceName}} would like to transfer {{fileName}} ({{fileSize}}). notification-fileTransfer-title=Receive file? notification-fileTransfer-description=File incoming from another device byteUnit-B = Bytes byteUnit-KB = KB byteUnit-MB = MB byteUnit-GB = GB byteUnit-TB = TB byteUnit-PB = PB byteUnit-EB = EB byteUnit-ZB = ZB byteUnit-YB = YB # Localization note (fileSize*): The string is a float. fileSize = {{size}} {{unit}} deny=Deny transfer=Transfer cancelFileTransfer=Cancel Bluetooth file transfer? continue=Continue bluetooth-file-transfer-result=Bluetooth file transfer {{status}}. complete=complete failed=failed transferFinished-sentSuccessful-title=File sent transferFinished-receivedSuccessful-title=File received transferFinished-sentFailed-title=File could not be sent transferFinished-receivedFailed-title=File could not be received unknown-file=Unknown file unknown-device=Unknown device cannotOpenFile=Can not open received file unknownMediaTypeToOpen=Can not open unknown media type: cannotReceiveFile=Can not receive file cannotGetStorageState=Can not get device storage state sdcard-not-exist=No memory card found (Please insert a memory card) sdcard-in-use=Bluetooth can not be used while phone is plugged in. Please unplug the phone to receive file(s). sdcard-no-space2=Can not complete transfer: memory card is full. unknown-error=Unknown error confirm=Confirm # Security :: SIM PIN lock noSimCard=No SIM card simPin=SIM PIN pukCode=PUK code nckCode=NCK code whatIsSimPin=What is a SIM PIN? simPinIntro1=A SIM PIN prevents access to the SIM card cellular data networks. When it’s enabled, any device containing the SIM card will request the PIN upon restart. simPinIntro2=A SIM PIN is not the same as the passcode used to unlock the device. changeSimPin=Change PIN pinTitle=Enter SIM PIN pukTitle=Enter PUK code nckTitle=Enter NCK code newpinTitle=New PIN pinErrorMsg=The PIN was incorrect. pinAttemptMsg={[ plural(n) ]} pinAttemptMsg[one]=one last try. pinAttemptMsg[two]={{n}} tries left. pinAttemptMsg[few]={{n}} tries left. pinAttemptMsg[many]={{n}} tries left. pinAttemptMsg[other]={{n}} tries left. pinLastChanceMsg=This is your last chance to enter the correct PIN. Otherwise, you must enter the PUK code to use this SIM card. simCardLockedMsg=The SIM card is locked. enterPukMsg=You must enter the Personal Unlocking Key (PUK) code for the SIM card. Refer to your SIM card documentation or contact your carrier for more information. pukErrorMsg=The PUK code is incorrect. pukAttemptMsg=You have {{n}} tries left to enter the correct code before this SIM card will be permanently unusable. Refer to your SIM card documentation or contact your carrier for more information. pukLastChanceMsg=Last chance to enter the correct PUK code. Your SIM card will be permanently unusable if you enter in the wrong PUK code. Refer to your SIM card documentation or contact your carrier for more information. newSimPinMsg=Create PIN (must contain 4 to 8 digits) confirmNewSimPinMsg=Confirm new PIN newPinErrorMsg=PINs don’t match. nckErrorMsg=The NCK code is incorrect. nckAttemptMsg=Network depersonalization request failure. You have {{n}} tries left to enter the correct code. Refer to your device documentation or contact your carrier for more information. nckLastChanceMsg=Network depersonalization request failure. Last chance to enter the correct NCK code. Refer to your device documentation or contact your carrier for more information. # Activity selection menu titles activity-pick= Select from: activity-view= View with: activity-test= Test with: activity-share= Share with: activity-new= Create with: activity-open= Open with: activity-save-bookmark=Bookmark to: activity-record=Record from: activity-browse=Browse with: activity-configure=Configure with: activity-dial=Dial from: # Persona dialog and Identity persona-signin=Sign In # Payment dialog payment-flow=Purchase # Remote Debugger Connection Dialog remoteDebuggerMessage=An incoming request to permit remote debugging connection was detected. Allow connection? # fullscreen permission # LOCALIZATION NOTE {{origin}} is the origin of the site which has requested fullscreen, e.g. http://example.com is now fullscreen. It includes protocol + hostname. fullscreen-request={{origin}} is now fullscreen. #captive wifi captive-wifi-available=The network {{networkName}} was found. Join network?