#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import itertools import re import sys import unicodedata import werkzeug EXTERNAL_URL_RE = re.compile(ur'^[a-z]+://|^mailto:', re.I | re.U) def external_link(addr): """ Decide whether a link is absolute or internal. >>> external_link('http://example.com') True >>> external_link('https://example.com') True >>> external_link('ftp://example.com') True >>> external_link('mailto:user@example.com') True >>> external_link('PageTitle') False >>> external_link(u'ąęśćUnicodePage') False """ return EXTERNAL_URL_RE.match(addr) class RuleSet(object): """Object used for registering functions for parsing rules.""" def __init__(self, inherit_from=None): """New rule sets can be empty, or copied from other rule sets.""" if inherit_from is not None: self.rules = dict(inherit_from.rules) else: self.rules = {} self.compiled_re = None def __call__(self, pattern, priority=100, name=None): """A decorator that registers the function as a rule.""" def decorator(function): self.add_rule(function, pattern, priority, name) return function return decorator def add_rule(self, function, pattern, priority=100, name=None): """Register a function as a rule manually.""" if name is None: function_name = function.__name__ else: function_name = name self.rules[function_name] = (priority, pattern, function) def compile(self): """Prepare the registered rule patterns for parsing.""" rules = sorted(self.rules.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]) self.compiled_re = re.compile( ur"|".join( ur"(?P<%s>%s)" % (function_name, pattern) for (function_name, (priority, pattern, function)) in rules ), re.U) def match_one(self, text): """Find the first rule matching provided text.""" match = self.compiled_re.match(text) if not match: return '', {} function_name = match.lastgroup params = match.groupdict() return function_name, params def match_all(self, text): """Find all rules matching provided text.""" for match in self.compiled_re.finditer(text): function_name = match.lastgroup params = match.groupdict() yield function_name, params def parse(self, text, bind_to=None): """ Find all matching rules and call corresponding functions. If bind_to is provided, it will call the methods of provided object. """ for function_name, params in self.match_all(text): priority, pattern, function = self.rules[function_name] if bind_to is not None: function = getattr(bind_to, function.__name__) params = dict((str(k), v) for (k, v) in params.iteritems() if v is not None and k not in self.rules) yield function(**params) class WikiParser(object): r""" Responsible for generating HTML markup from the wiki markup. The parser works on two levels. On the block level, it analyzes lines of text and decides what kind of block element they belong to (block elements include paragraphs, lists, headings, preformatted blocks). Lines belonging to the same block are joined together, and a second pass is made using regular expressions to parse line-level elements, such as links, bold and italic text and smileys. Some block-level elements, such as preformatted blocks, consume additional lines from the input until they encounter the end-of-block marker, using lines_until. Most block-level elements are just runs of marked up lines though. """ block_rules = RuleSet() markup_rules = RuleSet() list_pat = ur"^\s*[*#]+\s+" heading_pat = ur"^\s*=+" quote_pat = ur"^[>]+\s+" image_pat = (ur"\{\{(?P([^|}]|}[^|}])*)" ur"(\|(?P([^}]|}[^}])*))?