(dp1 S'output' p2 S'' sS'layer' p3 S'/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/applications/turtlesite/controllers/default.py' p4 sS'code' p5 S'import os\n\ndef index():\n if "page" in request.vars.keys(): page = int(request.vars["page"]) - 1\n else: page = 0\n table = []\n sort = None\n table = db().select(db.image.ALL)\n i = 0\n row = []\n count = 0\n images = []\n for image in table:\n images.append(image)\n import pdb\n pdb.set_trace()\n for image in images:\n if count >= page * 12 and page*12+12 > count:\n if i == 4:\n table.append(row)\n row = []\n i = 0\n i += 1\n row.append(image)\n count += 1\n table.append(row)\n pages = count / 12\n if count%12 > 0: pages += 1\n page += 1\n return dict(images=table, pages=pages, page=page)\n\ndef profile():\n if "user" in request.vars.keys(): user = request.vars["user"]\n else: redirect(URL(r=request, f=\'index\')) \n if "page" in request.vars.keys(): page = int(request.vars["page"]) - 1\n else: page = 0\n table = []\n user_pics = []\n images = db().select(db.image.ALL)\n for image in images:\n if image.creator == user:\n print user, image.creator\n user_pics.append(image)\n i = 0\n row = []\n count = 0\n print page\n for image in user_pics:\n if count >= page * 12 and page*12+12 > count:\n if i == 4:\n table.append(row)\n row = []\n i = 0\n i += 1\n row.append(image)\n count += 1\n table.append(row)\n pages = count / 12\n if count%12 > 0: pages += 1\n page += 1\n return dict(images=table, pages=pages, page=page, user=user)\n\ndef upload():\n form = SQLFORM(db.image, fields = [\'title\', \'file\', \'newimage\', \'description\'])\n if form.accepts(request.vars, session):\n session.new_image_title = form.vars.title\n db(db.image.title==session.new_image_title).update(creator = auth.user.username)\n db(db.image.title==session.new_image_title).update(views = 0)\n redirect(URL(r=request, f=\'index\')) \n return dict(form=form)\n\n\ndef image():\n images = db().select(db.image.ALL)\n title = request.vars["title"].replace(\'*\',\' \')\n for image in images:\n if image.title == title:\n real_image = image\n if real_image == None:\n redirect(URL(r=request, f=\'index\'))\n if auth.is_logged_in():\n views = int(real_image.views) + 1\n db(db.image.title==real_image.title).update(views = views)\n form = SQLFORM(db.comment, fields = [\'body\'])\n if form.accepts(request.vars, session):\n db(db.comment.id==form.vars.id).update(author = auth.user.username)\n db(db.comment.id==form.vars.id).update(image_id = real_image.id)\n comments=db().select(db.comment.ALL)\n image_comments = []\n for comment in comments:\n if comment.image_id == real_image.id:\n image_comments.append(comment)\n return dict(image = real_image, form= form,comments=image_comments)\n \n \ndef testimage():\n\treturn db(db.image.title=="hellotest")\n\ndef user(): \n return dict(form=auth())\n\ndef delete():\n images = db().select(db.image.ALL)\n title = request.vars["title"].replace(\'*\',\' \')\n for image in images:\n if image.title == title:\n real_image = image\n if auth.is_logged_in():\n if auth.user.username == real_image.creator:\n query=(db.image.id==real_image.id)\n db(query).delete()\n redirect(URL(r=request, f=\'index\')) \n \n \ndef download():\n return response.download(request, db)\n\nresponse._vars=response._caller(index)\n' p6 sS'traceback' p7 S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 178, in restricted\n exec ccode in environment\n File "/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/applications/turtlesite/controllers/default.py", line 118, in \n File "/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 96, in \n self._caller = lambda f: f()\n File "/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/applications/turtlesite/controllers/default.py", line 17, in index\n for image in images:\n File "/home/jboisture/Desktop/web2py/applications/turtlesite/controllers/default.py", line 17, in index\n for image in images:\n File "/usr/lib/python2.6/bdb.py", line 46, in trace_dispatch\n return self.dispatch_line(frame)\n File "/usr/lib/python2.6/bdb.py", line 65, in dispatch_line\n if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit\nBdbQuit\n' p8 s.