#!/bin/bash ## ## usr.sh ## ## Made by David Farning ## Login ## ## Started on Wed Dec 23 17:25:39 2009 David Farning ## Last update Sat Jan 16 05:04:46 2010 David Farning ## set -eu function check_if_user_is_root() { if [ $UID != 0 ]; then echo "You need root privileges" exit 2 fi } function unmount_directory() { DIR_TO_UNMOUNT="$1" if mountpoint -q ${DIR_TO_UNMOUNT}; then #FIXME should be able to detect in tmp is mounted echo "Unmounting directory ${DIR_TO_UNMOUNT}..." umount -l ${DIR_TO_UNMOUNT} || failure "Cannot unmount directory ${DIR_TO_UNMOUNT}, error=$?" fi } function unmount_pseudofilesystems() { if [ -n ${REMASTER_DIR} ]; then unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/tmp unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/lib/modules/*/volatile unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/proc unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/sys unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/dev/pts unmount_directory ${REMASTER_DIR}/var/run fi } function unmount_loopfilesystems() { if [ -n ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} ]; then unmount_directory ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} fi if [ -n ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} ]; then unmount_directory ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} fi } function unmount_all() { unmount_pseudofilesystems unmount_loopfilesystems } function failure() { unmount_all echo "$@" exit 2 } function script_cancelled_by_user() { failure "Script cancelled by user" } function remove_directory() { DIR_TO_REMOVE="$1" if [ ${DIR_TO_REMOVE} = "/" ]; then failure "Trying to remove root directory" fi rm -rf ${DIR_TO_REMOVE} } function unpack_initrd() { remove_remaster_initrd mkdir -p ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR} || failure "Cannot create directory ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR}" if [ -e ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/initrd.lz ]; then INITRD_FILE=${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/initrd.lz else failure "Can't find initrd.lz file" fi echo "Unpacking initrd image..." pushd ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR} || failure "Failed to change directory to ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR}, error=$?" lzma -dcq -S .lz ${INITRD_FILE} | cpio -imvd --no-absolute-filenames #cat ${INITRD_FILE} | gzip -d | cpio -i FIXME RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then failure "Failed to unpack ${INITRD_FILE} to ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR}, error=$RESULT" fi popd } function pack_initrd() { echo "Packing initrd image..." pushd ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR} || failure "Failed to change directory to ${INITRD_REMASTER_DIR}, error=$?" find | cpio -H newc -o | lzma -7 > ${REMASTER_HOME}/initrd.lz #find | cpio -H newc -o | gzip >${REMASTER_HOME}/initrd.lz RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then rm ${REMASTER_HOME}/initrd.lz failure "Failed to compress initird image $INITRD_REMASTER_DIR to ${REMASTER_HOME}/initrd.lz, error=$RESULT" fi popd if [ -e ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper ]; then INITRD_FILE=${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/initrd.gz else failure "Can't find where to copy the initrd.gz file" fi mv ${REMASTER_HOME}/initrd.lz ${INITRD_FILE} || failure "Failed to move ${NEW_FILES_DIR}/initrd.lz to ${INITRD_FILE}, error=$?" } function mount_iso() { echo "Mounting ISO image..." mkdir -p ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} || failure "Cannot create directory ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" mount ${ISO_IMAGE} ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} -o loop || failure "Cannot mount ${ISO_IMAGE} in ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" } function unmount_iso() { if [ -e ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} ] ; then echo "Unmounting ISO image..." umount ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} || echo "Failed to unmount ISO mount directory ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" rmdir ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} || echo "Failed to remove ISO mount directory ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} error=$?" fi } function unpack_iso() { echo "Unpacking ISO image..." cp -a ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR} || failure "Failed to unpack ISO from ${ISO_MOUNT_DIR} to ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}" #can't trap errors with diff because of its return codes, #we pass the diff's output to cut cause we strip the version number if [ -e ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest ]; then diff --unchanged-group-format='' ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/manifest.diff fi } function mount_squashfs() { echo "Mounting SquashFS image..." mkdir -p ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} || failure "Cannot create directory ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" mount -t squashfs ${SQUASHFS_IMAGE} ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} -o loop || failure "Cannot mount ${SQUASHFS_IMAGE} in ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" } function unmount_squashfs() { if [ -e ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} ] ; then echo "Unmounting SquashFS image..." umount ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} || echo "Failed to unmount SquashFS mount directory ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" rmdir ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} || echo "Failed to remove SquashFS mount directory ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR}, error=$?" fi } function unpack_rootfs() { echo "Unpacking SquashFS image..." cp -a ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} ${REMASTER_DIR} || failure "Cannot copy files from ${SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR} to ${REMASTER_DIR}, error=$?" } function remove_remaster_dir() { if [ -e "$REMASTER_DIR" ] ; then unmount_pseudofilesystems echo "Removing remastering root dir..." remove_directory "$REMASTER_DIR" fi } function prepare_new_files_directories() { echo "Preparing directory for new files" if [ -e ${NEW_FILES_DIR} ]; then remove_directory ${NEW_FILES_DIR} || failure "Failed to remove directory ${NEW_FILES_DIR}" fi mkdir -p ${NEW_FILES_DIR} } function prepare_rootfs_for_chroot() { mount -t proc proc "$REMASTER_DIR/proc" || echo "Failed to mount $REMASTER_DIR/proc, error=$?" mount -t sysfs sysfs "$REMASTER_DIR/sys" || echo "Failed to mount $REMASTER_DIR/sys, error=$?" mount -t devpts none "$REMASTER_DIR/dev/pts" || failure "Failed to mount $REMASTER_DIR/dev/pts, error=$?" mount -o bind /var/run "$REMASTER_DIR/var/run" #mount -o bind /tmp "$REMASTER_DIR/tmp" FIXME do we need temp #create backup of root directory chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" cp -a /root /root.saved || failure "Failed to create backup of /root directory, error=$?" # if [ -e $REMASTER_HOME/customization-scripts ]; then # echo "Copying customization scripts..." # cp -a "$REMASTER_HOME/customization-scripts" "$REMASTER_DIR/tmp" || failure "Cannot copy files from $CUSTOMIZE_DIR to $REMASTER_CUSTOMIZE_DIR, error=$?" # fi echo "Copying resolv.conf..." cp -f /etc/resolv.conf "$REMASTER_DIR/etc/resolv.conf" || failure "Failed to copy resolv.conf to image directory, error=$?" echo "Copying local apt cache, if available" if [ -e "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR" ]; then mv "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/" "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original" || failure "Cannot move $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/ to $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original, error=$?" mv "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR" "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt" || failure "Cannot copy apt cache dir $APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR to $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/, error=$?" else cp -a "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/" "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original" || failure "Cannot copy $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/ to $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original, error=$?" fi echo "Creating DBUS uuid" chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" dbus-uuidgen --ensure 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -e "$REMASTER_HOME/customization-scripts/Xcookie" ] ; then UCK_USER_HOME_DIR=`xauth info|grep 'Authority file'| sed "s/[ \t]//g" | sed "s/\/\.Xauthority//" | cut -d ':' -f2` if [ `echo $UCK_USER_HOME_DIR | cut -d '/' -f2` == 'home' ] ; then echo "Creating user directory..." chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" mkdir -p "$UCK_USER_HOME_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Copying X authorization file to chroot filesystem..." cat "$REMASTER_HOME/customization-scripts/Xcookie" | chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" xauth -f /root/.Xauthority merge - || failure "Failed to merge X authorization file, error=$?" cat "$REMASTER_HOME/customization-scripts/Xcookie" | chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" xauth merge - || failure "Failed to merge X authorization file in user directory, error=$?" fi fi } function chroot_rootfs() { cp -f ${WHAT_TO_EXTECUTE} ${REMASTER_DIR}/chroot.sh chroot ${REMASTER_DIR} /chroot.sh chroot ${REMASTER_DIR} /bin/bash } function clean_rootfs_after_chroot() { unmount_pseudofilesystems save_apt_cache echo "Cleaning up apt" chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" apt-get clean || failure "Failed to run apt-get clean, error=$?" # echo "Removing customize dir..." # #Run in chroot to be on safe side # chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" rm -rf "$REMASTER_CUSTOMIZE_RELATIVE_DIR" || failure "Cannot remove customize dir $REMASTER_CUSTOMIZE_RELATIVE_DIR, error=$?" echo "Cleaning up temporary directories..." #Run in chroot to be on safe side chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" rm -rf '/tmp/*' '/tmp/.