}}") smilies = { r':)': "smile.png", r':(': "frown.png", r':P': "tongue.png", r':D': "grin.png", r';)': "wink.png", } punct = { r'...': "…", r'--': "–", r'---': "—", r'~': " ", r'\~': "~", r'~~': "∼", r'(C)': "©", r'-->': "→", r'<--': "←", r'(R)': "®", r'(TM)': "™", r'%%': "‰", r'``': "“", r"''": "”", r",,": "„", } def __init__(self, lines, wiki_link, wiki_image, wiki_syntax=None, wiki_math=None, smilies=None): self.wiki_link = wiki_link self.wiki_image = wiki_image self.wiki_syntax = wiki_syntax self.wiki_math = wiki_math self.enumerated_lines = enumerate(lines) if smilies is not None: self.smilies = smilies self.compile_patterns() self.headings = {} self.stack = [] self.line_no = 0 def compile_patterns(self): """ Prepare all the patterns for parsing. Needs to be called again after monkey-patching the parser. """ self.quote_re = re.compile(self.quote_pat, re.U) self.heading_re = re.compile(self.heading_pat, re.U) self.list_re = re.compile(self.list_pat, re.U) self.code_close_re = re.compile(ur"^\}\}\}\s*$", re.U) self.macro_close_re = re.compile(ur"^>>\s*$", re.U) self.conflict_close_re = re.compile(ur"^>>>>>>> other\s*$", re.U) self.conflict_sep_re = re.compile(ur"^=======\s*$", re.U) self.display_math_close_re = re.compile(ur"^[$][$]\s*$", re.U) self.image_re = re.compile(self.image_pat, re.U) smileys = ur"|".join(re.escape(k) for k in self.smilies) smiley_pat = (ur"(^|\b|(?<=\s))(?P%s)" ur"((?=[\s.,:;!?)/&=+-])|$)" % smileys) self.markup_rules.add_rule( self._line_smiley, smiley_pat, 125) self.markup_rules.compile() self.block_rules.compile() def __iter__(self): return self.parse() @classmethod def extract_links(cls, text): links = [] def link(addr, label=None, class_=None, image=None, alt=None, lineno=0): addr = addr.strip() if external_link(addr): # Don't index external links return u'' if '#' in addr: addr, chunk = addr.split('#', 1) if addr == u'': return u'' links.append((addr, label)) return u'' lines = text.split('\n') for part in cls(lines, link, link): for ret in links: yield ret links[:] = [] def parse(self): """Parse a list of lines of wiki markup, yielding HTML for it.""" self.headings = {} self.stack = [] self.line_no = 0 def key(enumerated_line): line_no, line = enumerated_line name, params = self.block_rules.match_one(line) return name or "_block_paragraph" for kind, block in itertools.groupby(self.enumerated_lines, key): func = getattr(self, kind) for part in func(block): yield part def parse_line(self, line): """ Find all the line-level markup and return HTML for it. """ for part in self.markup_rules.parse(line, self): yield part def pop_to(self, stop): """ Pop from the stack until the specified tag is encoutered. Return string containing closing tags of everything popped. """ tags = [] tag = None try: while tag != stop: tag = self.stack.pop() tags.append(tag) except IndexError: pass return u"".join(u"" % tag for tag in tags) def lines_until(self, close_re): """Get lines from input until the closing markup is encountered.""" self.line_no, line = self.enumerated_lines.next() while not close_re.match(line): yield line.rstrip() line_no, line = self.enumerated_lines.next() # methods for the markup inside lines: @markup_rules(ur"(?P=?\|=?)", 140) def _line_table(self, table_cell): return table_cell @markup_rules(ur"\\\\", 70) def _line_linebreak(self): return u'
' # Added in .compile() def _line_smiley(self, smiley_face): try: url = self.smilies[smiley_face] except KeyError: url = '' return self.wiki_image(url, smiley_face, class_="smiley") @markup_rules(ur"[*][*]", 10) def _line_bold(self): if 'b' in self.stack: return self.pop_to('b') else: self.stack.append('b') return u"" @markup_rules(ur"//", 40) def _line_italic(self): if 'i' in self.stack: return self.pop_to('i') else: self.stack.append('i') return u"" @markup_rules(ur"##", 110) def _line_mono(self): if 'tt' in self.stack: return self.pop_to('tt') else: self.stack.append('tt') return u"" @markup_rules(ur'(?P' ur'(^|\b|(?<=\s))(%s)((?=[\s.,:;!?)/&=+"\'—-])|\b|$))' % ur"|".join(re.escape(k) for k in punct), 130) def _line_punct(self, punct): return self.punct.get(punct, punct) @markup_rules(ur"\n", 120) def _line_newline(self): return "\n" @markup_rules(ur"(?P.