= Markup2 Hatta markup implements a large subset of the [[http://www.wikicreole.org/|Wiki Creole 1.0 standard]]. [[#1|[1] ]] The Hatta variation is described on //this// page and [[MarkupSummary|summarized elsewhere]]. Hint: The {{{Edit}}} button can be used to discover how markup was used to create any editable page. Sections: [[#heading|Heading]], [[#emphasis|Emphasis]], [[#punctuation|Punctuation]], [[#paragraph|Paragraph]], [[#list|Lists]], [[#preformat|Preformat]], [[#syntax|Syntax]], [[#link|Links]], [[#image|Images]], [[#table|Tables]], [[#math|Math]], [[#comment|Comment]], ---- {{#heading}} == Heading Headings have one or more '=', beginning in column 1. Hatta forces the level 1 heading to the page name. It can't be explicitly controlled (yet?). {{{#!text = Huge Heading (html h1) == Large Heading (html h2, nominal) === Medium Heading (html h3, sub-sub-level) ==== Small Heading (html h4, sub-sub-sub-level) ===== Tiny Heading (html h5, minimum level supported) }}} = Huge Heading (html h1) == Large Heading (html h2, nominal) === Medium Heading (html h3, sub-sub-level) ==== Small Heading (html h4, sub-sub-sub-level) ===== Tiny Heading (html h5, minimum level supported) ---- {{#emphasis}} {{#test}} == Emphasis: Horizontal rules have four or more '-', beginning in column 1. Underline and strike through emphasis is not supported (yet?). {{{#!text Plain text. ##Monospace markup## //Italic markup// **Bold markup** **//Bold italic markup//** //**Italic bold markup**// ---- Horizontal rule. }}} Plain text. ##Monospace markup## //Italic markup// **Bold markup** **//Bold italic markup//** //**Italic bold markup**// ---- Horizontal rule. ---- {{#punctuation}} == Punctuation |=Markup |=Results |=Comment | |{{{Go...home}}} |Go...home |… | |{{{Go--home}}} |Go--home |– | |{{{Go---home}}} |Go---home |— | |{{{Go----home}}} |Go----home | |{{{Go~home}}} |Go~home |  | |{{{Go\~home}}} |Go\~home |"~" | |{{{Go~~home}}} |Go~~home |∼ | |{{{Go(C)home}}} |Go(C)home |© | |{{{Go-->home}}} |Go-->home |→ | |{{{Go<--home}}} |Go<--home |← | |{{{Go(R)home}}} |Go(R)home |® | |{{{Go(TM)home}}} |Go(TM)home |™ | |{{{Go%%home}}} |Go%%home |‰ | |{{{Go``home}}} |Go``home |“ | |{{{Go''home}}} |Go''home |” | |{{{Go,,home}}} |Go,,home |„ | ---- {{#paragraph}} == Paragraph: {{{#!text Adjoining lines are concatenated and long lines are wrapped when rendered. Adjoining sentences become paragraphs. }}} Adjoining lines are concatenated and long lines are wrapped when rendered. Adjoining sentences become paragraphs. {{{#!text Force line breaks with\\two back slashes. }}} Force line breaks with\\two back slashes. ---- {{#list}} == Lists List item lines begin with one or more '*', followed by white space and text for the item. Sub-lists are controlled by the number of '*', not indentation. Indents are optional before the initial '*', but not recommended. If used, two blanks per sub-level are recommended for consistency. Multi-line list items aren't supported (yet?). {{{#!text Bullet list: * First item * Second item ** Sub-item *** Sub-sub-item * Third item ** Sub-item (leading white space is ignored) *** Sub-sub-item (space improves readability) }}} Bullet list: * First item * Second item ** Sub-item *** Sub-sub-item * Third item ** Sub-item (leading white space is ignored) *** Sub-sub-item (space improves readability) Numbered (ordered) lists have //limited// support, but only if [[http://hatta-wiki.org/+history/Ordered%20lists/4:5|Ben's patch]] is applied (as revealed by this example). Even with the patch, mixing unordered and ordered will **scramble** list rendering and worse, indentation of all subsequent text is **shifted**. {{{#!text Ordered list: # First item # Second item ## Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item # Third item ## Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item }}} Ordered list: # First item # Second item ## Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item # Third item ## Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item //BROKEN// (mixing ordered and unordered list items): {{{#!text Mixed list 1: * First item * Second item ## Sub-item *** Sub-sub-item * Third item ** Sub-item *** Sub-sub-item Mixed list 2: # First item # Second item ** Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item # Third item ## Sub-item ### Sub-sub-item }}} ---- {{#preformat}} == Preformatted {{{#!text Lines that begin with white space are 'preformatted' (not joined), unless they are '* items' in lists. }}} Lines that begin with white space are 'preformatted' (not joined), unless they are '* items' in lists. {{{#!text > Joe: Block quote lines begin with one or more '>'. >> Bob: When are they typically used? >>> Joe: Conversation highlights mostly. }}} > Joe: Block quote lines begin with one or more '>'. >> Bob: When are they typically used? >>> Joe: Conversation