const INSTALL_TIME = 132333986000; // Match this to value in applications-data.js function debug(msg) { //dump('-*- webapp-manifest.js: ' + msg + '\n'); } let webappsTargetDir = Cc[';1'] .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); webappsTargetDir.initWithPath(PROFILE_DIR); // Create profile folder if doesn't exists if (!webappsTargetDir.exists()) webappsTargetDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0755', 8)); // Create webapps folder if doesn't exists webappsTargetDir.append('webapps'); if (!webappsTargetDir.exists()) webappsTargetDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0755', 8)); let manifests = {}; let id = 1; function copyRec(source, target) { let results = []; let files = source.directoryEntries; if (!target.exists()) target.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0755', 8)); while (files.hasMoreElements()) { let file = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile); if (file.isDirectory()) { let subFolder = target.clone(); subFolder.append(file.leafName); copyRec(file, subFolder); } else { file.copyTo(target, file.leafName); } } } // Returns the nsIPrincipal compliant integer // from the "type" property in manifests. function getAppStatus(status) { let appStatus = 1; // By default, apps are installed switch (status) { case "certified": appStatus = 3; break; case "privileged": appStatus = 2; break; case "web": default: appStatus = 1; break; } return appStatus; } Gaia.webapps.forEach(function (webapp) { // If BUILD_APP_NAME isn't `*`, we only accept one webapp if (BUILD_APP_NAME != '*' && webapp.sourceDirectoryName != BUILD_APP_NAME) return; // Compute webapp folder name in profile let webappTargetDirName = webapp.domain; // Copy webapp's manifest to the profile let webappTargetDir = webappsTargetDir.clone(); webappTargetDir.append(webappTargetDirName); webapp.manifestFile.copyTo(webappTargetDir, 'manifest.webapp'); // Add webapp's entry to the webapps global manifest. // appStatus == 3 means this is a certified app. // appStatus == 2 means this is a privileged app. // appStatus == 1 means this is an installed (unprivileged) app let url = webapp.url; manifests[webappTargetDirName] = { origin: url, installOrigin: url, receipt: null, installTime: INSTALL_TIME, manifestURL: url + '/manifest.webapp', appStatus: getAppStatus(webapp.manifest.type), localId: id++ }; }); // Write webapps global manifest let manifestFile = webappsTargetDir.clone(); manifestFile.append('webapps.json'); // stringify json with 2 spaces indentation writeContent(manifestFile, JSON.stringify(manifests, null, 2) + '\n');