+?)", 150) def _line_text(self, plain_text): return werkzeug.escape(plain_text) @markup_rules(ur"\$\$(?P[^$]+)\$\$", 100) def _line_math(self, math_text): if self.wiki_math: math_text = self.wiki_math(math_text, False) else: math_text = werkzeug.escape(math_text) return werkzeug.html.var(math_text, class_="inline-math") @markup_rules(ur"[{][{][{](?P([^}]|[^}][}]|[^}][}][}])" ur"*[}]*)[}][}][}]", 20) def _line_code(self, code_text): return u'%s' % werkzeug.escape(code_text) @markup_rules(ur"""(?P[a-zA-Z]+://\S+[^\s.,:;!?()'"\*/=+<>-])""", 30) def _line_free_link(self, link_url): return self._line_link(link_target=link_url) @markup_rules(ur"""(?P(mailto:)?""" ur"""\S+@\S+(\.[^\s.,:;!?()'"\*/=+<>-]+)+)""" , 90) def _line_mail(self, mail_address): text = mail_address if mail_address.startswith(u'mailto:'): text = text[len('mailto:'):] else: mail_address = u'mailto:%s' % mail_address return self._line_link(link_text=text, link_target=mail_address) @markup_rules(ur"\[\[(?P([^|\]]|\][^|\]])+)" ur"(\|(?P([^\]]|\][^\]])+))?\]\]", 50) def _line_link(self, link_target, link_text=None): if not link_text: link_text = link_target if '#' in link_text: link_text, chunk = link_text.split('#', 1) match = self.image_re.match(link_text) if match: params = dict((str(k), v) for (k, v) in match.groupdict().iteritems()) image = self._line_image(**params) return self.wiki_link(link_target, link_text, image=image) return self.wiki_link(link_target, link_text) @markup_rules(image_pat, 60) def _line_image(self, image_target, image_text=None): if image_text is None: image_text = image_target return self.wiki_image(image_target, image_text) @markup_rules(ur"[<][<](?P\w+)\s+" ur"(?P([^>]|[^>][>])+)[>][>]", 80) def _line_macro(self, macro_name, macro_text): macro_text = macro_text.strip() return u'%s' % ( werkzeug.escape(macro_name, quote=True), werkzeug.escape(macro_text)) # methods for the block (multiline) markup: @block_rules(r"^[$][$]\s*$", 25) def _block_display_math(self, block): for self.line_no, part in block: math_text = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.display_math_close_re)) if self.wiki_math: math_text = self.wiki_math(math_text, True) else: math_text = werkzeug.escape(math_text) yield werkzeug.html.div( math_text, class_="display-math", id="line_%d" % self.line_no, ) @block_rules(ur"^[{][{][{]+\s*$", 20) def _block_code(self, block): for self.line_no, part in block: inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.code_close_re)) yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(inside), class_="code", id="line_%d" % self.line_no) @block_rules(ur"^\{\{\{\#![\w+#.-]+\s*$", 100) def _block_syntax(self, block): for self.line_no, part in block: syntax = part.lstrip('{#!').strip() inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.code_close_re)) if self.wiki_syntax: return self.wiki_syntax(inside, syntax=syntax, line_no=self.line_no) else: return [werkzeug.html.div(werkzeug.html.pre( werkzeug.html(inside), id="line_%d" % self.line_no), class_="highlight")] @block_rules(ur"^<<\w+\s*$", 70) def _block_macro(self, block): for self.line_no, part in block: name = part.lstrip('<').strip() inside = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.macro_close_re)) yield u'