highlights mostly. {{{#!text Inline **text** within {{{triple braces}}} use //monospace// font. All markup {{{**is** //ignored//}}} within the braces. }}} Inline **text** within {{{triple braces}}} use //monospace// font. All markup {{{**is** //ignored//}}} within the braces. {{{#!text {{{ Blocks of text delimited by lines that begin and end with triple braces are preformatted and monospace. All markup **is** //ignored// within the block. Note: this "} }}" is a kludge for "}}}". } }} }}} {{{ Blocks of text delimited by lines that begin and end with triple braces are preformatted and monospace. All markup **is** //ignored// within the block. Note: this "} }}" is a kludge for "}}}". }}} {{{#!text {{{#!text Syntax highlighting can be requested with the opening triple braces, i.e. "#!text". Many languages and file formats are supported by http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/#special-lexers } }} }}} \\ {{{#!text Syntax highlighting can be requested with the opening triple braces, i.e. "#!text". Many languages and file formats are supported by http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/#special-lexers }}} \\ {{{#!text {{{#!c /* "Hello World" written in C */ #include int main(int argc, char[]* argv) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } } }} }}} \\ {{{#!c /* "Hello World" written in C */ #include int main(int argc, char[]* argv) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } }}} ---- {{#link}} == Links Page names may be prefixed by a path, but only if [[http://hatta-wiki.org/|Randy's docs tree patch]] is applied. Paths must be relative to the directory configured for '{{{docs}}}'. They may //not// contain '{{{..}}}' components for security reasons. Note: Putting symbolic links in Hatta's page directory may lead to unpredictable errors. Don't do that. {{{#!text Link syntax: * [[Markup2]] * [[Markup2|Markup details]] * [[Markup2#emphasis]] * [[Markup2#emphasis|Markup emphasis]] * [[path/filename.hat]] * [[chapter_1/section_2#par3]] * [[#test]] * [[#test|On page link]] * [[#5|[5] ]] Footnote reference * http://sheep.art.pl * [[http://sheep.art.pl]] * [[http://sheep.art.pl|Sheep]] * [[Home|{{development.png}}]] * MarkupSummary (CamelCase enabled) {{#5}} [5] Footnote anchor. }}} Link syntax: * [[Markup2]] * [[Markup2|Markup details]] * [[Markup2#emphasis]] * [[Markup2#emphasis|Markup emphasis]] * [[path/filename.hat]] * [[chapter_1/section_2#par3]] * [[#test]] * [[#test|On page link]] * [[#5|[5] ]] Footnote reference * http://sheep.art.pl * [[http://sheep.art.pl]] * [[http://sheep.art.pl|Sheep]] * [[Home|{{development.png}}]] * MarkupSummary (CamelCase enabled) {{#5}} [5] Footnote anchor. ---- {{#image}} == Images {{{#!text Three logo variations {{development.png}} {{development.png|Logo}} [[http://hatta-wiki.org|{{development.png}}]] rendered inline ---- Inline {{development.png}} logo. ---- **{{development.png}}** Left float logo using {{{**{{development.png}}**}}} (bold emphasis). ---- //{{development.png}}// Right float logo using {{{//{{development.png}}//}}} (italic emphasis). }}} Three logo variations {{development.png}} {{development.png|Logo}} [[http://hatta-wiki.org|{{development.png}}]] rendered inline. ---- **{{development.png}}** Left float logo using {{{**{{development.png}}**}}} (bold emphasis). ---- //{{development.png}}// Right float logo using {{{//{{development.png}}//}}} (italic emphasis). ---- Smiley images :) ;) :( :P :D can be inserted with {{{:)}}}, {{{;)}}}, {{{:(}}}, {{{:P}}} and {{{:D}}}. ---- {{#table}} == Tables //Don't// use tables for layout! Pending features (wish list?): * Table alignment within page * Cell alignment within table * Row and column spans * Lists within cells {{{#!text |Headers |=Column A|=Column B|=Column C| |=Row 1 |Cell A1 |Cell B1 |Cell C1 | |=Row 2 |Cell A2 |Cell B2 | |=Row 3 |Cell A3 |Cell B3 |Cell C3 | }}} |Headers |=Column A|=Column B|=Column C| |=Row 1 |Cell A1 |Cell B1 |Cell C1 | |=Row 2 |Cell A2 |Cell B2 | |=Row 3 |Cell A3 |Cell B3 |Cell C3 | {{{#!text |=Line Hdr\\Break Hdr|=Column //A//|Italic //B//|=Column C| |Row 1 |Bold **A1**|Italic //B1//|Cell C1| |=Row 2|Line A2\\Break A2| |Link [[#list|C2]]| |=Row 3|{{{A3= Bar}}} |Bold **B3**| }}} |=Line Hdr\\Break Hdr|=Column //A//|Italic //B//|=Column C| |Row 1 |Bold **A1**|Italic //B1//|Cell C1| |=Row 2|Line A2\\Break A2| |Link [[#list|C2]]| |=Row 3|{{{A3= Bar}}} |Bold **B3**| ---- {{#math}} == Math See [[http://hatta-wiki.org/Math]] ---- {{#comment}} == Comment Comments are not supported (yet?). * Markup-only comments... No * HTML comments... No ---- {{#1}} [1] Hatta support is weak or missing for a few features. The [[http://hatta-wiki.org/Usage|Usage]] and [[http://hatta-wiki.org/+history|Recent Changes]] pages at http://hatta-wiki.org/ should be reviewed periodically, because more functionality is planned.