14 ENHANCEMENT: * New translations * Better handling of activity joining behavior * Replace combo box with palette 12 ENHANCEMENT: * New translations 11 ENHANCEMENT: * New translations 9 ENHANCEMENTS: * Add game timer (Aneesh Dogra) * Add support for x86_64 * New translations BUG FIX: * Don't allow move while board is flashing 7 ENHANCEMENT: * Ignacio Rodriguez port to gtk3 6 ENHANCEMENTS: * New translations * Added summary string to activity.info file 5 ENHANCEMENTS: * New translations * Longer flash to indicate robot moves BUG FIX: * Don't reload board after illegal move * Don't let robot play after aborted move 4 ENHANCEMENTS: * New translations (es, da) * Highlight robot moves * Label rank and file BUG FIX: * Fixed problem with Copy 3 ENHANCEMENT: * Support for ARM (e.g., XO 1.75) 2 ENHANCEMENT: * Optional use of Sugar colors for pieces 1 * New activity: simple Sugar interface to gnuchess. Note: requires a binary (currently not built for ARM).