' % ( werkzeug.escape(name, quote=True), werkzeug.escape(inside)) def _block_paragraph(self, block): parts = [] first_line = None for self.line_no, part in block: if first_line is None: first_line = self.line_no parts.append(part) text = u"".join(self.parse_line(u"".join(parts))) yield werkzeug.html.p(text, self.pop_to(""), id="line_%d" % first_line) @block_rules(ur"^[ \t]+", 60) def _block_indent(self, block): parts = [] first_line = None for self.line_no, part in block: if first_line is None: first_line = self.line_no parts.append(part.rstrip()) text = u"\n".join(parts) yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(text), id="line_%d" % first_line) @block_rules(ur"^\|", 110) def _block_table(self, block): first_line = None in_head = False for self.line_no, line in block: if first_line is None: first_line = self.line_no yield u'' % first_line table_row = line.strip() is_header = table_row.startswith('|=') and table_row.endswith('=|') if not in_head and is_header: in_head = True yield '' elif in_head and not is_header: in_head = False yield '' yield '' in_cell = False in_th = False for part in self.parse_line(table_row): if part in ('=|', '|', '=|=', '|='): if in_cell: if in_th: yield '' else: yield '' in_cell = False if part in ('=|=', '|='): in_th = True else: in_th = False else: if not in_cell: if in_th: yield '' yield '' yield u'
' else: yield '' in_cell = True yield part if in_cell: if in_th: yield '' else: yield '
' @block_rules(ur"^\s*$", 40) def _block_empty(self, block): yield u'' @block_rules(ur"^\s*---+\s*$", 90) def _block_rule(self, block): for self.line_no, line in block: yield werkzeug.html.hr() @block_rules(heading_pat, 50) def _block_heading(self, block): for self.line_no, line in block: level = min(len(self.heading_re.match(line).group(0).strip()), 5) self.headings[level - 1] = self.headings.get(level - 1, 0) + 1 label = u"-".join(str(self.headings.get(i, 0)) for i in range(level)) yield werkzeug.html.a(name="head-%s" % label) yield u'%s' % (level, self.line_no, werkzeug.escape(line.strip("= \t\n\r\v")), level) @block_rules(list_pat, 10) def _block_list(self, block): level = 0 in_ul = False kind = None for self.line_no, line in block: bullets = self.list_re.match(line).group(0).strip() nest = len(bullets) if kind is None: if bullets.startswith('*'): kind = 'ul' else: kind = 'ol' while nest > level: if in_ul: yield '
  • ' yield '<%s id="line_%d">' % (kind, self.line_no) in_ul = True level += 1 while nest < level: yield '
  • ' % kind in_ul = False level -= 1 if nest == level and not in_ul: yield '' content = line.lstrip().lstrip('*#').strip() yield '
  • %s%s' % (u"".join(self.parse_line(content)), self.pop_to("")) in_ul = False yield ('
  • ' % kind) * level @block_rules(quote_pat, 80) def _block_quote(self, block): level = 0 in_p = False for self.line_no, line in block: nest = len(self.quote_re.match(line).group(0).strip()) if nest == level: yield u'\n' while nest > level: if in_p: yield '%s

    ' % self.pop_to("") in_p = False yield '
    ' level += 1 while nest < level: if in_p: yield '%s

    ' % self.pop_to("") in_p = False yield '
    ' level -= 1 content = line.lstrip().lstrip('>').strip() if not in_p: yield '

    ' % self.line_no in_p = True yield u"".join(self.parse_line(content)) if in_p: yield '%s

    ' % self.pop_to("") yield '' * level @block_rules(ur"^<<<<<<< local\s*$", 30) def _block_conflict(self, block): for self.line_no, part in block: yield u'
    ' local = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.conflict_sep_re)) yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(local), class_="local", id="line_%d" % self.line_no) other = u"\n".join(self.lines_until(self.conflict_close_re)) yield werkzeug.html.pre(werkzeug.html(other), class_="other", id="line_%d" % self.line_no) yield u'
    ' class WikiWikiParser(WikiParser): """A version of WikiParser that recognizes WikiWord links.""" markup_rules = RuleSet(WikiParser.markup_rules) camel_link = ur"\w+[%s]\w+" % re.escape( u''.join(unichr(i) for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode) if unicodedata.category(unichr(i)) == 'Lu')) @markup_rules(ur'(?P%s)' % camel_link, 105) def _line_camel_link(self, camel_link): return self._line_link(link_target=camel_link) @markup_rules(ur"[!~](?P%s)" % camel_link, 106) def _line_camel_nolink(self, camel_text): return werkzeug.escape(camel_text)