= Markup Summary The Hatta markup is summarized on //this// page and [[Markup2|elaborated elsewhere]]. Sections: [[#heading|Heading]], [[#emphasis|Emphasis]], [[#punctuation|Punctuation]], [[#paragraph|Paragraph]], [[#list|Lists]], [[#preformat|Preformat]], [[#syntax|Syntax]], [[#link|Links]], [[#image|Images]], [[#table|Tables]], [[#math|Math]], {{#heading}} [[Markup2#heading|Headings]]: |=Markup |=Results (simulated) |=Comment | |{{{== Large Heading (h2)}}} |Large Heading (h2) |Rendered big | |{{{=== Medium Heading (h3)}}} |Medium Heading (h3) |Rendered medium | |{{{==== Small Heading (h4)}}} |Small Heading (h4) |Rendered small | {{#emphasis}} [[Markup2#emphasis|Emphasis]]: |=Markup |=Results (simulated ?) |=Comment | |{{{##Monospace text##}}} |##Monospace text## | |{{{//Italic text//}}} |//Italic text// | |{{{**Bold text**}}} |**Bold text** |Use sparingly | |{{{**//Bold-italic text//**}}} |**//Bold-italic text//** | |{{{//**Italic-bold text**//}}} |//**Italic-bold text**// |Same as previous | |{{{{{{Monospace no-wiki}}}}}} |{{{Monospace no-wiki}}} |Inline mono, no format | |{{{----}}} |___________________ |Horizontal line | {{#punctuation}} [[Markup2#punctuation|Punctuation]]: |=Markup |=Results |=Comment | |{{{Go...home}}} |Go...home |&nellip; | |{{{Go--home}}} |Go--home |– | |{{{Go---home}}} |Go---home |— | |{{{Go----home}}} |Go----home | |{{{Go~home}}} |Go~home |  | |{{{Go\~home}}} |Go\~home |"~" | |{{{Go~~home}}} |Go~~home |∼ | |{{{Go(C)home}}} |Go(C)home |© | |{{{Go-->home}}} |Go-->home |→ | |{{{Go<--home}}} |Go<--home |← | |{{{Go(R)home}}} |Go(R)home |® | |{{{Go(TM)home}}} |Go(TM)home |™ | |{{{Go%%home}}} |Go%%home |‰ | |{{{Go``home}}} |Go``home |“ | |{{{Go''home}}} |Go''home |” | |{{{Go,,home}}} |Go,,home |„ | {{#paragraph}} [[Markup2#paragraph|Paragraphs]]: |=Markup |=Results |=Comment | |{{{Concatenate}}}\\{{{adjoining!}}} |Concatenate adjoining! |Concatenated and wrap | |{{{Line 1 stuff.}}}\\{{{ }}}\\{{{line 3 stuff.}}} |Line 1 stuff.\\ \\line 3 stuff. |Empty line between | |{{{Force\\linebreak}}} |Force\\ \\linebreak |Forced '{{{\\}}}' linebreak | {{#list}} [[Markup2#list|Lists]]: |=Markup |=Results (simulated) |=Comment | |{{{* First}}}\\{{{* Second}}}|* First\\* Second |Unordered list | {{#preformat}} [[Markup2#preformat|Preformatted]]: |=Markup |=Results (simulated) |=Comment | |{{{{{{#!text}}}\\{{{Block text}}}\\{{{preformatted}}}\\{{{monospace}}}\\{{{syntax highlight}}}\\{{{}}}}}} |Block text\\preformatted\\monospace\\syntax highlight|No Wiki formats or links.\\Syntax selected by optional\\'#!text', '#!c', '#!Fortran' or ...\\http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/#special-lexers| |{{{> Joe: Beer is Best!}}}\\{{{>> Bob: Wine is refined}}} |{{{| Joe: Beer is Best!}}}\\{{{|| Bob: Wine is refined}}} |Conversation block | {{#link}} [[Markup2#link|Links]]: |=Markup |=Results | |{{{[[Markup2]]}}} |[[Markup2]] | |{{{[[Markup2|Markup details]]}}} |[[Markup2|Markup details]] | |{{{[[Markup2#emphasis]]}}} |[[Markup2#emphasis]] | |{{{[[Markup2#emphasis|Markup emphasis]]}}} |[[Markup2#emphasis|Markup emphasis]] | |{{{[[path/filename.hat]]}}} |[[path/filename.hat]] | |{{{[[chapter_1/section_2#par3]]}}} |[[chapter_1/section_2#par3]] | |{{{[[#test]]}}} |[[#test]] | |{{{[[#test|On page link]]}}} |[[#test|On page link]] | |{{{[[#5|[5] ]] Footnote}}} |[[#5|[5] ]] Footnote | |{{{http://sheep.art.pl}}} |http://sheep.art.pl | |{{{[[http://sheep.art.pl]]}}} |[[http://sheep.art.pl]] | |{{{[[http://sheep.art.pl|Sheep]]}}} |[[http://sheep.art.pl|Sheep]] | |{{{[[Home|{{development.png}}]]}}} |[[Home|{{development.png}}]] | |{{{MarkupSummary (CamelCase enabled)}}} |MarkupSummary (CamelCase enabled) | |{{{{{#5}} [5] Footnote anchor}}} |{{#5}} [5] Footnote anchor | {{#image}} [[Markup2#image|Images]]: |=Markup |=Results | |{{{Inline {{development.png}} image}}} |Inline {{development.png}} image | |{{{Inline {{development.png|Logo}} image}}} |Inline {{development.png|Logo}} image | |{{{Linked [[http://hatta-wiki.org|{{development.png}}]] image}}} |Linked [[http://hatta-wiki.org|{{development.png}}]] image | |{{{**{{development.png}}** Left float}}} |**{{development.png}}** Left float | |{{{//{{development.png}}// Right float}}} |//{{development.png}}// Right float | |{{{Smiley :) faces}}} |Smiley :) faces |