# coding: utf8 { '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN', '%Y-%m-%d': '%Y.%m.%d.', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y.%m.%d. %H:%M:%S', '%s rows deleted': '%s sorok t\xc3\xb6rl\xc5\x91dtek', '%s rows updated': '%s sorok friss\xc3\xadt\xc5\x91dtek', 'Available databases and tables': 'El\xc3\xa9rhet\xc5\x91 adatb\xc3\xa1zisok \xc3\xa9s t\xc3\xa1bl\xc3\xa1k', 'Cannot be empty': 'Nem lehet \xc3\xbcres', 'Check to delete': 'T\xc3\xb6rl\xc3\xa9shez v\xc3\xa1laszd ki', 'Client IP': 'Client IP', 'Controller': 'Controller', 'Copyright': 'Copyright', 'Current request': 'Jelenlegi lek\xc3\xa9rdez\xc3\xa9s', 'Current response': 'Jelenlegi v\xc3\xa1lasz', 'Current session': 'Jelenlegi folyamat', 'DB Model': 'DB Model', 'Database': 'Adatb\xc3\xa1zis', 'Delete:': 'T\xc3\xb6r\xc3\xb6l:', 'Description': 'Description', 'E-mail': 'E-mail', 'Edit': 'Szerkeszt', 'Edit This App': 'Alkalmaz\xc3\xa1st szerkeszt', 'Edit current record': 'Aktu\xc3\xa1lis bejegyz\xc3\xa9s szerkeszt\xc3\xa9se', 'First name': 'First name', 'Group ID': 'Group ID', 'Hello World': 'Hello Vil\xc3\xa1g', 'Import/Export': 'Import/Export', 'Index': 'Index', 'Internal State': 'Internal State', 'Invalid Query': 'Hib\xc3\xa1s lek\xc3\xa9rdez\xc3\xa9s', 'Invalid email': 'Invalid email', 'Last name': 'Last name', 'Layout': 'Szerkezet', 'Main Menu': 'F\xc5\x91men\xc3\xbc', 'Menu Model': 'Men\xc3\xbc model', 'Name': 'Name', 'New Record': '\xc3\x9aj bejegyz\xc3\xa9s', 'No databases in this application': 'Nincs adatb\xc3\xa1zis ebben az alkalmaz\xc3\xa1sban', 'Origin': 'Origin', 'Password': 'Password', 'Powered by': 'Powered by', 'Query:': 'Lek\xc3\xa9rdez\xc3\xa9s:', 'Record ID': 'Record ID', 'Registration key': 'Registration key', 'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key', 'Role': 'Role', 'Rows in table': 'Sorok a t\xc3\xa1bl\xc3\xa1ban', 'Rows selected': 'Kiv\xc3\xa1lasztott sorok', 'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet', 'Sure you want to delete this object?': 'Biztos t\xc3\xb6rli ezt az objektumot?', 'Table name': 'Table name', 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.', 'Timestamp': 'Timestamp', 'Update:': 'Friss\xc3\xadt:', 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.', 'User ID': 'User ID', 'View': 'N\xc3\xa9zet', 'Welcome %s': 'Welcome %s', 'Welcome to web2py': 'Isten hozott a web2py-ban', 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'az appadmin a biztons\xc3\xa1gtalan csatorna miatt letiltva', 'cache': 'gyors\xc3\xadt\xc3\xb3t\xc3\xa1r', 'change password': 'jelsz\xc3\xb3 megv\xc3\xa1ltoztat\xc3\xa1sa', 'click here for online examples': 'online p\xc3\xa9ld\xc3\xa1k\xc3\xa9rt kattints ide', 'click here for the administrative interface': 'az adminisztr\xc3\xa1ci\xc3\xb3s fel\xc3\xbclet\xc3\xa9rt kattints ide', 'customize me!': 'v\xc3\xa1ltoztass meg!', 'data uploaded': 'adat felt\xc3\xb6ltve', 'database': 'adatb\xc3\xa1zis', 'database %s select': 'adatb\xc3\xa1zis %s kiv\xc3\xa1laszt\xc3\xa1s', 'db': 'db', 'design': 'design', 'done!': 'k\xc3\xa9sz!', 'edit profile': 'profil szerkeszt\xc3\xa9se', 'export as csv file': 'export\xc3\xa1l csv f\xc3\xa1jlba', 'insert new': '\xc3\xbaj beilleszt\xc3\xa9se', 'insert new %s': '\xc3\xbaj beilleszt\xc3\xa9se %s', 'invalid request': 'hib\xc3\xa1s k\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xa9s', 'login': 'bel\xc3\xa9p', 'logout': 'kil\xc3\xa9p', 'lost password': 'elveszett jelsz\xc3\xb3', 'new record inserted': '\xc3\xbaj bejegyz\xc3\xa9s felv\xc3\xa9ve', 'next 100 rows': 'k\xc3\xb6vetkez\xc5\x91 100 sor', 'or import from csv file': 'vagy bet\xc3\xb6lt\xc3\xa9s csv f\xc3\xa1jlb\xc3\xb3l', 'previous 100 rows': 'el\xc5\x91z\xc5\x91 100 sor', 'record': 'bejegyz\xc3\xa9s', 'record does not exist': 'bejegyz\xc3\xa9s nem l\xc3\xa9tezik', 'record id': 'bejegyz\xc3\xa9s id', 'register': 'regisztr\xc3\xa1ci\xc3\xb3', 'selected': 'kiv\xc3\xa1lasztott', 'state': '\xc3\xa1llapot', 'table': 't\xc3\xa1bla', 'unable to parse csv file': 'nem lehet a csv f\xc3\xa1jlt beolvasni', }