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path: root/pyonekeymouse/example-blackbackground-exp.py~
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyonekeymouse/example-blackbackground-exp.py~')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyonekeymouse/example-blackbackground-exp.py~ b/pyonekeymouse/example-blackbackground-exp.py~
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b2e775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyonekeymouse/example-blackbackground-exp.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+from pymouse import PyMouse
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import cairo
+DELAY = 9
+DELTA = 1
+class MyApp():
+ def __init__(self):
+ window = gtk.Window()
+ window.set_decorated(False)
+ screen = window.get_screen()
+ self.WIDTH = screen.get_width()
+ self.HEIGHT = screen.get_height()
+ window.set_default_size(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
+ #window.set_app_paintable(True)
+ self.DELTA_X = DELTA
+ self.DELTA_Y = DELTA
+ # Variable global que ira indicando el "indice" de pixel donde dibujar
+ # la linea vertical
+ self._x = 0
+ # Variable global que contendra el "indice" de pixel donde el usuario
+ # presiono alguna tecla para detenerlo. El valor inicial -1 indica que
+ # todavia no se ha presionado una tecla para la linea vertical
+ self._selected_x = -1
+ # Variable global que ira indicando el "indice" de pixel donde dibujar
+ # la linea horizontal
+ self._y = 0
+ # Variable global que contendra el "indice" de pixel donde el usuario
+ # presiono alguna tecla para detenerlo. El valor inicial -1 indica que
+ # todavia no se ha presionado una tecla para la linea horizontal
+ self._selected_y = -1
+ self.drawing_area = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.drawing_area.set_size_request(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
+ window.connect('destroy', self.destroy)
+ window.connect('screen-changed', self.screen_changed)
+ self.drawing_area.connect('configure_event', self.__configure_cb)
+ self.drawing_area.connect('expose-event', self.__expose_cb)
+ window.connect('key-press-event', self.__key_press_cb, self.drawing_area)
+ window.add(self.drawing_area)
+ self.screen_changed(window)
+ window.show_all()
+ gobject.timeout_add(DELAY, self.__move_vertical_line, self.drawing_area)
+ def destroy(self, window, data=None):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def screen_changed(self, widget, data=None):
+ # To check if the display supports alpha channels, get the colormap
+ screen = widget.get_screen()
+ colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap()
+ # Now we have a colormap appropriate for the screen, use it
+ widget.set_colormap(colormap)
+ return False
+ def __configure_cb(self, drawing_area, data=None):
+ x, y, width, height = drawing_area.get_allocation()
+ canvas = drawing_area.window
+ self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(canvas, width, height)
+ return True
+ def __expose_cb(self, drawing_area, data=None):
+ x, y, width, height = data.area
+ self.context = drawing_area.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ canvas = drawing_area.window
+ canvas.draw_drawable(self.context, self.pixmap, x, y, x, y, width, height)
+ return False
+ def __key_press_cb(self, window, event, drawing_area):
+ # Al presionar cualquier tecla, determinar la accion a tomar, de
+ # acuerdo al estado de las lineas.
+ if self._selected_x == -1:
+ self._selected_x = self._x
+ gobject.timeout_add(DELAY, self.__move_horizontal_line, drawing_area)
+ elif self._selected_y == -1:
+ self._selected_y = self._y
+ gobject.timeout_add(DELAY, self.draw_arc, window)
+ else:
+ self.restart_game(drawing_area, window)
+ def __move_vertical_line(self, drawing_area):
+ #Dibujar el fondo sobre el cual movemos las lineas, si aun no hemos
+ #presionado un boton para dejar la linea vertical en una coordenada dada
+ if self._selected_x < 0:
+ self.draw_background(drawing_area)
+ # Mover el indice x para que aparente movimiento
+ self._x += self.DELTA_X;
+ if self._x > self.WIDTH:
+ self.DELTA_X *= -1
+ elif self._x < 0:
+ self.DELTA_X *= -1
+ # Dibujar una linea vertical en la x correspondiente
+ self.draw_line(drawing_area, "VERTICAL", self._x)
+ # Si aun no se selecciono un indice para x, seguir permitiendo invocar
+ # al timer. Caso contrario, retornar False para evitar mas invocaciones
+ if self._selected_x < 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __move_horizontal_line(self, drawing_area):
+ #Dibujar el fondo sobre el cual movemos las lineas
+ self.draw_background(drawing_area)
+ # Como la linea vertical ya se detuvo para poder mover la linea
+ # horizontal, dibujar la linea vertical en la x seleccionada
+ self.draw_line(drawing_area, "VERTICAL", self._selected_x)
+ # Mover el indice y para que aparente movimiento
+ self._y += self.DELTA_Y;
+ if self._y > self.HEIGHT:
+ self.DELTA_Y *= -1
+ elif self._y < 0:
+ self.DELTA_Y *= -1
+ # Dibujar una linea horizontal en la y correspondiente
+ self.draw_line(drawing_area, "HORIZONTAL", self._y)
+ # Si aun no se selecciono un indice para y, seguir permitiendo invocar
+ # al timer. Caso contrario, retornar False para evitar mas invocaciones
+ if self._selected_y < 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def draw_background(self, drawing_area):
+ #Utilizado para dibujar objetos en el pixmap
+ cr = self.pixmap.cairo_create()
+ cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0)
+ cr.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
+ cr.paint()
+ #drawing_area.queue_draw()
+ def draw_line(self, drawing_area, orientation, line_index):
+ #Utilizado para dibujar objetos en el pixmap
+ cr = self.pixmap.cairo_create()
+ # Dibujar una linea que ocupe toda la pantalla y sea de
+ # color blanco para contrastarlo con la diana
+ cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ if orientation == "VERTICAL":
+ rectangle = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(line_index, 0, 1, self.HEIGHT)
+ else:
+ rectangle = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, line_index, self.WIDTH, 1)
+ rectangle = cr.rectangle(rectangle)
+ drawing_area.queue_draw()
+ cr.fill()
+ def draw_arc(self, window):
+ #self.drawing_area.window.draw_arc(self.context, False, self._x, self._y, 70, 70, 0, 360*64)
+ m = PyMouse()
+ m.move(self._x, self._y)
+ m.click(self._x, self._y, 1)
+ window.set_keep_below(True)
+ def restart_game(self, drawing_area, window):
+ window.set_keep_above(True)
+ self._x = self._y = 0
+ self._selected_x = self._selected_y = -1
+ gobject.timeout_add(DELAY, self.__move_vertical_line, drawing_area)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ my_app = MyApp()
+ gtk.main()