function debug(str) { //dump(' -*- webapp-optimize.js: ' + str + '\n'); } /** * Expose a global `win' object and load `l10n.js' in it -- * note: the `?reload' trick ensures we don't load a cached `l10njs' library. */ var win = { navigator: {} }; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript('file:///' + GAIA_DIR + '/shared/js/l10n.js?reload=' + new Date().getTime(), win); /** * Locale list -- by default, only the default one */ var l10nLocales = [GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE]; var l10nDictionary = { locales: {}, default_locale: GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE }; l10nDictionary.locales[GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE] = {}; /** * whitelist by app name for javascript asset aggregation. */ const JS_AGGREGATION_WHITELIST = [ 'calendar' ]; /** * Helpers */ function optimize_getFileContent(webapp, htmlFile, relativePath) { let paths = relativePath.split('/'); let file; // get starting directory: webapp root, HTML file or /shared/ if (/^\//.test(relativePath)) { paths.shift(); file = webapp.sourceDirectoryFile.clone(); } else { file = htmlFile.parent.clone(); } if (paths[0] == 'shared') { file = getFile(GAIA_DIR); } paths.forEach(function appendPath(name) { file.append(name); if (isSubjectToBranding(file.path)) { file.append((OFFICIAL == 1) ? 'official' : 'unofficial'); } }); try { return getFileContent(file); } catch (e) { dump(file.path + ' could not be found.\n'); return ''; } } /** * Aggregates javascript files by type to reduce the IO overhead. * Depending on the script tags there are two files made: * * - defered scripts ( * * * This function is somewhat conservative about what it will aggregate and will * only group scripts found the documents section. * * @param {HTMLDocument} doc DOM document of the file. * @param {Object} webapp details of current web app. * @param {NSFile} htmlFile filename/path of the document. */ function optimize_aggregateJsResources(doc, webapp, htmlFile) { // Everyone should be putting their scripts in head with defer. // The best case is that only l10n.js is put into a normal. let scripts = Array.slice( doc.head.querySelectorAll('script[src]') ); let deferred = { prefix: 'defer_', content: '', lastNode: null }; let normal = { prefix: '', content: '', lastNode: null }; scripts.forEach(function(script, idx) { let html = script.outerHTML; // per-script out see comment in function header. if ('skipOptimize' in script.dataset) { // remove from scripts so it will not be commented out... debug( '[optimize ' + webapp.sourceDirectoryName + '] ' + 'skipping script "' + html + '"' ); scripts.splice(idx, 1); return; } // we inject the whole outerHTML into the comment for debugging so // if there is something valuable in the html that effects the script // that broke the app it should be fairly easy to tell what happened. let content = '; /* "' + html + ' "*/\n\n'; // fetch the whole file append it to the comment. content += optimize_getFileContent(webapp, htmlFile, script.src); let config = normal; if (script.defer) config = deferred; config.content += content; config.lastNode = script; // some apps (email) use version in the script types // (text/javascript;version=x). // // If we don't have the same version in the aggregate the // app will not load correctly. if (script.type.indexOf('version') !== -1) { config.type = script.type; } }); // root name like index or oncall, etc... let baseName = htmlFile.path.split('/').pop().split('.')[0]; // used as basis for aggregated scripts... let rootDirectory = htmlFile.parent; // find the absolute root of the app's html file. let rootUrl = htmlFile.parent.path; rootUrl = rootUrl.replace(webapp.manifestFile.parent.path, ''); // the above will yield something like: '', '/facebook/', '/contacts/', etc... function writeAggregatedScript(config) { // skip if we don't have any content to write. if (!config.content) return; // prefix the file we are about to write content to. let scriptBaseName = Gaia.aggregatePrefix + config.prefix + baseName + '.js'; let target = rootDirectory.clone(); target.append(scriptBaseName); debug('writing aggregated source file: ' + target.path); // write the contents of the aggregated script writeContent(target, config.content); let script = doc.createElement('script'); let lastScript = config.lastNode; script.src = rootUrl + '/' + scriptBaseName; script.defer = lastScript.defer; // use the config's type if given (for text/javascript;version=x) script.type = config.type || lastScript.type; debug('writing to path="' + target.path + '" src="' + script.src + '"'); // insert after the last script node of this type... let parent = lastScript.parentNode; parent.insertBefore(script, lastScript.nextSibling); } writeAggregatedScript(deferred); writeAggregatedScript(normal); function