*' '/var/tmp/*' '/var/tmp/.*' #2>/dev/null echo "Restoring /root directory..." chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" rm -rf /root || failure "Cannot remove /root directory, error=$?" chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" mv /root.saved /root echo "Removing /home/username directory, if created..." UCK_USER_HOME_DIR=`xauth info|grep 'Authority file'| sed "s/[ \t]//g" | sed "s/\/\.Xauthority//" | cut -d ':' -f2` if [ `echo $UCK_USER_HOME_DIR | cut -d '/' -f2` == 'home' ] ; then chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" rm -rf "$UCK_USER_HOME_DIR" || failure "Cannot create user directory, error=$?" fi chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" rm -rf /var/lib/dbus/machine-id # 2>/dev/null echo "Restoring resolv.conf..." rm -f "$REMASTER_DIR/etc/resolv.conf" || failure "Failed to remove resolv.conf, error=$?" } function save_apt_cache() { echo "Saving apt cache" if [ -e "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR" ]; then mv -f "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR" "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR.old" || failure "Cannot save old apt-cache $APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR to $APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR.old, error=$?" fi mv "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/" "$APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR" || failure "Cannot move current apt-cache $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt/ to $APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR, error=$?" mv "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original" "$REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt" || failure "Cannot restore original apt-cache $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt.original to $REMASTER_DIR/var/cache/apt, error=$?" } function pack_rootfs() { echo "Updating files lists..." chroot "$REMASTER_DIR" dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n' > "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.manifest" || failure "Cannot update filesystem.manifest, error=$?" cp ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop sed -i '/ubiquity/d' ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop sed -i '/casper/d' ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop echo "Packing SquashFS image..." if [ -e "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.squashfs" ]; then rm -f "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.squashfs" || failure "Cannot remove $ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.squashfs to make room for created squashfs image, error=$?" fi EXTRA_OPTS="" # if [ -e "$CUSTOMIZE_DIR/rootfs.sort" ] ; then # #FIXME: space not allowed in $CUSTOMIZE_DIR # EXTRA_OPTS="-sort $CUSTOMIZE_DIR/rootfs.sort" # fi mksquashfs "$REMASTER_DIR" "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.squashfs" $EXTRA_OPTS || failure "Failed to create squashfs image to $ISO_REMASTER_DIR/casper/filesystem.squashfs, error=$?" } function pack_iso() { if [ ! -e ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR} ]; then failure "ISO remastering directory does not exists" fi #skip boot.cat, isolinux.bin, md5sums.txt #mismatches are for those files, because they are generated by mkisofs or by generating MD5 sums: EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5="./isolinux/isolinux.bin ./isolinux/boot.cat ./md5sum.txt ./manifest.diff" EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5_EXPRESSION=$(echo $EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5 | tr ' ' '|') EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5_EXPRESSION="($EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5_EXPRESSION)" echo "Updating md5sums..." pushd ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR} find . -type f -print0 | grep --null-data -v -E "$EXCLUDED_FROM_MD5_EXPRESSION" | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum.txt popd echo "Packing ISO image..." LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION="Remastered Ubuntu LiveCD" if [ -e ${CUSTOMIZE_DIR}/iso_description ] ; then LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION=`cat ${CUSTOMIZE_DIR}/iso_description` fi echo "ISO description set to: ${LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION}" MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="" if [ -e ${CUSTOMIZE_DIR}/mkisofs_extra_options ] ; then MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS=`cat ${CUSTOMIZE_DIR}/mkisofs_extra_options` fi if [ "$1" = "ppc" ]; then mkisofs -o "$NEW_FILES_DIR/$NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME" \ -p "Ubuntu Customization Kit - http://uck.sf.net" \ -probe -map "$UCK_LIBRARIES_DIR/hfs.map" -chrp-boot -iso-level 2 \ -part -no-desktop -r --netatalk -hfs \ -hfs-bless "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR/install" \ -x "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR"/casper/manifest.diff \ -V "$LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION" \ $MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS \ "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" elif [ "$1" = "x86_64" ]; then mkisofs -o "$NEW_FILES_DIR/$NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME" \ -b "isolinux/isolinux.bin" -c "isolinux/boot.cat" \ -p "Ubuntu Customization Kit - http://uck.sf.net" \ -no-emul-boot -V "$LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION" -r -J -l \ -x "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR"/casper/manifest.diff \ $MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS \ "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" elif [ "$1" = "ia64" ]; then mkisofs -o "$NEW_FILES_DIR/$NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME" \ -b "isolinux/isolinux.bin" -c "isolinux/boot.cat" \ -no-emul-boot -V "$LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION" -J -r \ -x "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR"/casper/manifest.diff \ $MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS \ "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" else mkisofs -o "$NEW_FILES_DIR/$NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME" \ -b "isolinux/isolinux.bin" -c "isolinux/boot.cat" \ -p "Ubuntu Customization Kit - http://uck.sf.net" \ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \ -V "$LIVECD_ISO_DESCRIPTION" -cache-inodes -r -J -l \ -x "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR"/casper/manifest.diff \ $MKISOFS_EXTRA_OPTIONS \ "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" fi RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then failure "Failed to pack ISO image, error=${RESULT}" fi } function generate_md5_for_new_iso() { echo "Generating md5sum for newly created ISO..." cd ${NEW_FILES_DIR} md5sum ${NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME} > ${NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME}.md5 } function remove_iso_remaster_dir() { if [ -e "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" ] ; then echo "Removing ISO remastering dir..." remove_directory "$ISO_REMASTER_DIR" || failure "Failed to remove directory $ISO_REMASTER_DIR, error=$?" fi } function remove_remaster_dir() { if [ -e "$REMASTER_DIR" ] ; then unmount_pseudofilesystems echo "Removing remastering root dir..." remove_directory "$REMASTER_DIR" fi } function remove_remaster_initrd() { if [ -e "$INITRD_REMASTER_DIR" ]; then echo "Removing initrd remastering dir..." remove_directory "$INITRD_REMASTER_DIR" fi } export LANG=C check_if_user_is_root trap unmount_all EXIT trap script_cancelled_by_user SIGINT REMASTER_HOME=/home/dfarning/usr ISO_IMAGE=lucid-netbook-i386.iso ############# # unpacking # ############# ISO_REMASTER_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_iso ISO_MOUNT_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/iso_mount mount_iso unpack_iso unmount_iso #FIXME initrd should come before rootfs REMASTER_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_root SQUASHFS_MOUNT_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/squashfs_mount SQUASHFS_IMAGE=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs remove_remaster_dir mount_squashfs unpack_rootfs unmount_squashfs INITRD_REMASTER_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_initrd unpack_initrd ############### # customizing # ############### WHAT_TO_EXTECUTE=/home/dfarning/usr/bin/usr-chroot.sh APT_CACHE_SAVE_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_apt_cache prepare_rootfs_for_chroot chroot_rootfs CHROOT_EXIT_CODE=$? clean_rootfs_after_chroot ## create text.cfg ## cat << EOF > ${ISO_REMASTER_DIR}/isolinux/text.cfg default live label live menu label ^Try Ubuntu Sugar Remix without any change to your computer kernel /casper/vmlinuz append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-netbook.seed boot=casper apparmor=0 initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- label live-install menu label ^Install Ubuntu Sugar Remix kernel /casper/vmlinuz append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-netbook.seed boot=casper apparmor=0 only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- EOF ########### # packing # ########### pack_initrd pack_rootfs NEW_ISO_FILE_NAME=ubuntu-sugar-remix.iso NEW_FILES_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/remaster_new_files CUSTOMIZE_DIR=${REMASTER_HOME}/customization_scripts ARCH=x86 prepare_new_files_directories pack_iso ${ARCH} generate_md5_for_new_iso ############# # finishing # ############# remove_remaster_initrd remove_remaster_dir remove_iso_remaster_dir