#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @copyright: 2008-2009 Radomir Dopieralski # @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details. """ Hatta Wiki is a wiki engine designed to be used with Mercurial repositories. It requires Mercurial and Werkzeug python modules. Hatta's pages are just plain text files (and also images, binaries, etc.) in some directory in your repository. For example, you can put it in your project's "docs" directory to keep documentation. The files can be edited both from the wiki or with a text editor -- in either case the changes committed to the repository will appear in the recent changes and in page's history. See hatta.py --help for usage. """ # Exposed API from hatta.config import WikiConfig, read_config from hatta.__main__ import main from hatta.page import WikiPageColorText, WikiPageFile, WikiPageImage from hatta.page import WikiPage, WikiPageText, WikiPageWiki from hatta.parser import WikiParser, WikiWikiParser from hatta.storage import WikiStorage, WikiSubdirectoryStorage from hatta.request import WikiRequest from hatta.response import WikiResponse from hatta.wiki import Wiki from hatta.hg_integration import cmdtable __all__ = [ 'WikiConfig', 'read_config', 'main', 'WikiPageColorText', 'WikiPageFile', 'WikiPageImage', 'WikiPage', 'WikiPageText', 'WikiPageWiki', 'WikiParser', 'WikiWikiParser', 'WikiStorage', 'WikiSubdirectoryStorage', 'Wiki', 'WikiResponse', 'WikiRequest', '__version__', 'project_name', 'project_url', 'project_description', 'cmdtable', ] # Project's metainformation __version__ = '1.6.2' project_name = 'Hatta' project_url = 'http://hatta-wiki.org/' project_description = 'Wiki engine that lives in Mercurial repository.'