commentScript(script) { script.outerHTML = ''; } // comment out all scripts scripts.forEach(commentScript); } function optimize_embedl10nResources(doc, dictionary) { // remove all external l10n resource nodes var resources = doc.querySelectorAll('link[type="application/l10n"]'); for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { let res = resources[i].outerHTML; resources[i].outerHTML = ''; } // put the current dictionary in an inline JSON script let script = doc.createElement('script'); script.type = 'application/l10n'; script.innerHTML = '\n ' + JSON.stringify(dictionary) + '\n'; doc.documentElement.appendChild(script); } function optimize_serializeHTMLDocument(doc, file) { debug('saving: ' + file.path); // the doctype string should always be '' but just in case... let doctypeStr = ''; let dt = doc.doctype; if (dt && { doctypeStr = '\n'; } // outerHTML breaks the formating, so let's use innerHTML instead let htmlStr = '\n*/, ' \n'); htmlStr += '>\n ' + innerHTML + '\n\n'; writeContent(file, doctypeStr + htmlStr); } function optimize_compile(webapp, file) { let mozL10n = win.navigator.mozL10n; let processedLocales = 0; let dictionary = l10nDictionary; // catch console.[log|warn|info] calls and redirect them to `dump()' // XXX for some reason, this won't work if gDEBUG >= 2 in l10n.js function optimize_dump(str) { dump(file.path.replace(GAIA_DIR, '') + ': ' + str + '\n'); } win.console = { log: optimize_dump, warn: optimize_dump, info: optimize_dump }; // catch the XHR in `loadResource' and use a local file reader instead win.XMLHttpRequest = function() { debug('loadResource'); function open(type, url, async) { this.readyState = 4; this.status = 200; this.responseText = optimize_getFileContent(webapp, file, url); } function send() { this.onreadystatechange(); } return { open: open, send: send, onreadystatechange: null }; }; // catch the `localized' event dispatched by `fireL10nReadyEvent()' win.dispatchEvent = function() { processedLocales++; debug('fireL10nReadyEvent - ' + processedLocales + '/' + l10nLocales.length); let docElt = win.document.documentElement; dictionary.locales[mozL10n.language.code] = mozL10n.dictionary; if (processedLocales < l10nLocales.length) { // load next locale mozL10n.language.code = l10nLocales[processedLocales]; } else { // we expect the last locale to be the default one: // set the lang/dir attributes of the current document docElt.dir = mozL10n.language.direction; docElt.lang = mozL10n.language.code; // save localized document let newPath = file.path + '.' + GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE; let newFile = new FileUtils.File(newPath); optimize_embedl10nResources(win.document, dictionary); if (JS_AGGREGATION_WHITELIST.indexOf(webapp.sourceDirectoryName) !== -1) { optimize_aggregateJsResources(win.document, webapp, newFile); dump( '[optimize] aggregating javascript for : "' + webapp.sourceDirectoryName + '" \n' ); } optimize_serializeHTMLDocument(win.document, newFile); } }; // load and parse the HTML document let DOMParser = CC(';1', 'nsIDOMParser'); win.document = (new DOMParser()). parseFromString(getFileContent(file), 'text/html'); // if this HTML document uses l10n.js, pre-localize it -- // selecting a language triggers `XMLHttpRequest' and `dispatchEvent' above if (win.document.querySelector('script[src$="l10n.js"]')) { debug('localizing: ' + file.path); mozL10n.language.code = l10nLocales[processedLocales]; } } /** * Pre-translate all HTML files for the default locale */ debug('Begin'); if (GAIA_INLINE_LOCALES === '1') { l10nLocales = []; l10nDictionary.locales = {}; // LOCALES_FILE is a relative path by default: shared/resources/languages.json // -- but it can be an absolute path when doing a multilocale build. // LOCALES_FILE is using unix separator, ensure working fine on win32 let abs_path_chunks = [GAIA_DIR].concat(LOCALES_FILE.split('/')); let file = getFile.apply(null, abs_path_chunks); if (!file.exists()) { file = getFile(LOCALES_FILE); } let locales = JSON.parse(getFileContent(file)); // we keep the default locale order for `l10nDictionary.locales', // but we ensure the default locale comes last in `l10nLocales'. for (let lang in locales) { if (lang != GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE) { l10nLocales.push(lang); } l10nDictionary.locales[lang] = {}; } l10nLocales.push(GAIA_DEFAULT_LOCALE); } Gaia.webapps.forEach(function(webapp) { // if BUILD_APP_NAME isn't `*`, we only accept one webapp if (BUILD_APP_NAME != '*' && webapp.sourceDirectoryName != BUILD_APP_NAME) return; debug(webapp.sourceDirectoryName); let files = ls(webapp.sourceDirectoryFile, true, /^(shared|tests?)$/); files.forEach(function(file) { if (/\.html$/.test(file.leafName)) { optimize_compile(webapp, file); } }); }); debug('End');